Book (in Turkish):
Bilgisayar Uygulamalarıyla Sayısal İşaret İşleme, Ahmet H. Kayran
ve Ender M. Ekşioğlu
, Birsen Yayınevi,
Book Chapter (in Turkish):
Yapay Zeka
Mühendisliği Cilt 1. Temel Teknik Konular,
Bölüm 14:
Yapay Zekada Olasılık Teorisi ve Stokastik Süreçler.
Ahmet H. Kayran, Ender M. Ekşioğlu,
Hasan H. Karaoğlu, Papatya
Bilim Yayınevi, 2024.
Published Journal Papers:
24. A. Aghabiglou, D.A. Ekinci, E.M. Eksioglu, B.U. Toreyin, " MR image reconstruction using iterative up and downsampling network”, Expert Systems with Applications,
Volume 237, Part C, March 2024. [pdf] (
23. H.H. Karaoglu, E.M. Eksioglu, "DCTNet: deep shrinkage denoising
via DCT filterbanks”, Signal, Image and Video
Processing, vol. 17, October 2023. [pdf] (
22. A. Turker, E.M. Eksioglu, "3D
convolutional long short-term encoder-decoder network for moving object
segmentation”, Computer Science and Information Systems, vol. 21, issue 1,
363-378, 2024. [pdf] (github page)
21. V. Acar, E.M. Eksioglu, "Densely Connected Dilated Residual Network
for Image Denoising: DDR-Net”, Neural Processing
Letters, 2022. [pdf] (
20. A. Aghabiglou, E.M. Eksioglu,
"Deep unfolding architecture for MRI reconstruction enhanced by adaptive
noise maps", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 78, 2022. [pdf] (
19. O. Colak, E.M. Eksioglu,
“On the fly image denoising using patch ordering”,
Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 190, March 2022. [pdf] (https:/
18. A. Aghabiglou, E.M. Eksioglu,
"MR image reconstruction using densely connected residual convolutional
networks", Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 139, 2021. [pdf] (
17. A. Aghabiglou, E.M. Eksioglu,
"Projection-Based cascaded U-Net model for MR
image reconstruction", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol.
207, August 2021. [pdf] (https:/,
(github page)
16. O.A. Topal,
S. Gecgel, E.M. Eksioglu,
G. Karabulut Kurt, “Identification of smart jammers:
Learning-based approaches using wavelet preprocessing”, Physical Communication,
vol. 39, April 2020. [pdf] (
15. O. Colak,
E.M. Eksioglu, “Image Denoising
using Patch Ordering and 3D Transformation of Patches”, IET Image Processing,
vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 2636-2646, November 2019. [pdf] (
14. E.M. Eksioglu,
A. K. Tanc, “Denoising AMP
for MRI Reconstruction: BM3D-AMP-MRI”, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol.
11, no. 3, pp. 2090-2109, September 2018. [pdf] (project page) (github)
13. E.M. Eksioglu,
“Decoupled Algorithm for MRI Reconstruction Using Nonlocal Block Matching
Model: BM3D-MRI”, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 56, no. 3,
pp. 430-440, November 2016. [pdf] (project
12. A. K. Tanc,
E. M. Eksioglu, “MRI reconstruction with joint global
regularization and transform learning”, Computerized Medical Imaging and
Graphics, vol. 53, pp. 1-8, October 2016. [pdf]
11. E.M. Eksioglu
and Ozden Bayir, “K-SVD
meets Transform Learning: Transform K-SVD”, IEEE
Signal Processing Letters, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 347-351, March 2014. [pdf] (project page)
10. E.M. Eksioglu, “Group Sparse RLS Algorithms”, International Journal of Adaptive Control
and Signal Processing, vol.28, no.12, 1398–1412, Dec. 2014. [pdf] (project page)
9. E.M. Eksioglu, “Online Dictionary Learning Algorithm with
Periodic Updates and its Application to Image Denoising”,
Expert Systems with Applications, vol.
41, no. 8, 3682–3690, June 2014. [pdf]
8. P.G. Bakir, E.M. Eksioglu and S. Alkan, “Reliability Analysis of the Complex Mode Indicator
Function and Hilbert Transform Techniques for Operational Modal Analysis”, Expert Systems with Applications, vol.
39, no. 18, 13289–13294, Dec. 2012.
7. P.G. Bakir, E.M. Eksioglu and S. Alkan, “System Identification of a Reinforced Concrete
Building Using the Complex Mode Indicator Function and the Hilbert Transform
Techniques”, Journal of Testing and
Evaluation, vol. 40, no. 3, pp.427-434, May 2012.
