Proteins and their complexes
Exploring allosteric signaling pathways, investigating new drug binding sites and drug repurposing for bacterial and human ribosome (with Prof. Dr. Turkan Haliloglu Boğaziçi U.; Prof. Dr. F. Aylin Sungur, Prof. Dr. Ayten Karataş, Prof. Dr. Fatma Neşe Kök ITU, Dr. Hasan Demirci Koç U., TÜBİTAK-1001)
Exploring new species-specific drug binding sites for S. aureus and L. mexicana (with Prof. Demet Akten Kadir Has U., Assoc. Prof. Cenk Sesal Marmara U., TÜBİTAK-1001)
Investigating functional dynamics and new drug binding sites for CXCRs |
Exploring new drug binding sites on Mpro of SARS-CoV-2 and docking (with Prof. Dr. F. Aylin Sungur, ITU)
Materials and interfaces
Understanding the effect of polyurethane surface properties on protein adsorption (with Prof. Dr. F. Seniha Güner, ITU)
Developing molecular imprinted contact lenses with controlled drug delivery (with Prof. Dr. F. Seniha Güner, ITU, TÜBİTAK 1001)
Developing biocompatible carbon nanotubes for targeted and controlled drug delivery (with Prof. Dr. F. Seniha Güner, ITU)
Developing wound dressings with MOFs, zeolites, GO, pectin hydrogels (with Prof. Dr. Seniha Güner and Prof. Dr. F. Aylin Sungur ITU, TÜBİTAK-1001 and 1004)
