
Makale ve Bildiriler

  • “An Application of DCC on Railways” ; IEEE Trans. on IECI Aug. pp 141, 1980
  • “An Application of DCC on Traffic Control” ; IFAC Workshop on Computer Aided Design and Development Policies 1982
  • “Reliability Analysis of Distributed Computer Control Systems”; 1. National Auto. Cont. Sym. 1982
  • “Modification of a Classical Tool to CNC”; 1. Matimaren Kong. 1984
  • “TEZDİL (a programming language for CNC)”; 5. Bilişim Conf. 1984
  • “Adaptive Controller With Microcomputer”; IFAC 7. Conf. on Digital Computer. Appl. to Process Control, pp 463 Vien 1985
  • “A CNC Application With 8-bit Microcomputer”; IFAC 7. Conf. on Digital Computer. Appl. to Process Control, pp 303 Vien 1985
  • “A Language for CNC”; IFAC Symp. on Microcomputer Appl. in Process Control, pp A-5.101 İstanbul 1986
  • “Pantograph With Microcomputer”; IFAC Symp. on Microcomputer Appl. in Process Control, pp A-5.100 İstanbul 1986
  • “Bar-Code and Computer Aided Production”; 5. National Auto. Cont. Sym. 1988
  • “Security, Time attendance and Stock application of Bar-Code”; 5. National Auto. Cont. Sym. 1988
  • “Measuring of Magnetic Field of Ship and Compensation”; AIM 89 Australian Instrumentation and Measurement Conf. Nov 14-16 Adelaide, South Australia 1989
  • “Measurement and Compensation of Ship Magnetic Fields”; Low Cost Automation 89 IFAC, Nov 8-10 Milan Italy 1989
  • “Expert Systems Solution for Manufacturing Systems” ; The First Turkish Semposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Sakarya 1996
  • “Direct Decomposed Rule Base Fuzzy Logic Systems” ; 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing System IMS’98, Vol. I, No: 95, Sakarya 1998 [with Ghaleb Maabreh]
  • “Composer Design For EDI” ; 2nd International Symposium on Inelligent Manufacturing System IMS’98, Vol. II, No: 153, Sakarya 1998, [with Aysun Yılmaz]
  • “İki Boyutlu Şekillerin Köşe Noktalarının Bulunması Üzerine Bir Algoritma”; TAINN 2001, 10th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
  • ” Algorithms for Part Nesting and Scene Analysis”;IMS’2001: Visions for the Future, 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Sakarya 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
  • ” A New Algorithm To Find The Relationship Of Objects Existing In Two Dimensional Scene”; ISCIS XVI International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Antalya. 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
  • ” Part Nesting via Contour Matching”; ISCIS XVI International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Antalya. 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
  • ” A new Algorithm for two Dimensional Scene Analysis”; Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Academic Press), 2001, [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
  • ” Vision Based Part Nesting via Contour Matching”; Image and Vision Computing (Elsevier) 2001 [with İbrahim Soğukpınar]
  • “Kişisel Bilgilerin Korunması”; Bilişim ve Internet Teknolojilerinin Ceza Hukuku Açısından Doğurduğu Yeni Sorunlar Sempozyumu, Bursa 24 Mayıs 2001
  • “Internet Suçları”; Bilişim ve Internet Teknolojilerinin Ceza Hukuku Açısından Doğurduğu Yeni Sorunlar Sempozyumu, Bursa , 24 Mayıs 2001
  • “Sözlüksüz Köke Ulaşma Yöntemi”;  Bilişim Kurultayı, 3-6 Eylül 2002 [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
  • “Veri Madenciliğinde Hızlı K-Means Algoritması ”; Bilişim Kurultayı, 3-6 Eylül 2002 [with Cüneyd Tantuğ]
  • “Xml İle Elektronik Veri Değişimi”; Bilişim Kurultayı, 3-6 Eylül 2002 [with Çağıl Tademir, Ahmet Topuzlu]
  • “Sentetik Türkçe Sözcük Kökleri Üretimi “; Proceedings of the International 12. Turkish Symposium on AI and Neural Networks, Çanakkale, Turkiye. 2003 [with Cebiroglu G., Tantuğ C., Erenler Y]
  • “Synthetic Turkish Word Root Generation”, Proceedings of the Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, TAINN 2003, Canakkale,Turkey [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu , Cüneyd Tantuğ]
  • “Experimental Study of a Similarity Measure for Two Dimensional Sequences “; Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific International Symposium on Information Technology / Istanbul Turkey 2004 [with Şule Gündüz]
  • “An Affıx Stripping Morphological Analyzer For Turkish”; Turkish, Proceedings of the IASTED Int. Conf. on AI and App. Innsbruck, Austria. 2004 [ with Gülşen Cebiroglu]
  • “An Affıx Stripping Morphological Analyzer For Turkish, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria. 2004 [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
  • “Performance Analysis of Näive Bayes Classification , Support Vector Machines and Neural Networks For Spam Categorization”, Proceedings of 9th Online World Conference On Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, 2004 [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
  • “Probabilistic Turkish Word Root Generation”, Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific International Symposium on Information Technology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004 [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
