Ulusrarası Makaleler (SCI ve SCI-E) |
A.C.Talay, D.T.Altilar, "United Nodes: Cluster based Routing Protocol for Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks", IET Communications (ISI) , 1-9 pp., 2011 , DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2010.0285 |
A.C.Talay, D.T.Altilar, "RAC: Range Adaptive Cognitive Radio Networks", Computer Standards&Interfaces, Elsevier (ISI) , 1-7 pp., 2011 , DOI: doi:10.1016/j.csi.2011.04.002 |
M.Soytürk, D.T.Altilar, "SWR: Smartness provided by simple, efficient and self-adaptive algorithm", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (Special Issue on Smart Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice) (ISI) , - pp., 2012 , DOI: 10.1155/2012/289683 |
D.T.Altilar, Y.Paker, "An Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for Stream Based Parallel Video Processing", Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 731-738 pp., 2003 , DOI: 10.1007/b14229 |
D.T.Altilar, Y.Paker, "Optimal Scheduling Algorithms for Communication Constrained Parallel Processing", Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 197-206 pp., 2002 , DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45706-2 |

D.T.Altilar, Y.Paker, A.V.Sahiner, "A Parallel Architecture for Video Processing", Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 929-939 pp., 1997 , DOI: 10.1007/BFb0031573 |
SCI ve SCI-E harici |
D.Demiray, D.T.Altilar, "ANCOR: A Novel Ant Colony Routing Approach for Sensor Networks", International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing, (Int. J. IT&IC) , - pp., 2006 , DOI: - |

I.Moran, D.T.Altilar, "Three Plane Approach for 3D True Proportional Navigation", Journal of Naval Science and Engineering , 15-40 pp., 2005 , DOI: - |
R.Akdag, D.T.Altilar, "Horizontal-s and Barrel Roll Maneuvers Against Proportional Navigation Missiles", Journal of Naval Science and Engineering , 41-56 pp., 2005 , DOI: - |

F. Uçan, D.T.Altilar, "Using Genetic Algorithms for Navigation Planning in Dynamic Environments", Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing , Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 560184, 1-16 pp doi:10.1155/2012/560184 |
ACISC2012.pdf Journal Page |
B.Eskikaya, D.T.Altilar, "Distributed OpenCL Distributing OpenCL Platform on Network Scale", International Journal of Computer Applications IJCA Special Issue on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for HPC Applications ACCTHPCA(2):26-30, July 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA doi:- |
IJCA2012.pdf Journal Web Page |
Uluslararası Bildiriler |
G.B.Sendur, D.T.Altilar, The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'12) konferansi dahilinde yer alan Grid Computing Application GCA'12 konferansinda "Proceedings of the 2012 World Congress in Computer Science Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'12)" bildiri kitapçigindaki "ITU-GRAM+: Web Based Grid Middleware", pp., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, `i6-19 Temmuz 2012 |
GCA2012.pdf |
R.Ozaydin, D.T.Altilar, The 2012 IEEE 14th Int@l Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication konferansinda "Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 14th Int@l Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC'12)" bildiri kitapçigindaki "OpenCL Remote: Extending OpenCL Platform Model to Network Scale", 830-835 pp., Liverpool, UK, `26-27 Haziran 2012 |
HPCC2012.pdf |
G.Secinti, D.T. Altilar, The 5th International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications konferansinda "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications (CCA2012)" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Virtual Laxity Driven Scheduling for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems", 1-7 pp., Istanbul,Turkey, 12-14 Ekim 2012 |
CCA2012.pdf |
