Paper at RECOMB'19: 23rd Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology

Our paper  “Can Kockan, Kaiyuan Zhu, Natnatee Dokmai, Nikolai Karpov, Oguzhan Kulekci, David Woodruff and Cenk Sahinalp. Sketching Algorithms for Genomic Data Analysis and Querying in a Secure Enclave” has been accepted to RECOMB 2019 – 23rd Annual International Conference on Research in  Computational Molecular Biology.  You can reach the accepted papers here. 

Paper at RECOMB’19: 23rd Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology

Our paper  “Can Kockan, Kaiyuan Zhu, Natnatee Dokmai, Nikolai Karpov, Oguzhan Kulekci, David Woodruff and Cenk Sahinalp. Sketching Algorithms for Genomic Data Analysis and Querying in a Secure Enclave” has been accepted to RECOMB 2019 – 23rd Annual International Conference on Research in  Computational Molecular Biology.  You can reach the accepted papers here. 

Organizing the "International Workshop on String Algorithms in Bioinformatics (StringBio'18)"

String algorithms and related data structures are gaining an ever-increasing interest as they form the backbone of many current data processing tools in genomics. Motivated by this fact, we are organizing the StringBio’18, International Workshop on String String Algorithms in Bioinformatics in Orlando from 25th to 27th of October. Focused solely on string algorithms in bioinformatics, StringBio primarily aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and students, with a different format that is composed of short tutorials and research talks. The keynote lectures will be given by Prof. Srinivas Aluru and Prof. Martin Farach-Colton.
We will be happy to see you at StringBio’18. Please check the website for further details. By the way, there is NO registration fee.

Organizing the “International Workshop on String Algorithms in Bioinformatics (StringBio’18)”

String algorithms and related data structures are gaining an ever-increasing interest as they form the backbone of many current data processing tools in genomics. Motivated by this fact, we are organizing the StringBio’18, International Workshop on String String Algorithms in Bioinformatics in Orlando from 25th to 27th of October. Focused solely on string algorithms in bioinformatics, StringBio primarily aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and students, with a different format that is composed of short tutorials and research talks. The keynote lectures will be given by Prof. Srinivas Aluru and Prof. Martin Farach-Colton.
We will be happy to see you at StringBio’18. Please check the website for further details. By the way, there is NO registration fee.

Talk given at IDEA Teknoloji Çözümleri

I have given a talk addressing the importance of “Algorithms in the Digital Age”at İdea Teknoloji Çözümleri .  Thanks for the kind invitation and the sincere hospitality I received during my visit.  

We have discussed why the design and analysis of algorithms make a significant difference in applications, particularly in massive data processing and IoT environments. We spent time on introducing the issues such as approximation and randomized algorithms, streaming data processing, external memory algorithms as well as data compression and compressed data processing. Theory and practice in scope of algorithm engineering was a main point of concern. 


Paper at Journal of Computational Biology: "A Two-level Scheme for Quality Score Compression"

Our joint work  “A Two-level Scheme for Quality Score Compression” with my (graduated) MSc student Ali Fotouhi (currently with University of Sherbrooke, Canada), Jan Voges and Jörn Osterman from University of Leipzig, Germany; has been accepted to Journal of Computational Biology. This work had been supported by the TUBITAK grant 117E293 grant. You can reach the ahead-of-print version here.