6. E.M. Eksioglu
and A.K. Tanc, “RLS Algorithm with Convex Regularization”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 470-473, Aug.
2011. [pdf] (project page)
5. E.M. Eksioglu, “Sparsity Regularized RLS Adaptive Filtering”, IET Signal Processing Journal, vol. 5, no. 5, pp.
480-487, Aug. 2011. [pdf]
4. P.G. Bakir, S. Alkan, E.M. Eksioglu, “A Comparative Study on the Subspace Based System
Identification Techniques Applied on Civil Engineering Structures”, Smart Structures and Systems, vol. 7,
no. 2, pp. 153-167, Feb. 2011.
3. E.M. Ekşioğlu
and A.H. Kayran, “Volterra Kernel Estimation for Nonlinear Communication Channels
Using Deterministic Sequences”, AEU-International
Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 59, no.2, 118-127, 2005. [pdf]
2. A.H. Kayran and E.M. Ekşioğlu,
System Identification Using Deterministic Multilevel Sequences”, Circuits,
Systems and Signal Processing, vol.
24, no. 2, 151–181, 2005. [pdf]
1. A.H. Kayran and E. Ekşioğlu,
“2D FIR Wiener Filter Realization Using Orthogonal Lattice Structures”, Electronics Letters, vol. 36, No.12, pp.
1078-1079, June 2000. [pdf]
International Conference
19. A. Turker and E. M. Eksioglu,
"A Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network for Moving Object
Segmentation," 2022 International Conference on INnovations
in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA),
2022, pp. 1-6. (
18. H.
H. Karaoglu and E. M. Eksioglu,
"A Plug-and-Play Deep Denoiser Prior Model for
Accelerated MRI Reconstruction," 2022 45th International Conference on
Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), 2022, pp. 260-263. (
17. A. Aghabiglou and E. M. Eksioglu,
"Densely connected wavelet-based autoencoder for
MR image reconstruction," 2022 45th International Conference on
Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), 2022, pp. 212-215. (
16. V. Acar and E.M. Eksioglu. “Scale
Input Adapted Attention for Image Denoising Using a
Densely Connected U-Net: SADE-Net”, Computational
Collective Intelligence, ICCCI 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12876, Springer, 2021. (
15. A. Aghabiglou and E.M. Eksioglu. “MR
Image Reconstruction Based on Densely Connected Residual Generative Adversarial
Network–DCR-GAN”, Advances in
Computational Collective Intelligence, ICCCI 2021, Communications in
Computer and Information Science, vol 1463. Springer,
2021. (
14. S. Ç. Yetiş et al.,
“Myelin Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy Images”, 2019 Medical Technologies
Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2019, pp. 1-4, 2019. (
13. D. Kocanaogullari
and E.M. Eksioglu, “Deep Learning For
MRI Reconstruction Using A Novel Projection Based Cascaded Network”, IEEE 29th International Workshop on Machine
Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP 2019, Oct. 13–16, pp. 1-6, 2019. (
12. A.K. Tanc
and E.M. Eksioglu, “MRI Reconstruction with Analysis
Sparse Regularization under Impulsive Noise”, 24th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2016, Aug.
29–Sep. 2, pp. 538-541, 2016. [pdf]
11. A.K. Tanc
and E.M. Eksioglu, “Transform Learning MRI with
Global Wavelet Regularization”, 23rd
European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2015, Aug. 31–Sep. 4,
pp.1900-1904, 2015. [pdf] [presentation]
10. E.M. Eksioglu
and Ozden Bayir, “Overcomplete Sparsifying
Transform Learning Algorithm using a Constrained Least Squares Approach”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2014, May 04-09, 2014. [pdf] [poster]
9. E.M. Eksioglu, “Dictionary Learning for Block-Sparse Signals”, Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse
Structured Representations, SPARS 2013, July 8-11 2013. [poster]
8. E.M. Eksioglu, “A Clustering Based Framework for Dictionary
Block Structure Identification”, IEEE
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP
2011, pp.4044-4047, May 22-27, 2011. [pdf] [poster]
7. A.H. Kayran, E. Camcioglu, E.M. Eksioglu, A.K. Tanc and S. Seker, “Generalized 2D Lattice Structure for Causal and Noncausal Modeling of Random Fields”, Proc. 44th IEEE ISCAS, pp. 1756-1759, May 14-18, 2011.