S.M.Moinuddin, D.T. Altilar, The 1st International Conference on Communications and Electronic Systems konferansinda "Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Communications and Electronic Systems (CES2011)" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Network through Matrix Bidding Multi Unit Combinatorial Auction", 1-7 pp., Dubai, UAE, `16-18 Aralik 2012 |
CES2011.pdf |
I.Butun, A.C.Talay, D.T.Altilar, M.Khalid, R.Sankar, Wireless Telecommunications Symposium WTS-2010 konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of the Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2010)" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Impact of mobility prediction on the performance of Cognitive Radio networks", 1-5 pp., Tampa-FL, USA, Nisan 2010 |
A.C.Talay, D.T.Altilar, 1st Int'l Workshop on Cognitive Radio Interfaces and Signal Processing (CRISP 2010) in conjunction with IEEE Int'l Conf. on Communications (ICC 2010) konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of 1st Int'l Workshop on Cognitive Radio Interfaces and Signal Processing (CRISP 2010) in conjunction with IEEE Int'l Conf. on Communications (ICC 2010)" bildiri kitapçigindaki "United Nodes: A Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks", - pp., Cape Town, South Africa, Mayis 2010 |
A.C.Talay, D.T.Altilar, International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops (ICUMT 09) konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops (ICUMT 09)" bildiri kitapçigindaki "ROPCORN: Routing Protocol For Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks", 1-6 pp., St.Patersburg, Rusya, Ekim 2009 |
A.C.Talay, D.T.Altilar, 2009 ACM Workshop on Cognitive Radio Networks (CoRoNet 2009) in conjunction with MobiCom 2009 konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Workshop on Cognitive Radio Networks (CoRoNet 2009) in conjunction with MobiCom 2009" bildiri kitapçigindaki "RACON: a routing protocol for mobile cognitive radio networks", 73-78 pp., Beijing, Çin, Eylül 2009 |
A.Ç.Talay, D.T.Altilar, 4th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, ChinaCOM 2009 konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, ChinaCOM 2009" bildiri kitapçigindaki "RAC: Range Adaptive Cognitive Radio Networks", 1-5 pp., Xi'an, Çin, Agustos 2009 |

M.Soyturk, T.Altilar, 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mission-Critical Networking, in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM'2008 konferansi dahilinde "IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 2009" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Reliable Real-Time Data Acquisition for Rapidly Deployable Mission-Critical Wireless Sensor Networks", 1-6 pp., Phonix-AZ, ABD, Nisan 2008 |
M.Soytürk, T.Altilar, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, ISWPC'07 konferansi dahilinde "Proccedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, ISWPC'07" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Stateless Data Flow Approach with Void Avoidance for Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks", - pp., Puerto Rico, Subat 2007 |
M.Soytürk, T.Altilar, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, ISWPC'07 konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, ISWPC'07" bildiri kitapçigindaki "A Routing Algorithm for Mobile Multiple Sinks in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks", - pp., Puerto Rico, Subat 2007 |
M,Soytürk, T.Altilar, IEEE Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, 2006. WAMICON '06 konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of IEEE Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, 2006. WAMICON '06" bildiri kitapçigindaki "A Novel Stateless Energy-Efficient Routing Algorithm for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Sinks", 1-5 pp., Florida, ABD, Aralik 2006 |
