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24.06.2015 · Print · History · Edit

Computer Related Works

Computer.Computer History

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24.06.2015 by -
Added lines 55-56:
Ters Dizin
TDK'nın imlâ kılavuzuna dayalı Türkçe'nin ters dizini (uyak sözlüğü olarak da bilinir).
30.10.2012 by -
Added lines 16-17:
Çilek Ağacı (with Amaç Herdağdelen and Deniz Cem Önduygu)
A small team of enthusiasts that aims to analyze and visualize social, economical and political data.
09.03.2012 by -
Changed line 44 from:
js1k için L-System Fraktal Üreticisi
Ekranda Lindenmayer fraktalları üreten 1024 bayttan küçük bir Javascript programı.
js1k için L-System Fraktal Üreticisi
Ekranda Lindenmayer fraktalları üreten 1024 bayttan küçük bir Javascript programı.
09.02.2012 by -
Changed line 17 from:
L-System Fractal Generator for js1k
A Javascript program with less than 1024 bytes that generates Lindenmayer fractals on the screen.
L-system Fractal Generator for js1k
A Javascript program with less than 1024 bytes that generates Lindenmayer fractals on the screen.
09.02.2012 by -
Changed line 44 from:
js1k için L-System Fraktal Üreticisi?
Ekranda Lindenmayer fraktalları üreten 1024 bayttan küçük bir Javascript programı.
js1k için L-System Fraktal Üreticisi
Ekranda Lindenmayer fraktalları üreten 1024 bayttan küçük bir Javascript programı.
09.02.2012 by -
Added lines 43-44:
js1k için L-System Fraktal Üreticisi?
Ekranda Lindenmayer fraktalları üreten 1024 bayttan küçük bir Javascript programı.
09.02.2012 by -
Added lines 16-17:
L-System Fractal Generator for js1k
A Javascript program with less than 1024 bytes that generates Lindenmayer fractals on the screen.
23.02.2010 by -
Changed line 17 from:
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows XP tool for people who have multiple sound devices. It stays in the system tray and lets you change your active sound device with a double click.
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows XP tool for people who have multiple sound devices. It stays on the system tray and lets you change your active sound device with a double click.
19.02.2010 by -
Changed line 9 from:
MS Thesis
A research on protein function prediction. As a part of this work, I measured the contribution of the secondary structure information on the performance of protein function prediction and I applied Oommen-Kashyap transition probability calculation onto the peptide classification problem.
MS Thesis
A research on protein function prediction. As a part of this work, I measured the contribution of the secondary structure information on the performance of protein function prediction and I applied Oommen-Kashyap transition probability calculation on the peptide classification problem.
28.09.2009 by -
Added lines 19-20:
Folder Analyzer
A Windows tool for analyzing folders hierarchies. It displays number of nodes, number of empty nodes, total size and compressibility of a folder. Handy for archiving purposes.
Added lines 43-44:
Folder Analyzer
Dizin hiyerarşilerini analiz etmeye yarayan bir Windows aracı. Bir dizinin içindeki dosya/dizin sayısını, boş dosya/dizinlerin sayısını, dizinin toplam boyutunu ve sıkıştırılabilirliğini gösteriyor. Özellikle arşivleme işleri için faydalı.
27.09.2009 by -
Changed line 7 from:
Analysis of Community-based Dictionaries (with Amaç Herdağdelen)
A series of work on the graphical and the semantical analysis of the community-based on-line dictionaries like Ekşi Sözlük and İTÜ Sözlük, which are very popular in Turkey.
Analysis of Community-based Dictionaries (with Amaç Herdağdelen)
A series of works on the graphical and the semantical analysis of the community-based on-line dictionaries like Ekşi Sözlük and İTÜ Sözlük, which are very popular in Turkey.
27.09.2009 by -
Changed line 17 from:
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows XP tool for people have multiple sound devices. It stays in the system tray and lets you change your active sound device with a double click.
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows XP tool for people who have multiple sound devices. It stays in the system tray and lets you change your active sound device with a double click.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed line 19 from:
İTÜ SİS Otokayıt?
A web robot for ITU course registration system.
İTÜ SİS Otokayıt
A web robot for ITU course registration system.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed line 42 from:
İTÜ SİS Otokayıt?
İTÜ SİS için otomatik ders kaydı uygulaması.
İTÜ SİS Otokayıt
İTÜ SİS için otomatik ders kaydı uygulaması.
25.09.2009 by -
Added lines 19-20:
İTÜ SİS Otokayıt?
A web robot for ITU course registration system.
Added lines 41-42:
İTÜ SİS Otokayıt?
İTÜ SİS için otomatik ders kaydı uygulaması.
25.09.2009 by -
Added lines 19-20:
A program that turns your Synaptics TouchPad into a MIDI controller. It also supports ordinary mice.
Added lines 39-40:
Synaptics TouchPad'i MIDI denetleyicisi olarak kullanmaya yarayan bir program. Sıradan farelere de destek veriyor.
25.09.2009 by -
Added lines 17-18:
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows XP tool for people have multiple sound devices. It stays in the system tray and lets you change your active sound device with a double click.
Added lines 35-36:
Audio Device Switcher
Birden çok ses kartı olanlar için Windows XP'de çalışan ses aygıtı değiştirme aracı. Köşede durur, iki tıkla işinizi görürsünüz.
25.09.2009 by -
Added lines 5-6:


