Journal Papers

Conference and Workshop Papers

  • Fatemeh Azmandian, Ayse Yilmazer, Jennifer Dy, Javed Aslam, and David Kaeli, "GPU-Accelerated Local Kernel Density Ratio-Based Future Selection for Outlier Detection", IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) , December 2012.

  • James Goodman, David Kaeli, Dana Schaa, Ayse Yilmazer, "Accelerating a Hyperspectral Inversion Model for Submerged Marine Ecosystems using High Performance Computing on Graphical Processor Units", Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI. Edited by Sylvia S. Shen, Paul E. Lewis. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7695, pp. 76950G-76950G-8, 2010.


  • System and Method for Cache Replacement, with Resit Sendag and Augustus K. Uht, US Patent #7,721,048, issued in May 2010. Assignee: URI.

  • Method and Apparatus for Regulating Processing Core Load Imbalance, with M. S. Orr, S. Che, B. M. Beckmann, US Patent #9,678,806, issued in June 2017. Assignee: AMD.

  • Processor and Methods for Remote Scoped Synchronization, with M. S. Orr, S. Che, B. M. Beckmann, M. D. Hill, D. A. Wood, US Patent #9,804,883, issued in October 2017. Assignee: AMD.