
Welcome to the home page of Dr. Hamza Salih Erden.

Dr. Erden received his B.S. degree from Istanbul Technical University in Mechanical Engineering; M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Syracuse University in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He is now a faculty member at Istanbul Technical University, where he leads graduate-level teaching track and research group titled “Thermal Systems in Cloud Infrastructure” at the Informatics Institute. His current research is on the thermodynamic modeling and optimization of data center thermal environment and cooling infrastructure. As an active member of ASHRAE, ASME and IEEE, Dr. Erden authored and co-authored more than 35 journal articles and conference papers and received 2015 ASHRAE Willis H. Carrier Award.

Monitoring Server States with Infrared Images

Beltus Nkwawir Wiysobunri, a PhD student in our group, has published an article titled “CNN-based server state monitoring and fault diagnosis using infrared thermal images” in the journal Soft Computing.

Design workflow of the proposed methodology to classify server operational states using infrared thermal images

The study, co-authored with his advisors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamza Salih Erden and Prof. Dr. Behçcet Uğur Töreyin, presents a deep learning-based method for diagnosing server operation states in high-performance computing data centers. Using infrared thermal images, the proposed method can automatically detect issues such as fan failures, CPU load levels, and server entrance blockages with an impressive accuracy of 99.60%.

This work is based on Beltus’s master’s research and demonstrates the potential of intelligent, non-contact methods to improve data center reliability and efficiency.

Full article is available at Springer Link and at ResearchGate

Congratulations to Beltus for this achievement!

Research Highlighted at Sectoral Conference

The Thermal Systems in Cloud Infrastructure research group from Istanbul Technical University Informatics Institute actively participated in the Data Center Ankara 2024 Conference on February 27, showcasing graduate-level research addressing pressing issues in data center thermal and energy management.

The group engaged with conference attendees through posters and a dedicated stand, where they presented their innovative approaches and ongoing studies. This platform allowed graduate researchers to share their contributions with industry professionals and academics, fostering meaningful discussions and potential collaborations.

As part of the event, Dr. Hamza Salih Erden delivered an invited talk titled “Research Activities on Data Center Thermal and Energy Challenges.” The talk explored the operational challenges faced by modern data centers, the latest industry advancements, and the group’s initiatives to develop energy management systems that optimize data centers as critical assets for both owners and energy grids.

You can watch the talk here.

Navigating Challenges: A Focus on Data Center Thermal and Energy Issues

On December 5th, 2023, members and alumni of the “Thermal Systems in Cloud Infrastructure” research group attended Data Center Istanbul, a sectoral conference, where Dr. Hamza Salih Erden gave an invited speech titled “Research Activities on the Data Center Thermal and Energy Challenges”. He presented highlights of past and ongoing research conducted in his research group at the Informatics Institute and future research directions. He shared ongoing efforts to create an energy management system for optimizing data centers as assets for owners and energy grids.

Dr. Hamza Salih Erden gave an invited talk at Data Center Istanbul on “Research Activities on Data Center Thermal and Energy Challenges.”

The group members enjoyed the hospitality of the organization committee, speeches by the stakeholders of the industry, networking opportunities with the participating company representatives and guests.

Group picture of “Thermal Systems in Cloud Infrastructure” researchers at Data Center Istanbul 2023.

Video recording of the session can be accessed below (in Turkish).

Preliminary Results of Data Center Demand Response Study Presented at SEST 2023

Our research group members attended International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST 2023) between September 4-6 in Muğla at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. Beltus Nkwawir presented the preliminary results of the TÜBİTAK project in the session “Demand Side Management” chaired by Dr. Hamza Salih Erden. The conference paper Beltus presented is titled “Data Center Energy Optimization under Different Dynamic Pricing Schemes”. The study explores the cost-saving potential of data centers utilizing energy optimization under a demand response program with various existing electricity tariffs in Turkey and others that are not available. You can access the paper by following the link.

Beltus appears at the podium during SEST2023 presenting his paper.