  • “Generating Java Class Skeleton Using A Natural Language Interface”, NLUCS – 2004, In conjunction with International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) 2004, pp. 126-134, Portugal, [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
  • “Combining Classifier Output by Assigning Degree of Confidence“; Proceedings of Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems, Cairo, Egypt pp 506-511 2005 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
  • “Yaramaz e-Postaların Süzülmesinde, Karar Destek Makineleri, Naive Bayes ve Bellek Tabanlı Öğrenme Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması”; TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, p.27 2005 [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu,  Cüneyd Tantuğ]
  • “Combining Classification Algorithms Using Dempster’s Rule of Combination“ ; 18th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering,, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 2005 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
  • “Dempster’in Birleştirme Kuralı ile Sınıflandırma Algoritmalarının Birleştirilmesi”; TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, p.27 2005 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
  • “A Comparison of Support Vector Machines, Memory-Based and Naïve Bayes Techniques On Spam Recognition”; Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria. 2005, [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
  • “A Novel Algorithm for Combining Classification Algorithms”; Deniz Bilimleri ve Mühendislği Dergisi 2006 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
  • “Dempster’in Birleştirme Algoritması ile Sınıflandırıcı Sonuçlarının Birleştirilmesi” ; İTÜ Dergisi/d – Mühendislik 2006, [with Hüseyin Aygün]
  • “Akışkan Veri Madenciliğinde bir Sınıflandırma Yöntemi”; Deniz Harp Okulu Bülteni 2006 [with Hüseyin Aygün]
  • “The incremental use of morphological information and lexicalization in data-driven dependency parsing”. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Sentosa, Singapore, December. 2006, [with Gülşen Cebiroğlu]
  • “Türkçe Cümlelerin Kural Tabanlı Bağlılık Analizi”, Proc. Of 15th Turkish Symp. On AI and Natural Networks, pp 17-24, Muğla, 2006 [with G. Cebirolu, K. Oflazer]
  • “Lexical Ambiguity Resolution for Turkish in Direct Transfer Machine Translation Models”, The 21st International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS 2006, İstanbul, Turkey, [with Cüneyd Tantuğ, Kelmal Oflazer]
  • “Computer Analysis of The Turkmen Language Morphology”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, FinTAL 2006, Turku, Finland, [with Cüneyd Tantuğ, Kelmal Oflazer]
  • “Labeled Pseudo-Projective Dependency Parsing with Support Vector Machines. In Proceeding of the 10th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, NewYork, USA, June. 2006
  • “A Prototype Machine Translation System Between Turkmen and Turkish”, Proceedings of the Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, TAINN 2006, Muğla,Turkey, [with Cüneyd Tantuğ, Kelmal Oflazer]
  • “Statistical dependency parsing of Turkish. In Proceedings of EACL 2006 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Trento, Italy, April.
  • “A MT System from Turkmen to Turkish Employing Finite State and Statistical Methods”, In Proceedings of MT Summit XI, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007 , [with Cüneyd Tantuğ, Kelmal Oflazer]
  • “Machine Translation between Turkic Languages”, In Proceedings of ACL 2007 –Companion Volume, , Prague, Czech Republic
  • “Machine Translation and Uygur Language”; Akademik Bilişim 2008, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale, Turkiye. January 30 ­Feburary 01,2008.
  • “Türkmenceden Türkçeye Bilgisayarlı Metin Çevirisi”,  İTÜ Dergisi, Cilt:7, Sayı:4, (83-94),İstanbul. 2008, [with Cüneyd Tantuğ]
  • “Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns”; Proceedings of the International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP) 2008. Chiang Mai, Thailand, 12­-14 November 2008. [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ]
  • “Uygur Dili ve Makineli Çeviri”, Akademik Bilişim 2008, Çanakkale, Turkey.  2008 [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ]
  • “Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns”; An International Journal of Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society also known as Communications of COLIPS . ISSN 0219­5968, 2009, [with Cüneyd Tantuğ]
  • “Computational Comparison of the Uyghur and Turkish Grammar”; 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology. Bei Jing, China. 08­-11 August, 2009 [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ, Coşkun Sönmez]
  • “Machine Translation Between Turkic Languages”; National Conference on Man­Machine Speech Communication, International Symposium on Speech and Language Processing. Kunlun Hotel, Urumqi, Xin Jiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China . 14­-16 August , 2009 .