M.Soytürk, T.Altilar, IEEE Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, 2006. WAMICON '06 konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of IEEE Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, 2006. WAMICON '06" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Source-Initiated Geographical Data Flow for Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks", 1-5 pp., Floride, ABD, Aralik 2006 |
M.Soyturk, T.Altilar, 2nd IEEE Int'l Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security and Safety, TEHOSS2006 konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of the Second IEEE Int'l Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security and Safety" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Challenges And Approaches For Geographic Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks", 323-330 pp., Istanbul, Türkiye, Ekim 2006 |
C.Küççük, E.Özkan, D.T.Altilar, ISTEC10 International Science and Technology Conference konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of ISTEC10 International Science and Technology Conference" bildiri kitapçigindaki "A Novel Software Framework for 3D Motion Estimation with a 6-DOF MEMS IMU for a Virtual Reality Environment", 33-40 pp., Magosa, Kibris, Ekim 2010 |
E.Özkan, C.Küççük, D.T.Altilar, ISTEC10 International Science and Technology Conference konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of ISTEC10 International Science and Technology Conference" bildiri kitapçigindaki "A Hardware Framework Design for 3D Motion Sensing, Detection and Estimation", 27-32 pp., Magosa, Kibris, Ekim 2010 |
D.Demiray, D.T.Altilar, IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2008. SIS 2008. konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2008. SIS 2008." bildiri kitapçigindaki "Optimal pheromone distribution for ANCOR", 1-3 pp., St.Louis-MO, ABD, Eylül 2008 |
B.Kantarci, S.Oktug, D.T.Altilar, 6th Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference konferansi dahilinde "Proceeding of the 6th Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conferencedings of" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Prioritized Contention Resolution Scheme for Grid Services over OBS Networks", 234-241 pp., Halifax-Nova Scotia, Kanada, Mayis 2008 |

E.Öztürk, D.T.Altilar, Fourth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking & Services, 2007. MobiQuitous 2007. konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings Fourth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking & Services, 2007. MobiQuitous 2007." bildiri kitapçigindaki "IMOGA: An Architecture for Integrating Mobile Devices into Grid Applications", 1-8 pp., Philadelphia-PA, ABD, Agustos 2007 |
F.Uçan, D.T.Altilar, 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2008. ICTAI '08. konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2008. ICTAI '08." bildiri kitapçigindaki "Navigation and Guidance Planning for Air Vehicles", 534-538 pp., Dayton-Ohio, USA, Kasim 2008 |
F.Uçan, D.T.Altilar, 23rd International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, 2008. ISCIS '08. konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS '08." bildiri kitapçigindaki "A Heuristic Approach to Military Transition Problem", 1-4 pp., Istanbul, Türkiye, Ekim 2008 |

R.Akdag, D.T.Altilar, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Modeling Evasion Tactics of a Fighter Against Missiles in Three Dimensions", - pp., Keystone-CO, ABD, Agustos 2006 |
R.Akdag. D.T.Altilar, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference" bildiri kitapçigindaki "A Comparative Study on Practical Evasive Maneuvers Against Proportional Navigation Missiles", - pp., San Francisco-CA, ABD, Agustos 2005 |
I.Moran, D.T.Altilar, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Three Plane Approach for 3D True Proportional Navigation", - pp., San Francisco-CA, ABD, Agustos 2005 |
