The International Workshop: "Role of research infrastructures in seismic rehabilitation" was held in Istanbul (TR), on 8-9 February, 2012.
Workshop presentations are available to download.
1st Day Presentations - Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 (9:00 - 17:10)
A.Ilki (ITU) Opening - Welcome
SS1-1 N. J.Perera, D.P.Thambiratnam (Queensland Univ., Robert Bird Group Australia) - A Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Approach to Protection of Infrastructure from Seismic Actions
SS1-2 A. Yakut, A. Erberik, S. Akkar, H. Sucuoglu, A. Ilki (METU, ITU) Rapid Seismic Assessment Procedures for Turkish Building Stock
SS1-3 O.Gedik, R.Hikiji, A.Tasai (Yokohama National University, Japan) Effects of Waterjet Technique Application on Joining Surfaces of External Retrofitting Technique
SS1-4 U.Yazgan, R.Oyguc (ITU) Post-earthquake Risk-based Decision Making Methodology for Turkish School Buildings
SS2-1 U. Mert Tugsal, B.Taskin (ITU) Structural Vulnerability Functions and Comparison of the Observed Damage of RC Buildings after Major Turkish Earthquakes
SS2-2 Z.Dalkilic, S.Soyoz (Bogazici University) Determination of Seismic Vulnerability Using Ambient and Forced Vibration Data
SS2-3 F.Leon, G. M. Atanasiu (TUIasi) Probabilistic Path Finding Method for Post-Disaster Risk Estimation
SS2-4 M. Di Ludovico, R. Frascadore, A. Prota, M. Dolce, G. Manfredi (UNAP) Effects of Local Strengthening Interventions on the Global Seismic Performance of Existing RC Structures
SS2-5 M. Di Ludovico, A. Balsamo, A. Prota, G.M. Verderame, M. Dolce , G. Manfredi (UNAP) Experimental Behavior of non Conforming full scale RC Beam-Column Joints Retrofitted with FRP
SS3-1 R.Oyguc, H.Boduroglu (ITU) Capacity Assessment of Existing RC Buildings Using a 3-D Adaptive Pushover Procedure
SS3-2 B.H. Al-Gohi, C. Demir, A. Ilki, M.H. Baluch, M.K. Rahman (ITU, KFUPM Saudi Arabia) Assessing Seismic Vulnerability of Multi-Leaf, Heritage Masonry Walls Using Elasto-Plastic Damage Model
SS3-3 G. Turan (Izmir Inst. of Technology) Hybrid Control of a 3-D Structure by using Semi-Active Dampers
SS3-4 K.Orakçal (Bogazici University) Towards Robust Behavioral Modeling of R.C. Members
SS4-1 V. Shendova, Z.Rakicevic, R.Apostolska, Z.Bozinovski (IZIIS) Implementation of Experimentaly Developed Methodology for Seismic Strenghtening and Repair in Historic Monuments
SS4-2 B.Ozturk (Nigde University) Effect of CFRP Retrofitting Application on Seismic Behavior of Historic Monumental Buildings at Cappadocia Region of Turkey
SS4-3 M. Ajmal, M.K. Rahman, Z. Celep, M.H. Baluch (ITU, KFUPM Saudi Arabia) Nonlinear Static Pushover and Dynamic Time-History Analysis of a Shear Wall Building in Madinah
SS4-4 D. Ahmed, M.K. Rahman, A.Ilki, M.H. Baluch (KFUPM Saudi Arabia, ITU) Finite Element Modeling of Seismic Performance of Low Concrete Strength Exterior Beam-Column Joints
2nd Day Presentations - Thursday, February 9th, 2012 (9:00 - 17:10)
M.Sozen (Purdue Univ.)
Keynote lecture: Leges de terrae concussione necesse est mutare
SS5-1 E.Eseller-Bayat, M.K.Yegian, S.Gokyer (ITU, Northeastern University) Earthquake Engineering Experimental Facility for Research and Public Outreach
SS5-2 P. Ezzatfar, M.E.Ayatar, B.Binici, O.Kurc, E.Canbay, H.Sucuoglu, G.Ozcebe (METU) Application of Mesh Reinforced Mortar for Performance Enhancement of Infill Walls
SS5-3 M.Urban, L.Stempniewski (KIT) Shaking Table Test of a Pre-damaged Masonry Building Retrofitted with a Mortar-Textile Composite
SS5-4 D.Bournas, T.Triantafillou (JRC, UPAT) Experimental Research on Seismic Retrofitting of Old-type RC Columns with Advanced Composite Materials
SS6-1 M.N.Fardis, A.Schetakis, E.Strepelias (UPAT) Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings by Converting Frame Bays into RC Walls
SS6-2 E.Strepelias, X.Palios, S.Bousias, M.N.Fardis (UPAT) Pseudodynamic Tests on 4-storey Nonductile Frames with RC Infilling of the Bay
SS6-3 C. Z. Chrysostomou, N. Kyriakides, P. Kotronis, P. Roussis, M. Poljansek, F. Taucer (JRC) RC Infilling of Existing RC Structures for Seismic Retrofitting
SS6-4 H. Kanno, N. Teramoto, T. Nishida, J. Kobayashi (Akita Prefectural University, Japan) Substructure Pseudo-Dynamic Tests on Seismic Response Control of Soft-first-story Buildings
SS6-5 Z. Celep, Y. Durgun (ITU) Seismic Response of the School Buildings in Van to Earthquake October 24, 2011
SS7-1 R.Garcia et al. (TA Project BANDIT at CEA) Shaking Table Tests on Deficient RC Frames Strengthened with Post-Tensioned Metal Straps
SS7-2 S.Ivorra, D.Foti, I.Ricci, G.Gasparini, S.Silvestri, T.Trombetti (Univ. de Alicante, Tech. Univ. of Bari, Univ. of Bologna) Shaking Table Test Design to Evaluate Earthquake Capacity of a 3-storey Building Specimen Composed of Cast-in-situ Concrete Walls
SS7-3 H.Degee, A.Plumier, L.Lascar, L.Vasseur (University of Liège, Wienerberger nv) Contribution of the Spandrels and of the Perpendicular Walls to the Seismic Performance of Masonry Walls
SS7-4 P. Kloukinas, A. Penna, A. Scotto Di Santolo, S. Bhattacharya, M. Dietz, L. Dihoru, A. Evangelista, A.L. Simonelli, C.A. Taylor, G. Mylonakis (UPAT, CIMA-AMRA, UNAP, UNIVBRIS, Univ. of Sannio) Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Behaviour of Cantilever Retaining Walls
SS8-1 A.L. Simonelli et al. (TA Project PILESI at UNIVBRIS) Seismic Assessment of Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction
SS8-2 G.Tsinidis, D.Pitilakis , E.Rovithis, E.Kirtas, A.Anastasiadis, K.Pitilakis (AUTH) Physical Modeling for the Evaluation of the Seismic Behavior of Underground Structures
SS8-3 C.M. Heron, S.K. Haigh, S.P.G. Madabhushi (UCAM) Susceptibility of Shallow Foundations to Rocking and Sliding Movements during Seismic Loading
SS8-4 A.Marques, P.Coelho, U.Cilingir, S.Haigh, G.Madabhushi (Univ. of Coimbra, Univ. of Sheffield, UCAM) Centrifuge Modelling of Liquefaction-Induced Settlement of Shallow Foundations
SS8-5 A.M.Y. Mohammed, K. Maekawa (University of Tokyo) Stability Control of Rafted Pile Foundation against Soil Liquefaction
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