  • “Machine Translation between Turkish Languages (Demo for Turkmen to Turkish and Ugyhur to Turkish)” . International Symposium About Turkic Language Translations and Applications. Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey. March 31­ April 5, 2009.
  • “Rule Based Tagging of the Uyghur Verbs”; Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems. Faculty of Computer &Information Science, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt. 19-­22 March , 2009. [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ]
  • “Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns. International Journal of Asian Language Processing, COLIPS . ISSN 0219­5968, 2009 [with Murat Orhun, Cüneyd Tantuğ]
  • Rule Based Tagging of the Uyghur Verbs. Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems. Faculty of Computer &Information Science, Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt. 2009. [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
  • Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns, International Journal of Assian Language Processing, 19(1): 33-43, 2009. [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
  • Uygucada Biçimbilimsel Belirsizlik. Akademik Bililşim 2010. Muğla Üniversitesi. Muğla, Türkiye. [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
  • Computational Researches about Uyghur Language, Comparative Linguistics in the Ural and Altaic Families, May 26-30. Tokaj, Hungary.2010  [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
  • Uygurcadan Türkçeye Bilgisayarlı çeviri, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Dergisi 2010
  • Yetkin Bul Değiştir, Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 3. Sayı 2010 [with Şentürk F.]
  • Improved Fuzzy Art Method for Initializing K-means Clustering”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,  (2010) [with Nevcihan Duru, Sevinç İlhan]
  • The Importance of Information Security in E-learning Systems, The Socond Asian Conference on Education 2010, 2-5 Dec 2010 Osaka, Japan [with E. Yeniman ve G. Akalp]
  • Morphological Disambiguation Rules for Uyghur Language, IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2010), July 16-18, Bei Jing, China, [with Orhun M. Tantuğ A.C. ]
  • The Impact of Collocational Features in Turkish Word Sense Disambiguation, INES 2012 [with İlgen B. Tantuğ A.C. ]
  • Disambiguating Main POS tags fot Turkish, Rocling, 2012, Taiwan, [with Ehsani, R. Alper, M.E., Eryiğit, G. ]
  • E-Ticaret Sayfalarında Ergonomi, 16. Ergonomi Kongresi, Hitit Üniv. Endüstri Müh. Böl. 3-5 Aralık 2011, Çorum   [with E. Yeniman ve G. Akalp]
  • “Constituent Analysis of Turkish”, AICT International Conference, Bakü 2013 [with Coşkun, N.]
  • “Experiences of Turks With Latin Alphabet”, International Conference on Computer processing of Turkic Languages and latinization of writing (TurkLang), Astana, Kazakhstan 2013
  • “Koşullu Rastgele Alanlar ile Türkçe Haber Metinlerinin Etiketlenmesi” Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 6. Sayı 2013 [with  Kazkılıç S.]
  • “Labeling Turkish News Stories with CRF”, ICIPT 2013, Paper ID: ICIPMS01-2465013ACMRO, Seoul, S.Korea, 2013, [with Kazkılıç S,]
  • “Mesajların Şifrelenmesinde Yeni Bir Yöntem ve Android Uygulaması – A New Approach for Encryption and Application for Android” Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 7. Sayı 2013 [with Çakmak A.]
