“An Application of DCC on Railways” ; IEEE Trans. on IECI Aug. pp 141, 1980
“An Application of DCC on Traffic Control” ; IFAC Workshop on Computer Aided Design and Development Policies 1982
“Reliability Analysis of Distributed Computer Control Systems”; 1. National Auto. Cont. Sym. 1982
“Modification of a Classical Tool to CNC”; 1. Matimaren Kong. 1984
“TEZDİL (a programming language for CNC)”; 5. Bilişim Conf. 1984
“Adaptive Controller With Microcomputer”; IFAC 7. Conf. on Digital Computer. Appl. to Process Control, pp 463 Vien 1985
“A CNC Application With 8-bit Microcomputer”; IFAC 7. Conf. on Digital Computer. Appl. to Process Control, pp 303 Vien 1985
“A Language for CNC”; IFAC Symp. on Microcomputer Appl. in Process Control, pp A-5.101 İstanbul 1986
“Pantograph With Microcomputer”; IFAC Symp. on Microcomputer Appl. in Process Control, pp A-5.100 İstanbul 1986
“Bar-Code and Computer Aided Production”; 5. National Auto. Cont. Sym. 1988
“Security, Time attendance and Stock application of Bar-Code”; 5. National Auto. Cont. Sym. 1988
“Measuring of Magnetic Field of Ship and Compensation”; AIM 89 Australian Instrumentation and Measurement Conf. Nov 14-16 Adelaide, South Australia 1989
“Measurement and Compensation of Ship Magnetic Fields”; Low Cost Automation 89 IFAC, Nov 8-10 Milan Italy 1989
“Expert Systems Solution for Manufacturing Systems” ; The First Turkish Semposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Sakarya 1996
“Direct Decomposed Rule Base Fuzzy Logic Systems” ; 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing System IMS’98, Vol. I, No: 95, Sakarya 1998 [with Ghaleb Maabreh]
“Composer Design For EDI” ; 2nd International Symposium on Inelligent Manufacturing System IMS’98, Vol. II, No: 153, Sakarya 1998, [with Aysun Yılmaz]
“İki Boyutlu Şekillerin Köşe Noktalarının Bulunması Üzerine Bir Algoritma”; TAINN 2001, 10th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
” Algorithms for Part Nesting and Scene Analysis”;IMS’2001: Visions for the Future, 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Sakarya 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
” A New Algorithm To Find The Relationship Of Objects Existing In Two Dimensional Scene”; ISCIS XVI International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Antalya. 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
” Part Nesting via Contour Matching”; ISCIS XVI International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Antalya. 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
” A new Algorithm for two Dimensional Scene Analysis”; Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Academic Press), 2001, [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
” Vision Based Part Nesting via Contour Matching”; Image and Vision Computing (Elsevier) 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
“Kişisel Bilgilerin Korunması”; Bilişim ve Internet Teknolojilerinin Ceza Hukuku Açısından Doğurduğu Yeni Sorunlar Sempozyumu, Bursa 24 Mayıs 2001
“Internet Suçları”; Bilişim ve Internet Teknolojilerinin Ceza Hukuku Açısından Doğurduğu Yeni Sorunlar Sempozyumu, Bursa , 24 Mayıs 2001
“Veri Madenciliğinde Hızlı K-Means Algoritması ”; Bilişim Kurultayı, 3-6 Eylül 2002 [with Cüneyd Tantuğ]
“Xml İle Elektronik Veri Değişimi”; Bilişim Kurultayı, 3-6 Eylül 2002 [with Çağıl Tademir, Ahmet Topuzlu]
“Sentetik Türkçe Sözcük Kökleri Üretimi “; Proceedings of the International 12. Turkish Symposium on AI and Neural Networks, Çanakkale, Turkiye. 2003 [with Cebiroglu G., Tantuğ C., Erenler Y]
“Synthetic Turkish Word Root Generation”, Proceedings of the Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, TAINN 2003, Canakkale,Turkey [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu , Cüneyd Tantuğ]
“Experimental Study of a Similarity Measure for Two Dimensional Sequences “; Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific International Symposium on Information Technology / Istanbul Turkey 2004 [with Şule Gündüz]
“An Affıx Stripping Morphological Analyzer For Turkish”; Turkish, Proceedings of the IASTED Int. Conf. on AI and App. Innsbruck, Austria. 2004 [ with Gülşen Cebiroglu]
“An Affıx Stripping Morphological Analyzer For Turkish, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria. 2004 [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
“Performance Analysis of Näive Bayes Classification , Support Vector Machines and Neural Networks For Spam Categorization”, Proceedings of 9th Online World Conference On Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, 2004 [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
“Probabilistic Turkish Word Root Generation”, Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific International Symposium on Information Technology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004 [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
