Ongoing Projects

Project Code: P10
Year Started: 2024
Funding: Foundation-owned company
Topic: ML-based acceleration of multi-sensor data association for multi aerial objects
Role: Principal Investigator

Project Code: P09
Year Started: 2024
Funding: Private Company
Title: UAV Registration, Tracking, Control, and Unmanned Air Traffic Management System (UTM) Project
Role: Advisor

Completed Projects

Project Code: P08
Year: 2024
Funding: University
Title: FPGA-Based 6DoF Dynamics Accelerator Design
Description: In the Programmable Logic (PL) section of a System-on-Chip (SoC), 6-DoF dynamic calculations for 434 aerial vehicles were executed simultaneously at a 1 kHz rate. The high accuracy enabled by this integration rate allowed the developed Intellectual Property (IP) to be evolved into a swarm drone emulator or a Monte Carlo Simulation engine.
Role: Principal Investigator

Project Code: P07
Duration: 2022-2023
Funding: Undersecretariat-affiliated company
Topic: Avionics hardware and software development consultancy
Description: The avionics team was supported with consultancy. Expertise were shared on the development of the fin actuation system consisting of a motor, motor driver, and sensors; long-range data links, real-time computing hardware units, power control electronics, and Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) applications.
Role: Advisor

Project Code: P06
Duration: 2021-2023
Funding: Foundation-owned company
Topic: Design of a morphing drone launched pneumatically from a moving vehicle
Description: The specially designed rotary-wing UAV in this project stabilized itself and transitioned to controlled flight after being pneumatically launched from a tube. It was successfully tested for launch from both a stationary launcher and a moving vehicle traveling at 60 km/h.
Role: Co-Principal Investigator

Project Code: P05
Duration: 2020-2023
Funding: Foundation-owned company
Topic: Design and implementation of a UAV fleet executing formation flight with a final phase ending on a net
Description: Our research group developed a central route planner in this project. All UAVs were connected to the base in an extended star topology. The final point could be changed during the flight. Some UAVs were launched from an airborne fixed-wing UAV, some from another larger multicopter, and others took off regularly from the ground. Airborne rendezvous and formation were achieved through smooth trajectories. The approach directions to the final point and the contact timing were parameters controlled by the operator. The firmware of the radio units carried by the UAVs was developed, and an auto-relay handover feature was added. The know-how gained from this project has been invaluable to our team.
Role: Co-Principal Investigator

Project Code: P04
Duration: 2020-2023
Funding: European Union SESAR Joint Undertaking
Title: Future of All Aviation Communication, Navigation and Survaillance (CNS) Technology (FACT)
Description: The project aims to increase the safety, security, efficiency and solidity of future Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems by updating CNS technology. It supports a common performance-based approach for CNS functions to meet the needs of a wide range of airspace users across diverse operations. Moreover, it connects future fully digital and automated U-space services to conventional ATM systems, considering technological and user aspects. The project focuses on the innovative application of existing technology potentially adapted from related industrial areas such as the automotive and telecommunications sectors. In the final demonstration, a helicopter, an airplane, and two quadcopters safely shared the same airspace and executed CNS functions.
Role: Principal Investigator

Project Code: P03
Duration: 2018-2019
Funding: Undersecretariat-affiliated company
Topic: Collaborative flight with an agile maneuverable UAV fleet
Description: The dynamic models of the quadcopters and fixed-wing UAVs forming the fleet were obtained using system identification methods, and flight controllers were improved. The quadcopters in the fleet can reach a cruising speed of 30 m/s and generate thrust four times their weight. This project taught our research group the challenges of penetrating a precise ground point based on GNSS, the modeling of GNSS uncertainty, and the impact of Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) corrections.
Role: Co-Principal Investigator

Project Code: P02
Duration: 2018-2019
Funding: Foundation-owned company
Topic: Continuous area, point and convoy survaillance by UAV swarm
Description: Within a 4-square-kilometer area, the operator can designate a region, a specific point, or a moving convoy for surveillance. The mission is assigned to airborne UAVs by a central planning algorithm, and flight routes are determined accordingly. At least three out of six fixed-wing UAVs remain airborne at all times, either executing a mission or standing by. Each UAV is equipped with a 2-axis gimbaled camera, continuously monitoring the designated surveillance point, convoy, or area. Live video footage is transmitted to the ground station in real time, and the operator can seamlessly switch between UAV camera feeds. A UAV that reaches a critical energy level autonomously returns to base. Upon the takeoff of a replacement UAV, the landing UAV's mission is immediately transferred and continued without interruption.
Role: Principal Investigator

Project Code: P01
Duration: 2017-2018
Funding: Government Agency
Topic: Received Signal Strength (RSS) based search and localization by a gasoline-powered fixed-wing UAV fleet
Description: Our research group gained field operation capability with this first project. Gasoline-powered fixed-wing UAVs with over 1 hour of flight endurance flew to locate a victim who could only press the push-to-talk button on a radio operating at an unknown frequency. The radio operated in the VHF voice band. The UAVs were equipped with Software Defined Radio (SDR) and omnidirectional antennas, measured RF signal strength, performed decentralized route planning, and collaboratively determined the location. In the project, the radio's coordinates were identified with a 40-meter deviation in a 25-square-kilometer test area.
Role: Principal Investigator

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