  • “Doğal Dil İşleme -Natural Language Processing”, Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 7. Sayı 2013
  • “A comparative Study to Determine the Effective Window Size of Turkish Word Sens Disambiguation Systems” Proce. of 28. ISCIS (Information Sciences and Systems) Paris, France, Oct 28-19, 2013; Lecture Notes in Electrical Eng. Vol 264, 2013, pp 169-176, [with İlgen, B, Tantuğ, A.C. ]
  • “Bilgisayarlı Dil Bilimi” Yeni Türkiye, Türkçe Özel Sayısı, Kasım-Aralık 2013, Sayı-55 ISSN 1300-4174
  • “Verb Predicate and Argument Extraction for Turkish” TEL’2014 Linguistic Semantics: Models and Technologies, Kazan, Tatarstan, 6 Şubat 2014 [with G. G. İşgüder]
  • “Polarity Detection of Turkish Comments on Technology Companies” ialp2014. Colips, Malasia [G. G.İşgüder, H. R. Zafer]
  • “Pilot Study on Automatic Inference Rule Discovery from Turkish Text, In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT 2014), Astana,Kazakhstan
  • “Exploring The Effect of Bag-of-Words and Bag-of-Bigram Feature on TurkishWord Sense Disambiguation”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi -7/2 2014 [B. İlgen]
  • “Using Morphosemantic Information in Construction of a Pilot Lexical Semantic Resource for Turkish”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi -7/2 2014 [G. G. Şahin]
  • “Atanmış Sistemler ile Bilgisayar Kümesi Tasarımı ve Mevcut Sistemler ile Karşılaştırması”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi -8/2 2015 [M. H. Akgündüz]
  • “Direct bioelectrocatalysis at the interfaces by genetically engineered dehydrogenase”, Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials 2015, [B. Taktak, C. Tamerler, D. T. Yücesoy, S. Çetinel, H.B. Çalışkan, N. G. Karagül, ]
  • “Inference Rule Discovery from Turkish Text”, Turklang 2015 Kazan, Tataristan, [Gözde Gül Şahin]
  • Extraction Phare-Context Pairs for Turkish Sentences, 9th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, 14-16 October 2015, Rostov, Russia, [İlknur Dönmez]
  • “Türkçe Tümce Çözümlemede Vektör Yaklaşımı”, AKÜ FEMÜRİD 2015 [İlknur Dönmez]
  • “Similarities and Differences of Turkic Languages”, Turklang, Bishkek, 2016
  • “Sentiment Analysis for Agglutinative Languages” , 2016 IEEE 10th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT)
  • “Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Contextual online-Advertisement”, 2016 IEEE 10th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT)
  • “Annotation of semantic roles for the Turkish Proposition Bank” P 1-34, Lang Resources & Evaluation (2017), Springer, doi:10.1007/s10579-017-9390-y, [G.G. Şahin] 2017
  • “The Uniform Morphological Analyser for The Kazakh and Turkish Languages”, 5th International Conference on Turkic Language Proecessing (TURKLANG 2017), Kazan, Tataristan, 2017, [G. Bekmanova, A. Sharipbay, G. Altnbek, L. Zhetkenbay, U. Kamanur]
  • “Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Technique for Fraud Detection”, 2nd Intr. Conf. on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’17), Antalya Turkey, Oct 5-8, [Aji Mubalaike Mubarek]
  • “Turkish Question Answering Application with Course-Grained Semantic Matrix Representation of Sentences”, 2nd Intr. Conf. on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’17), Antalya Turkey, Oct 5-8, [İlknur Dönmez]
  • “The Threats and Risks in Personal Data Security”,  2nd Intr. Conf. on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’17), Antalya Turkey, Oct 5-8, [Ebru Yeniman Yıldırım]
  • “A feature selection algorithm for IDS”,  2nd Intr. Conf. on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’17), Antalya Turkey, Oct 5-8, [Ayşe Gül]
  • “Türkçe Durum Ekleri ve Öbekleri Kapsayan Bağlamdan Bağımsız Dil Temsili”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, Sayı 10-1, 2017 [İlknur Dönmez]
  • “Annotation of Semantic Roles for the Turkish Proposition Bank, Springer Language  Resources and Evaluation, May 2017 [G.G. Şahin]
  • “Turkish Contex Free Grammer” Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018 [İlknur Dönmez]
  • “Deep Learning Approach for Intelligent Financial Fraud Detection System” 3rd International Conference on Computer Sci and Eng. (UBMK’18) Sarajevo, Bosnia&Herzegovina, 2018,  [Aji Mubalaike Mubarek]