6. E.M. Eksioglu, A.K. Tanc and A.H. Kayran, “A Compressive Sensing Framework for Multirate Signal Estimation”, ISSPA 2010, pp. 716-719, May 10-13, 2010, Malaysia. [pdf] [presentation]
5. E.M. Eksioglu, “RLS Adaptive Filtering with Sparsity
Regularization”, ISSPA 2010, pp.
550-553, May 10-13, 2010, Malaysia. [pdf] [presentation]
4. P.G. Bakir, S. Alkan and E.M. Eksioglu, “Evaluation of System Identification Techniques
for Damage Identification in Civil Structures”, 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE 2010),
30.08-03.09 2010.
3. A.K. Tanc, E.M. Ekşioğlu and
A.H. Kayran, “Adaptive Multirate
Signal Estimation with Lattice Orthogonalization”, IEEE International Conference on
Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, ICECS 2009, pp.117-119, Dec. 13-16,
2. E.M. Ekşioğlu and A.H. Kayran,
“Lattice-Ladder Structure for 2D ARMA Filters”, IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP
2005, pp. IV 101-104, March 18-23, 2005. [pdf] [presentation]
1. E.M. Ekşioğlu and A.H. Kayran,
“Nonlinear System Identification Using Deterministic Multilevel Sequences”, 14th International Conference on Digital
Signal Processing (DSP2002), vol.2, pp. 947–950, July 1-3, 2002. [presentation]
National Conference Papers :
9. Emin Cihangir
Us, Ender Mete Ekşioğlu, "Deep Low
Light Image Enhancement via Self Supervised Curve Estimation Method", 3rd
International Graduate Research Symposium (IGRS 2024), Istanbul Technical
University, Istanbul, 2024.
8. Özlem Alpergün
Tanas, Ender Mete Ekşioğlu,
"Detection of Heat Haze with DIC Measurements", 3rd International
Graduate Research Symposium (IGRS 2024), Istanbul Technical University,
Istanbul, 2024.
7. Atakan Özkan,
Ender Mete Ekşioğlu, "Classification
and Segmentation of Colon Nuclei Images Using Machine Learning", 3rd
International Graduate Research Symposium (IGRS 2024), Istanbul Technical
University, Istanbul, 2024.
6. M. Umut Bahçeci,
Ender Mete Ekşioğlu, "Two
Plug-and-Play Priors-based Compressive Sensing Reconstruction for Single-pixel
Imaging with Few Snapshots", 2nd International Graduate Research Symposium
(IGRS 2023), Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 2023.
5. Dursun Ali Ekinci, Reyhan Kevser Keser, Ender Mete Ekşioğlu, Behçet Uğur Töreyin,
"Compression of Image Super-Resolution Networks via
Self-Distillation", 1st International Graduate Research Symposium (IGRS
2022), Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 2022.
4. Ö. Bayır and E. M. Ekşioğlu, "Analiz Seyreklik Tabanlı Görüntü Çözünürlügü Yükseltme (Analysis sparsity based single image superresolution)," 24. Sinyal
İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları
(SİU) Kurultayı (24th Signal Processing and
Communication Application Conference), Zonguldak,
2016, pp. 977-980. doi: 10.1109/SIU.2016.7495905 [pdf]
3. A. Yeşiloğlu and
E. M. Ekşioğlu, "Seyrek
İşaret İşlemede
Sınıflandırma Uygulamaları
ve Çekirdek Tabanlı Yaklaşımlar
(Classification applications of sparse signal processing and kernel based
methods)", 24. Sinyal İşleme
ve İletişim Uygulamaları (SİU) Kurultayı
(24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference), Zonguldak, 2016, pp. 1157-1160. doi:
10.1109/SIU.2016.7495950 [pdf]
2. E.M. Ekşioğlu ve A.H. Kayran, “Gerekirci Diziler Kullanarak Doğrusal Olmayan Sistem Tanılama”, 10. Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları (SİU) Kurultayı
Bildiriler kitabı,
291-296, Pamukkale, Haziran,
1. E.M. Ekşioğlu ve A.H. Kayran, “2-Boyutlu Dik Kafes Süzgeç Yapısı
Kullanılarak Uyarlamalı
Volterra Süzgeci Gerçekleştirilmesi”, URSI-Türkiye 2002 Birinci
Ulusal Kongresi bildiriler kitabı,
206-209, İTÜ, İstanbul, Eylül, 2002.
Published Journal Papers
1. E.M. Ekşioğlu
and A.H. Kayran, “Adaptive
Volterra Filtering Using Complete Lattice Orthogonalization”, Turkish
Journal of Telecommunications, vol.1 no. 2, 101-105, 2002