R.Akdag,D.T.Altilar, 2009 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC’09) konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2009. SCSC'09" bildiri kitapçigindaki "An Engagement Simulation to Evaluate Fighter Evasive Maneuvers Combined with Chaff Utilization against Missiles", - pp., Istanbul, Türkiye, Temmuz 2009 |
Ö.Özaydin, D.T.Altilar, Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2009. SCSC'09 konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2009. SCSC'09" bildiri kitapçigindaki "SahinSim: A Flight Simulator for End-Game Simulations", - pp., Istanbul, Türkiye, Temmuz 2009 |
D.T.Altilar, Y.Paker, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 1998. konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 1998." bildiri kitapçigindaki "An Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel Video Processing", 245-248 pp., Austin-TX, ABD, Haziran-Temmuz 1998 |
D.T.Altilar, S.Barros, Y.Paker, SHARC 2001 Int'l DSP Conference konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of SHARC 2001 Int'l DSP Conference" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Parallel Digital Video Processing System Architectures and Applications on ADSP-21160 SHARC DSP", - pp., Boston-MA, ABD, Eylül 2001 |
D.T.Altilar, Y.Paker, DD12 12th Int'l Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods konferansi dahilinde "Proceeding of DD12 12th Int'l Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Minimum Overhead Data Partitioning Algorithm for Parallel Video Processing", 251-258 pp., Chiba, Japonya, Ekim 1999 |
F.Tunali, E.Adali, D.T.Altilar, Australasian Instrumentation and Measurement Conference 1989 konferansi dahilinde "Proceeding of Australasian Instrumentation and Measurement Conference 1989" bildiri kitapçigindaki "omputer Based Degaussing Range (CBDR) - a Modernization Project", 188-194 pp., Adelaide, Güney Avusturalya, 1989 |
F.Tunali, E.Adali, D.T.Altilar, Low Cost Automation 89 IFAC konferansi dahilinde "Proceedings of Low Cost Automation 89 IFAC" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Measurement and Compensation of Ship Magnetic Fields", - pp., Milan, Italya, Kasim 1989 |
Ulusal Kitaplar |
F.Tunali, D.T.Altilar, Unix Isletim Sistemi, 178 pp., Ankara, MTF Ltd. Sti, 1989 |
F.Tunali, D.T.Altilar (Editörler), Unix'89 Sempozyumu, 114 pp., Istanbul, Unix'89 Sempozyumu Organizasyon Komitesi, 1989 |
D.T.Altilar, C.Özturan (Editörler), Basarim'10 II. Ulusal Yüksek Basarimli ve Grid Hesaplama Konferansi Bildiri Kitabi, 98 pp., Istanbul, Cenkler Yayinevi, 2010 |
Ulusal Makaleler |
F. Uçan, D.Turgay Altilar, "Gerçek Zaman Kisitlari Altinda Seyrüsefer Planlamaya Yeni Bir Yaklasim", Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 119-132 pp., Cilt:11, Sayi:1, Mayis 2012, DOI: - |
SBD2012.pdf |
A.C. Talay, D.Turgay Altilar, "Tasarsiz Bilissel Radyo Aglarinda Yönlendirme", ITU Dergisi/d, 119-132 pp., Cilt:11, Sayi:5, Mayis 2012, DOI: - |
ITUDER2012.pdf |
M. Soyturk, D.Turgay Altilar, "Telsiz, tasarsiz ve duyarga aglar için kaynak-baslatmali cografi veri akis yöntemi", ITU Dergisi/d, 119-132 pp., Cilt:7, Sayi:5, Mayis 2008, DOI: - |
Ulusal Bildiriler |
A.Ç.Talay, D.T.Altilar, Elektrik Elektronik Bilgisayar Sempozyumu konferansi dahilinde "FEEB 2011, Elektrik Elektronik Bilgisayar Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabi II" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Tasarsiz Bilissel Radyo Aglarinda Yönlendirmede Yol Düzeltmenin Basarima Etkisi", 229-232 pp., Elazig, Türkiye, Ekim 2011 |
F.Uçan, D.T.Altilar, USMOS 2011 Dördüncü Ulusal Savunma Uygulamalari Modelleme ve Simülasyon Konferansi konferansi dahilinde "USMOS 2011 Dördüncü Ulusal Savunma Uygulamalari Modelleme ve Simülasyon Konferansi Bildiri Kitabi" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Gerçek zaman kisitlari altinda seyrüsefer planlamaya yeni bir yaklasim", 667-678 pp., Ankara, Türkiye, Haziran 2011 |