Conference Paper on Thermal Energy Storage for Data Centers Presented at the ASHRAE Annual Conference

ASHRAE Annual Conference 2023 took place between June 24-28 in Tampa, FL, USA. Dr. Erden attended the conference and presented the conference paper titled “Investigations on the Cost-Effective Design and Operation of Water-Based Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Data Centers” co-authored by Amir Abdolhosseinzadeh, Mechanical Engineering PhD candidate at Boğaziçi University. Funded by the TÜBİTAK project, the study explores the cost-saving potential of thermal energy storage systems (i.e., water tanks), which are primarily designed as emergency cooling systems in data centers. While investigating the dynamic behavior of the data center cooling infrastructure and controls based on thermodynamic models, the work proposes an optimization framework to minimize the total cost of ownership of the system while ensuring a feasible design and operation. As a corresponding member of the Technical Committee 9.9: Mission Critical Facilities, Data Centers, Technology Spaces and Electronic Equipment, Dr. Erden attended in-person meetings of the Technical Committee aside from the wide variety of technical sessions.

Call for Applications: STAR Internship Positions for Undergraduate Students

STAR Internship positions are available as part of our TÜBİTAK 3501 Career Project titled “Modeling and Optimization of Grid-Integrated Energy Systems for the Demand-Side Management of Data Centers” (VERİ MERKEZLERİNİN TALEP TARAFI YÖNETİMİ IÇİN ŞEBEKEYLE ENTEGRE ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLEME VE OPTİMİZASYONU).

This is an open call for Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Students interested in getting involved with state-of-the-art research in our group and modeling thermal systems in the data center infrastructure. You can submit your applications through the STAR Internship Program website until the deadline on April 22nd, 2022. If you would like to know more about the project and our group, please feel free to contact us.

New Articles about the CRAH BP Method

National and international journal articles have been published recently in our group on the energy and economic assessments of computer room air handling (CRAH) bypass (BP) method for data centers.

The first article, titled “Comprehensive energy and economic assessment of CRAH bypass method in air-cooled data centers” is published in the Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. The article provides a holistic optimization tool for various configurations of air-cooled data centers based on detailed thermodynamic modeling using hour-by-hour annual energy simulations. Despite the significant energy-saving potential of the CRAH BP method, economics plays a pivotal role in the feasibility of such an investment. The results include design considerations for the successful application of the CRAH BP method in air-cooled data centers.

The second article, titled “Energy and economic analysis of the bypass method for the computer room air conditioning units of a small data center“, published in the Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University is a national article published in Turkish. The article elaborates on the energy and economic analysis of the method for a small data center on campus, the National High-Performance Computing Center, exploring the feasibility of the application for the first time in an operational data center.

Both articles are funded by the financial support provided by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) as part of the project 118M238, titled “CFD Analysis and Economic Assessment of CRAH Bypass Method for the Cooling Optimization of Data Centers”.

Full citation records of the articles:

Erden, H. S., (2022). “Comprehensive energy and economic assessment of CRAH bypass method in air-cooled data centers”. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 52B, 102120.
doi: 10.1016/j.seta.2022.102120

Erden, H. S. & Türkmen, İ., (2022). “Küçük bir veri merkezinin iklimlendirme ünitelerine yönelik baypas yönteminin enerji ve ekonomik analizi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi , 37 (4) , 1883-1898.
doi: 10.17341/gazimmfd.897270

Another Milestone Achieved by Beltus

Our group member, Beltus, successfully defended his thesis titled “CNN-based Server State Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis using Infrared Thermography” and graduated from the Computer Science M.Sc. Program. His work was co-supervised by Professors Hamza Salih Erden and Behçet Uğur Töreyin and funded by Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Vodafone Future Lab under Project Number 2018000463.

Thesis defense in progress…

Constructive feedbacks by the committee members Professors Sefer Baday, Gökhan Bilgin and Nurullah Çalık are higly appreciated.

Celebrations after the successful defense

Congrats to Beltus for achieving another milestone in his career and wish him success in the future…

TUBITAK Career Development Grant Program Awarded Our Proposal on Data Center Demand Response

Our project titled “Modeling and Optimization of Grid-Integrated Energy Systems for the Demand-Side Management of Data Centers” has been funded by TUBITAK 3501 Career Development Grant Program. The project team consists of researchers from the Informatics Institute and Energy Institute, and multiple graduate scholarships are available for the duration of the TUBITAK 3501 project until June 2023. Contact for more information: erdenh@itu.edu.tr