“Generating Java Class Skeleton Using A Natural Language Interface”, NLUCS – 2004, In conjunction with International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) 2004, pp. 126-134, Portugal, [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
“Combining Classifier Output by Assigning Degree of Confidence“; Proceedings of Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems, Cairo, Egypt pp 506-511 2005 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
“Yaramaz e-Postaların Süzülmesinde, Karar Destek Makineleri, Naive Bayes ve Bellek Tabanlı Öğrenme Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması”; TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, p.27 2005 [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu, Cüneyd Tantuğ]
“Combining Classification Algorithms Using Dempster’s Rule of Combination“ ; 18th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering,, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 2005 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
“Dempster’in Birleştirme Kuralı ile Sınıflandırma Algoritmalarının Birleştirilmesi”; TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, p.27 2005 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
“A Comparison of Support Vector Machines, Memory-Based and Naïve Bayes Techniques On Spam Recognition”; Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria. 2005, [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
“A Novel Algorithm for Combining Classification Algorithms”; Deniz Bilimleri ve Mühendislği Dergisi 2006 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
“Dempster’in Birleştirme Algoritması ile Sınıflandırıcı Sonuçlarının Birleştirilmesi” ; İTÜ Dergisi/d – Mühendislik 2006, [with Hüseyin Aygün]
“Akışkan Veri Madenciliğinde bir Sınıflandırma Yöntemi”; Deniz Harp Okulu Bülteni 2006 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
“The incremental use of morphological information and lexicalization in data-driven dependency parsing”. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Sentosa, Singapore, December. 2006, [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
“Türkçe Cümlelerin Kural Tabanlı Bağlılık Analizi”, Proc. Of 15th Turkish Symp. On AI and Natural Networks, pp 17-24, Muğla, 2006 [with G. Cebirolu, K. Oflazer]
“Lexical Ambiguity Resolution for Turkish in Direct Transfer Machine Translation Models”, The 21st International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS 2006, İstanbul, Turkey, [with Cüneyd Tantuğ, Kelmal Oflazer]
“Computer Analysis of The Turkmen Language Morphology”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, FinTAL 2006, Turku, Finland, [with Cüneyd Tantuğ, Kelmal Oflazer]
“Labeled Pseudo-Projective Dependency Parsing with Support Vector Machines. In Proceeding of the 10th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, NewYork, USA, June. 2006
“A Prototype Machine Translation System Between Turkmen and Turkish”, Proceedings of the Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, TAINN 2006, Muğla,Turkey, [with Cüneyd Tantuğ, Kelmal Oflazer]
“Statistical dependency parsing of Turkish. In Proceedings of EACL 2006 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Trento, Italy, April.
“A MT System from Turkmen to Turkish Employing Finite State and Statistical Methods”, In Proceedings of MT Summit XI, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007 , [with Cüneyd Tantuğ, Kelmal Oflazer]
“Machine Translation between Turkic Languages”, In Proceedings of ACL 2007 –Companion Volume, , Prague, Czech Republic
“Machine Translation and Uygur Language”; Akademik Bilişim 2008, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale, Turkiye. January 30 Feburary 01,2008.
“Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns”; Proceedings of the International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP) 2008. Chiang Mai, Thailand, 12-14 November 2008. [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ]
“Uygur Dili ve Makineli Çeviri”, Akademik Bilişim 2008, Çanakkale, Turkey. 2008 [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ]
“Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns”; An International Journal of Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society also known as Communications of COLIPS . ISSN 02195968, 2009, [with Cüneyd Tantuğ]
“Computational Comparison of the Uyghur and Turkish Grammar”; 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology. Bei Jing, China. 08-11 August, 2009 [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ, Coşkun Sönmez]
“Machine Translation Between Turkic Languages”; National Conference on ManMachine Speech Communication, International Symposium on Speech and Language Processing. Kunlun Hotel, Urumqi, Xin Jiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China . 14-16 August , 2009 .