I.Özcan, D.T.Altilar, Akademik Bilisim 2011 konferansi dahilinde "Akademik Bilisim 2011 Bildiriler" bildiri kitapçigindaki "MPI’da Uygulama Seviyesinde Aksakliga Dayaniklilik", - pp., Malatya, Türkiye, Subat 2011 |
A.Ç.Talay, D.T.Altilar, IV. Iletisim Teknolojileri Ulusal Sempozyumu konferansi dahilinde "IV. Iletisim Teknolojileri Ulusal Sempozyumu Bildirileri" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Menzil Adaptif Bilissel Radyo Aglari", - pp., Adana, Türkiye, Ekim 2009 |
ITUS62009.pdf |
F.Uçan, D.T.Altilar, SAVTEK 2008 4. Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi konferansi dahilinde "SAVTEK 2008 4. Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi Bildiri Kitabi Cilt I" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Yüksek Kisitli Dinamik Askeri Intikal Planlama Problemine Sezgisel Çözüm Yaklasimi", 345-354 pp., Ankara, Türkiye, Haziran 2008 |
T.Yildiz, S.Yildirim, D.T.Altilar, Akademik Bilisim 2008 konferansi dahilinde "Akademik Bilisim 2008 Bildiriler" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Istenmeyen Iletilerin Paralellestirilmis KNN Algoritmasi ile Tespiti", 627-632 pp., Çanakkale, Türkiye, Ocak-Subat 2008 |
D.T.Altilar, C.Özden, Bilisim'93 Kongresi konferansi dahilinde "Bilisim'93 Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi" bildiri kitapçigindaki "BBS'lere Yeni Bir Bakis: Doruk-BBS", - pp., Istanbul, Türkiye, Eylül 1993 |
D.T.Altilar, F.Tunali, E.Adali, 5.Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu konferansi dahilinde "5.Otomatik Kontrol Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabi" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Güvenlik, Puantaj ve Stok Kontrolunda Çizgi Kod Kullanimi ve Örnekleri", 132-149 pp., Istanbul, Türkiye, Aralik 1988 |
Diğer Yayınlar |
D.T.Altilar, Self Adaptive Computing (Conference Keynote Speech), Mosharaka Int'l Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications MIC-CCA2011, Istanbul, Türkiye, Temmuz 2011 |
MOSHARAKA2011.pdf |
D.T.Altilar, Data Partitioning and Scheduling for Parallel Digital Video Processing, 2nd Annual Postgraduate Conference in Computer Science, Queen Mary, Univ. of London, Londra, Ingiltere, Temmuz 2002. |
D.T.Altilar, Data Partitioning and Scheduling for Parallel Digital Video Processing, 1st Postgraduate Conference in Computer Science, Queen Mary, Univ. of London, Londra, Ingiltere, Haziran 2001. |
D.T.Altilar, Parallelisation and Implementation of the Snake-in-the-box (Longest Gray Code Search ) Problem for ML_PVA, QMW College Parallel Research Group, Technical Report 762, Dept. of Computer Science, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Nisan 1998. |
D.T.Altilar, AMPA (Advanced Multimedia Processing Accelerator) , TMS320C62 Evaluation Report, Dept. of Computer Science, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Nisan 1997. |
D.T.Altilar, ML_PVA Users Manual, QMW College Parallel Research Group, Technical Report 757, Dept. of Computer Science, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Ocak 1997. |
D.T.Altilar, Y.Paker, E.S.Young, W.Schmidt, AMPA (Advanced Multimedia Processing Accelerator) Architecture Specifiaction, ACTS Project AC312, Ampa Concortium, Subat1996 |
D.T.Altilar, SAPS:Self Adapting Parallel Servers (Poster Session), Portable Software Tools for Parallel Architectures Technical Meeting, EPSRC, Southampton, Ingiltere, Temmuz 1996. |
D.T.Altilar, Upgrade of ML-PVA, System Improvements, Benchmarking and Evaluation, MONALISA (R2052), Eylül 1995. |
E.Harmanci, N.Erdogan, B.T.Akgün, B.Örencik, H.Serim, D.T.Altilar, S.Etaner, T.Uyar, TÜBITAK Arastirma Projesi BAG-2 Gelisme Raporu 1, BAG2-TÜBITAK, Istanbul, Türkiye, Temmuz 1993 |
E.Harmanci, N.Erdogan, B.T.Akgün, B.Örencik, H.Serim, D.T.Altilar, S.Etaner, T.Uyar, TÜBITAK Arastirma Projesi BAG-2 Gelisme Raporu 2, BAG2-TÜBITAK, Istanbul, Türkiye, Subat 1994 |