VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems
e-mail: mustak.yalcin [at] itu.edu.tr
VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems
Characteristics and representations of signal processing programs • Iteration bound, Pipelining and parallel processing, Retiming, Unfolding, Folding, Systolic architecture design, Algorithmic strength reduction in filters and transformations, Pipelined and parallel recursive filters, Bit-level arithmetic architecture, Redundant Arithmetic, Numerical strength reduction. Course Catalogue FormTextbooks

Edward A. Lee and David G. Messerschmitt,
"Synchronous data flow," Proc. of the IEEE,
10.1109/PROC.1987.13876, 1987.
- Keshab K. Parhi, "High-level algorithm and architecture transformations for DSP synthesis," Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for signal, image and video technology, 10.1007/BF02406474, 1995.
Week -1
Lecture Slides:
Introduction and DSP Basics (PDF)
Create a HDL Coder project, generate code for your MATLAB design, and synthesize the HDL code MATLAB HDL Coder:
Generate VHDL and Verilog code for FPGA and ASIC designs
Basic HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from MATLAB
- Week -2
Lecture Slides:
Representations of DSP Algorithms(PDF)
Parhi K.K., Chen Y. (2013) Signal Flow Graphs and Data Flow Graphs. In: Bhattacharyya S., Deprettere E., Leupers R., Takala J. (eds) Handbook of Signal Processing Systems. Springer, New York, NY.
Translater (DFP to Matlab) by Erdem Uluçınar (in Turkish)
Github: hdlcoder-examples
- Week -3
Lecture Slides:
Scheduling Data Flow graph(PDF)
- Week -4
Lecture Slides:
Iteration Bound (PDF)
Longest Path Matrix Algorithm
Minimum Cycle Mean Method Algorithm
Obtaining Iteration Bound
- Week -5
Lecture Slides:
Pipelining and Parallel Processing (PDF)
- Week -6
Lecture Slides:
Pipelining and Parallel Processing for Low Power(PDF)
- Week -7
Lecture Slides:
Retiming (PDF)
- Week -8
Lecture Slides:
Unfolding (PDF)
- Week -9
Lecture Slides:
Folding (PDF)
- Week -10
Lecture Slides:
Systolic Array Architecture (PDF)
- Week -11
Lecture Slides:
Algorithmic Strength Reduction (PDF)
Week -12
Lecture Slides:
... (PDF)
- Week -13
Lecture Slides:
... (PDF)
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Template design by Andreas Viklund