“Machine Translation between Turkish Languages (Demo for Turkmen to Turkish and Ugyhur to Turkish)” . International Symposium About Turkic Language Translations and Applications. Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey. March 31 April 5, 2009.
“Rule Based Tagging of the Uyghur Verbs”; Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems. Faculty of Computer &Information Science, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt. 19-22 March , 2009. [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ]
“Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns. International Journal of Asian Language Processing, COLIPS . ISSN 02195968, 2009 [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ]
Rule Based Tagging of the Uyghur Verbs. Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems. Faculty of Computer &Information Science, Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt. 2009. [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns, International Journal of Assian Language Processing, 19(1): 33-43, 2009. [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
Uygucada Biçimbilimsel Belirsizlik. Akademik Bililşim 2010. Muğla Üniversitesi. Muğla, Türkiye. [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
Computational Researches about Uyghur Language, Comparative Linguistics in the Ural and Altaic Families, May 26-30. Tokaj, Hungary.2010 [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
Uygurcadan Türkçeye Bilgisayarlı çeviri, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Dergisi 2010
Yetkin Bul Değiştir, Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 3. Sayı 2010 [with Şentürk F.]
Improved Fuzzy Art Method for Initializing K-means Clustering”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, (2010) [with Nevcihan Duru, Sevinç İlhan]
The Importance of Information Security in E-learning Systems, The Socond Asian Conference on Education 2010, 2-5 Dec 2010 Osaka, Japan [with E. Yeniman ve G. Akalp]
Morphological Disambiguation Rules for Uyghur Language, IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2010), July 16-18, Bei Jing, China, [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
The Impact of Collocational Features in Turkish Word Sense Disambiguation, INES 2012 [with İlgen B. Tantuğ A.C. ]
Disambiguating Main POS tags fot Turkish, Rocling, 2012, Taiwan, [with Ehsani, R. Alper, M.E., Eryiğit, G. ]
E-Ticaret Sayfalarında Ergonomi, 16. Ergonomi Kongresi, Hitit Üniv. Endüstri Müh. Böl. 3-5 Aralık 2011, Çorum [with E. Yeniman ve G. Akalp]
“Constituent Analysis of Turkish”, AICT International Conference, Bakü 2013 [with Coşkun, N.]
“Experiences of Turks With Latin Alphabet”, International Conference on Computer processing of Turkic Languages and latinization of writing (TurkLang), Astana, Kazakhstan 2013
“Koşullu Rastgele Alanlar ile Türkçe Haber Metinlerinin Etiketlenmesi” Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 6. Sayı 2013 [with Kazkılıç S.]
“Labeling Turkish News Stories with CRF”, ICIPT 2013, Paper ID: ICIPMS01-2465013ACMRO, Seoul, S.Korea, 2013, [with Kazkılıç S,]
“Mesajların Şifrelenmesinde Yeni Bir Yöntem ve Android Uygulaması – A New Approach for Encryption and Application for Android” Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 7. Sayı 2013 [with Çakmak A.]
