Introduction to Embedded Systems
e-mail: mustak.yalcin [at]
Introduction to Embedded Systems
Embedded systems overview, Design Challenge, Data Flow Modeling and Implementation, Analysis of Control Flow and Data Flow, Finite State Machine with Datapath, Custom Single-Purpose Processors, General-purpose processors, Peripherals, Memory, Interfacing, InterruptsTextbooks

Textbook: Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471386782, 2002.
Week -1
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
Week -2
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
The Dozens of Computers That Make Modern Cars Go
Apple's iPhone 6s Plus Costs an Estimated $236 to Make -- $749 to Purchase
Market time-windows
Moore's Law and the Future of Solid-State Electronics
Week -3
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
Week -4
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
Week -5
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
Video: Lecture 08 : Finite State Machines (by Patrick Schaumont, Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing - ECE 2534)
Week -6
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
Week -7
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
Week -8
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
What is the 8051 doing in the year 2008 ?
Smart Card Interface Design Example (Microsemi)
Keil development tools for the 8051 Microcontroller
8051 Instruction Set Manual : Opcodes
Keil: A51 Macro Assembler
Keil: BL51 Code Banking Linker/Locator
Keil: C51 ANSI C Compiler
Keil: FlashMON51 Target Monitor
Keil: Professional Developer's Kit
80C51 Data Sheet
Instruction set for the 8051 Microcontroller
Week -9
Lecture Slides [ PDF ] [ PDF ]
Recommended Reading:
Pong P. Chu, "FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples: Xilinx Spartan -3 Version",Chapter 14, Wiley 2008.
PicoBlaze 8-bit Embedded Microcontroller User Guide
PicoBlaze for Spartan-6, Virtex-6, 7-Series, Zynq and UltraScale Devices
PicoBlaze Instruction Set Simulator (1.1MB)
Fidex is an integrated assembler development environment (IDE) for soft-core processors.
Homework Practices
Programing with Picoblaze assembly (Software Homework)
A system including one master picoblaze and two slave picoblazes (Hardware Homework)
Tool Flow for PicoBlaze on ISE (Thanks to Tuba Ayhan (Turkish))
Tool flow for Picoblaze 6 with Fidex IDE and Vivado( How to download and install Vivado ) (Thanks to Emrah Abtioğlu for Video)
Week -10
Week -11
Lecture Slides [ PDF 1] and [ PDF 2]
Homework Practices
Block RAM connection with PicoBlaze and read/write operations.
Using an EEPROM to replace combinational logic
Memory Technology SRAM and DRAM
One Memory Bit SRAM
One Memory Bit DRAM
Memory Chip Organization: Read
Memory Chip Organization: Refresh
Memory Chip Organization: Write
EPROM : 27C64
EEPROM: Atmel AT28C010
EEPROM : Atmel 24AA32A
Atmel SPI Serial Flash Memory
HM6264 Datasheet
DRAM: KM41464 Samsung
SDRAM:MT48LC32M8A2 Micro
Toshiba: What would you do without NAND Flash Technology
Solid-State Drive (SSD): A Nonvolatile Storage System
Week - 12:
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
Figure 1.1 of CMOS EPROM 27C64
80C51, page 4-7
PicoBlaze, page 4-7
8255, Programmable Peripheral Interface
80C51 Instructions
Week - 13:
Lecture Slides [ PDF ]
80C51, Figures 10,11 and 12
80C51 Instructions
Week -14
Presentation of projects
Demo Day 2019
Final Project Examples:
Demo Day 2020
Memories From Lectures :
Times of Pandemi (Photos taken by students far from ITU)
© 2018 Mustak E. Yalcin
Template design by Andreas Viklund