Geology of Turkey

Some maps and diagrams

Türkiye ve çevresinin tektonik haritası - Tectonic map of Turkey and the surrounding areas

Doğu Akdeniz’in aktif tektonik haritası - Active tectonic map of the Eastern Mediterranean


Paleo-Tethyan evolution

Türkiye’de Karakaya Kompleksi ve benzeri birimlerin dağılımı -  Distribution of the Palaeo-Tethyan accretionary complexes in Turkey

Pontidler’de Karakaya Kompleksi ve Hersiniyen kristalen temelin dağılımı - Distribution of the Paleo-Tethyan accretionary complex and Hercynian basement in the Pontides

Türkiye’de kristalen temel, Neo-Tetis ve Paleo-Tetis’e ait yığışım karmaşıklarının dağılımı - Distribution of Neo- and Paleo-Tethyan accretionary complexes and crystalline basement in Turkey

Karakaya birimleri arasındaki tektono-stratigrafik ilişkiler - Tectono-stratigraphic relations between Karakaya units

İstanbul ve Sakarya zonlarının stratigrafik kesiti - Stratigraphic sections of the Istanbul and Sakarya zones

İstanbul ve Sakarya zonlarının stratigrafik kesitisadece Paleozoik - Stratigraphic sections of the Istanbul and Sakarya zones - Paleozoic


Menderes Massif

Menderes Masifi’nin jeoloji haritası – Geological map of the Menderes Massif

Menderes Masifi’nin stratigrafik kesiti – Stratigraphic section of the Menderes Massif


Tavşanlı Zone

Tavşanlı Zonu’nun jeoloji haritası - Geological map of the Tavşanlı Zone


Kazdağ Massif – Oligo-Miocene extension in the Aegean

Ege bölgesinin Oligo-Miyosen tektonik haritası - Oligo-Miocene tectonic map of the Aegean region

Biga yarımadasının morfolojisi – morphological map of the Biga peninsula

Biga yarımadasının jeoloji haritası – Geological map of the Biga peninsula

Kazdağ batısının jeoloji haritası ve kesiti – Geological map and crossection of the western Kazdağ Massif

Kazdağ Masifi’nin tektono-stratigrafik dikme kesiti – tectono-stratigraphic section of the Kazdağ Massif


Eastern Pontides

Doğu Pontidlerin jeoloji haritası - Geological map of the Eastern Pontides

Doğu Pontidlerin stratigrafik kesiti - Stratigraphic section of the Eastern Pontides



Lecture notes and powerpoints on the “Geology of Turkey”

Lecture notes

Source list

Geology of Turkey – introduction

Strandja Massif and the Thrace Basin

Istanbul Zone

Sakarya_Zone_-_Variscan_basement_and_the Karakaya_Complex


Sakarya Zone – Jurassic and younger including Eastern Pontides

Paleo- and Neo-Tethys in Turkey and the Karakaya Complex

Paleo- and Neo-Tethys in Turkey and the Karakaya Complex - English

Eastern Pontides 1

Eastern Pontides 2

Eastern Pontides - English

Tavsanli Zone

Tavsanli Zone - English

Menderes Massif

Menderes Massif - English

Bornova Flysch Zone

Bornova Flysch Zone _ English

Kirsehir Massif and the Cankiri Basin by Okan Tuysuz

Aegean extensional tectonics and Kazdag Massif

Oligocene strike-slip tectonics and the Uludag Massif

Seas surrounding Turkey

          Marmara Sea

          Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus

          Black Sea

Southeast Anatolia

Geology of the Istanbul Province

Earthquakes and faulting