“Doğal Dil İşleme -Natural Language Processing”, Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 7. Sayı 2013
“A comparative Study to Determine the Effective Window Size of Turkish Word Sens Disambiguation Systems” Proce. of 28. ISCIS (Information Sciences and Systems) Paris, France, Oct 28-19, 2013; Lecture Notes in Electrical Eng. Vol 264, 2013, pp 169-176, [with İlgen, B, Tantuğ, A.C. ]
“Bilgisayarlı Dil Bilimi” Yeni Türkiye, Türkçe Özel Sayısı, Kasım-Aralık 2013, Sayı-55 ISSN 1300-4174
“Verb Predicate and Argument Extraction for Turkish” TEL’2014 Linguistic Semantics: Models and Technologies, Kazan, Tatarstan, 6 Şubat 2014 [with G. G. İşgüder]
“Polarity Detection of Turkish Comments on Technology Companies” ialp2014. Colips, Malasia [G. G.İşgüder, H. R. Zafer]
“Pilot Study on Automatic Inference Rule Discovery from Turkish Text, In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT 2014), Astana,Kazakhstan
“Exploring The Effect of Bag-of-Words and Bag-of-Bigram Feature on TurkishWord Sense Disambiguation”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi -7/2 2014 [B. İlgen]
“Using Morphosemantic Information in Construction of a Pilot Lexical Semantic Resource for Turkish”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi -7/2 2014 [G. G. Şahin]
“Atanmış Sistemler ile Bilgisayar Kümesi Tasarımı ve Mevcut Sistemler ile Karşılaştırması”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi -8/2 2015 [M. H. Akgündüz]
“Direct bioelectrocatalysis at the interfaces by genetically engineered dehydrogenase”, Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials 2015, [B. Taktak, C. Tamerler, D. T. Yücesoy, S. Çetinel, H.B. Çalışkan, N. G. Karagül, ]
Extraction Phare-Context Pairs for Turkish Sentences, 9th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, 14-16 October 2015, Rostov, Russia, [İlknur Dönmez]
“Similarities and Differences of Turkic Languages”, Turklang, Bishkek, 2016
“Sentiment Analysis for Agglutinative Languages” , 2016 IEEE 10th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT)
“Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Contextual online-Advertisement”, 2016 IEEE 10th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT)
“Annotation of semantic roles for the Turkish Proposition Bank” P 1-34, Lang Resources & Evaluation (2017), Springer, doi:10.1007/s10579-017-9390-y, [G.G. Şahin] 2017
“The Uniform Morphological Analyser for The Kazakh and Turkish Languages”, 5th International Conference on Turkic Language Proecessing (TURKLANG 2017), Kazan, Tataristan, 2017, [G. Bekmanova, A. Sharipbay, G. Altnbek, L. Zhetkenbay, U. Kamanur]
“Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Technique for Fraud Detection”, 2nd Intr. Conf. on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’17), Antalya Turkey, Oct 5-8, [Aji Mubalaike Mubarek]
“Turkish Question Answering Application with Course-Grained Semantic Matrix Representation of Sentences”, 2nd Intr. Conf. on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’17), Antalya Turkey, Oct 5-8, [İlknur Dönmez]
“The Threats and Risks in Personal Data Security”, 2nd Intr. Conf. on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’17), Antalya Turkey, Oct 5-8, [Ebru Yeniman Yıldırım]
“A feature selection algorithm for IDS”, 2nd Intr. Conf. on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’17), Antalya Turkey, Oct 5-8, [Ayşe Gül]
“Türkçe Durum Ekleri ve Öbekleri Kapsayan Bağlamdan Bağımsız Dil Temsili”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, Sayı 10-1, 2017 [İlknur Dönmez]
“Annotation of Semantic Roles for the Turkish Proposition Bank, Springer Language Resources and Evaluation, May 2017 [G.G. Şahin]
“Turkish Contex Free Grammer” Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018 [İlknur Dönmez]
“Deep Learning Approach for Intelligent Financial Fraud Detection System” 3rd International Conference on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’18) Sarajevo, Bosnia&Herzegovina, 2018, [Aji Mubalaike Mubarek]