  • “Question and Answering System for Turkic Languages”, Turklang-2018, Taşkent, Özbekistan
  • “Türkçenin Anlamsal Görev Çözümlemesi”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, Sayı 11-2, 2018 [Gözde Gül Şahin]
  • “Küme Bilgisayarlara Görev Ataması”, TBV Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, Sayı 12-1, 2019 [M. Haluk Akgündüz]
  • “Knowledge-Based Question and Answering System for Turkish”, IEEE-UBMK-19, 2019 [P. Yaşar, İ. Şahin]
  • “Time and Object Based Question and Answering System for Turkish”, IEEE-UBMK-20, 2020 [S. Ayverdi, A. Öncevarlık, M. Uçar]
  • “Comparison of Languages”, Turklang 2020, 2020
  • “Turkish in Terms of Informatics”, 9th International Conference on Turkic Language Proecessing (TURKLANG 2021), Kızıl, Tuva
  • “Two Level Document Image Classification”, IEEE-UBMK-2021, 2021 [A. Öncevarlık, A. Akön, K. D. Yıldız]
  • “Öğrenen ve Öngören Varlık Yönetimi, (Learning and Predicting Asset Management)”, IEEE-UBMK-2021, 2021 [K. Küçük, F. Kahraman, M. E. Kamaşak]
  • “Özbekçe-Türkçe Çekim Eklerinin Karşılaştırılması, Comparison of Uzbek-Turkish Inflection Suffixes)”, IEEE-UBMK-2022, 2022 [M. B. Rajabovich, K. S. Mirdjanovna]
  • “Özbekçe-Türkçe Yapım Eklerinin Karşılaştırılması, (Comparison of Uzbek-Turkish Derivational Suffixes)”, IEEE-UBMK-2022, 2022 [S. S. Samariddinovich, K. S. Mirdjanovna]
  • “Bir Öbek Zinciri Nasıl Kurulur?, (How to Set Up a BlockChain?), IEEE-UBMK-2022, 2022 [S. Ayverdi,  Cem Yenici]
  • “The Effect of Filter Usage on the Results in Image Classification with Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning Methods” , IEEE-UBMK-2022, 2022 [A. Öncevarlık, A. Akön ]

Kitaplar ve Teknik Raporlar

    • “Analog ve Hibrid Bilgisayarlar”; İTÜ 1973
    • “Lineer Kontrol Sistemlerinde Öngörü” (Doktora tezi);  İTÜ 1976
    • “Distributed Computer Control”; CWRU 1978
    • “Data Communication”; CWRU 1978
    • “Theory and Application of Distributed Computer Control”; İTÜ 1980
    • “Analysis of Multi-loop Multi-rate Digital Control Systems”; İTÜ 1981
    • “Mikroişlemciler Mikrobilgisayarlar”; İTÜ 1981
    • “Bildiriler “; 1. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1982
    • “Bildiriler “; 2. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1983
    • “Bildiriler “; 3. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1984
    • “Klasik Tezgahın CNC Haline Dönüştürülmesi”; 3. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1984
    • “Bildiriler “; 4. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1985
    • “Preprint of IFAC Symposium “Microcomputer Applications in Process Control” 1986
    • “Proceeding of IFAC Symposium “Microcomputer Applications in Process Control” Pergamon Press 1987
    • “Bildiriler “; 5. Ulusal Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu 1988
    • “Mikroişlemciler Mikrobilgisayarlar” (4. Baskı), Sistem Yayıncılık 1990
    • “Industrial Robots” (Tübitak MAM) 1991
    • “Real-time system” (Text book) İTÜ 1992
    • “Data Fusion for Navy”; SSM 1992
    • “Military Data Base Management System”; SSM 1993
    • “Military Display System”; SSM 1994
    • “Digital Mapping Systems”; SSM 1994
    • “Expert System Based Manufacturing System” (teknik not) 1994
    • “Gerçek Zaman Dizgeleri”; 1. baskı, Sistem Yayıncılık, ISBN 975-7397-77-6 1996
    • “MİLGEM için Komand ve Kontrol Sistemi” (teknik rapor) 1997
    • “Mikroişlemciler Mikrobilgisayarlar” (5. Baskı), Birsen ISBN 975-511-175-1 2004
    • “Kablo Yayıncılık için MİY (Tasarım ve uygulama raporu) 1999
    • “EDI Kompozer (Tasarım ve uygulama raporu) 2000
    • “Tekel Vergisiz Mağazaları için Çözüm ve Tasarım Rapor
    • “Gerçek Zaman Dizgeleri” 2. basım, Birsen Yayınevi, ISBN 975-7397-77-6 2005
    • “Bilgi Sistemlerinin Çözümü ve Tasarımı” 2006
    • “Bilgisayar ve Bilgi Güvenliği ve Yönetimi”, İTÜ Yazılım Sertifikasyon Mer. 2016, ISBN 978-975-561-471-7
    • “Bilişim Etiği ve Hukuku”, İTÜ Yazılım Sertifikasyon Mer. 2017, ISBN 978-975-561-481-6
    • “Çağdaş Türkçenin Sıklık Sözlüğü”, Ötüken Neş. Aş., 2018, ISBN 978-605-155-747-2