“Question and Answering System for Turkic Languages”, Turklang-2018, Taşkent, Özbekistan
“Türkçenin Anlamsal Görev Çözümlemesi”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, Sayı 11-2, 2018 [Gözde Gül Şahin]
“Küme Bilgisayarlara Görev Ataması”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, Sayı 12-1, 2019 [M. Haluk Akgündüz]
“Knowledge-Based Question and Answering System for Turkish”, IEEE-UBMK-19, 2019 [P. Yaşar, İ. Şahin]
“Time and Object Based Question and Answering System for Turkish”, IEEE-UBMK-20, 2020 [S. Ayverdi, A. Öncevarlık, M. Uçar]
“Comparison of Languages”, Turklang 2020, 2020
“Turkish in Terms of Informatics”, 9th International Conference on Turkic Language Proecessing (TURKLANG 2021), Kızıl, Tuva
“Two Level Document Image Classification”, IEEE-UBMK-2021, 2021 [A. Öncevarlık, A. Akön, K. D. Yıldız]
“Öğrenen ve Öngören Varlık Yönetimi, (Learning and Predicting Asset Management)”, IEEE-UBMK-2021, 2021 [K. Küçük, F. Kahraman, M. E. Kamaşak]
“Özbekçe-Türkçe Çekim Eklerinin Karşılaştırılması, Comparison of Uzbek-Turkish Inflection Suffixes)”, IEEE-UBMK-2022, 2022 [M. B. Rajabovich, K. S. Mirdjanovna]
“Özbekçe-Türkçe Yapım Eklerinin Karşılaştırılması, (Comparison of Uzbek-Turkish Derivational Suffixes)”, IEEE-UBMK-2022, 2022 [S. S. Samariddinovich, K. S. Mirdjanovna]
“Bir Öbek Zinciri Nasıl Kurulur?, (How to Set Up a BlockChain?), IEEE-UBMK-2022, 2022 [S. Ayverdi, Cem Yenici]
“The Effect of Filter Usage on the Results in Image Classification with Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning Methods” , IEEE-UBMK-2022, 2022 [A. Öncevarlık, A. Akön ]
Kitaplar ve Teknik Raporlar
“Analog ve Hibrid Bilgisayarlar”; İTÜ 1973
“Lineer Kontrol Sistemlerinde Öngörü” (Doktora tezi); İTÜ 1976
“Distributed Computer Control”; CWRU 1978
“Data Communication”; CWRU 1978
“Theory and Application of Distributed Computer Control”; İTÜ 1980
“Analysis of Multi-loop Multi-rate Digital Control Systems”; İTÜ 1981
“Mikroişlemciler Mikrobilgisayarlar”; İTÜ 1981
“Bildiriler “; 1. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1982
“Bildiriler “; 2. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1983
“Bildiriler “; 3. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1984
“Klasik Tezgahın CNC Haline Dönüştürülmesi”; 3. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1984
“Bildiriler “; 4. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1985
“Preprint of IFAC Symposium “Microcomputer Applications in Process Control” 1986
“Proceeding of IFAC Symposium “Microcomputer Applications in Process Control” Pergamon Press 1987
“Bildiriler “; 5. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1988
“Mikroişlemciler Mikrobilgisayarlar” (4. Baskı), Sistem Yayıncılık 1990
“Industrial Robots” (Tübitak MAM) 1991
“Real-time system” (Text book) İTÜ 1992
“Data Fusion for Navy”; SSM 1992
“Military Data Base Management System”; SSM 1993
“Military Display System”; SSM 1994
“Digital Mapping Systems”; SSM 1994
“Expert System Based Manufacturing System” (teknik not) 1994
“Gerçek Zaman Dizgeleri”; 1. baskı, Sistem Yayıncılık, ISBN 975-7397-77-6 1996
“MİLGEM için Komand ve Kontrol Sistemi” (teknik rapor) 1997
“Mikroişlemciler Mikrobilgisayarlar” (5. Baskı), Birsen ISBN 975-511-175-1 2004
“Kablo Yayıncılık için MİY (Tasarım ve uygulama raporu) 1999
“EDI Kompozer (Tasarım ve uygulama raporu) 2000
“Tekel Vergisiz Mağazaları için Çözüm ve Tasarım Rapor
“Gerçek Zaman Dizgeleri” 2. basım, Birsen Yayınevi, ISBN 975-7397-77-6 2005
“Bilgi Sistemlerinin Çözümü ve Tasarımı” 2006
“Bilgisayar ve Bilgi Güvenliği ve Yönetimi”, İTÜ Yazılım Sertifikasyon Mer. 2016, ISBN 978-975-561-471-7
“Bilişim Etiği ve Hukuku”, İTÜ Yazılım Sertifikasyon Mer. 2017, ISBN 978-975-561-481-6
“Çağdaş Türkçenin Sıklık Sözlüğü”, Ötüken Neş. Aş., 2018, ISBN 978-605-155-747-2