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25.09.2009 by -
Deleted lines 4-5:
EVODES (with Deniz Cem Önduygu)
An evolutionary poster design environment. This is a web-based application that lets you evolve poster designs interactively. You can see some of its outputs inside.
Deleted lines 15-16:
EVODES (Deniz Cem Önduygu ile)
Bir evrimsel poster tasarım ortamı. Kendisi, etkileşimli olarak poster tasarımlarını evirmenizi sağlayan web tabanlı bir uygulama. İçeride bazı çıktılarını görmek mümkün.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed line 11 from:
BS Thesis
A research on web page clustering and classification. In this work, I compared different combinations of classification methods and similarity metrics, and I proposed a new method improving the accuracy of the centroid-based method.
BS Thesis
A research on web page clustering and classification. In this work, I compared different combinations of several classification methods and similarity metrics, and I proposed a new method improving the accuracy of the centroid-based method.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed line 13 from:
Elements (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
A tool for visualizing multi-dimensional objects and their fewer dimensional intersections. This work is the product of our high school project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
Elemanlar (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
A tool for visualizing multi-dimensional objects and their fewer dimensional intersections. This work is the product of our high school project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed lines 7-8 from:
Analysis of Collaborative Dictionaries? (with Amaç Herdağdelen)
A series of work on the graphical and semantical analysis of the on-line collaborative dictionaries like Ekşi Sözlük and İTÜ Sözlük, which are very popular in Turkey.
Analysis of Community-based Dictionaries (with Amaç Herdağdelen)
A series of work on the graphical and the semantical analysis of the community-based on-line dictionaries like Ekşi Sözlük and İTÜ Sözlük, which are very popular in Turkey.
Added lines 20-21:
Topluluk Tabanlı Sözlüklerin Analizi (Amaç Herdağdelen ile)
Ekşi Sözlük ve İTÜ Sözlük gibi internet üzerindeki topluluk tabanlı sözlüklerin çizge ve anlam analizleri üzerine bir dizi çalışma.
25.09.2009 by -
Added lines 6-7:
Analysis of Collaborative Dictionaries? (with Amaç Herdağdelen)
A series of work on the graphical and semantical analysis of the on-line collaborative dictionaries like Ekşi Sözlük and İTÜ Sözlük, which are very popular in Turkey.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
EVODES (with Deniz Cem Önduygu)
An evolutionary poster design environment. This is a web-based application that lets you evolve poster designs interactively. Click it to see some outputs.
EVODES (with Deniz Cem Önduygu)
An evolutionary poster design environment. This is a web-based application that lets you evolve poster designs interactively. You can see some of its outputs inside.
Added lines 16-17:
EVODES (Deniz Cem Önduygu ile)
Bir evrimsel poster tasarım ortamı. Kendisi, etkileşimli olarak poster tasarımlarını evirmenizi sağlayan web tabanlı bir uygulama. İçeride bazı çıktılarını görmek mümkün.
25.09.2009 by -
Added lines 4-5:
EVODES (with Deniz Cem Önduygu)
An evolutionary poster design environment. This is a web-based application that lets you evolve poster designs interactively. Click it to see some outputs.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
BS Thesis
A research on web page clustering and classification. In this work, I compare different combinations of classification methods and similarity metrics, and I propose a new method improving the accuracy of the centroid-based method.
MS Thesis
A research on protein function prediction. As a part of this work, I measured the contribution of the secondary structure information on the performance of protein function prediction and I applied Oommen-Kashyap transition probability calculation onto the peptide classification problem.
BS Thesis
A research on web page clustering and classification. In this work, I compared different combinations of classification methods and similarity metrics, and I proposed a new method improving the accuracy of the centroid-based method.
Changed lines 15-17 from:
Bitirme Ödevi
Web sayfalarının gruplanması ve sınıflandırılması üzerine bir araştırma. Bu çalışmada, sınıflandırma yöntemlerinin ve benzerlik ölçütlerinin farklı kombinasyonlarını karşılaştırıyorum ve ağırlık merkezi tabanlı yöntemin başarısını arttıran yeni bir yöntem öneriyorum.
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Protein işlev kestirimi üzerine bir araştırma. Bu çalışmanın bir parçası olarak, ikincil yapı bilgisinin protein işlev kestirimi başarısına olan katkısını ölçtüm ve Oommen-Kashyap geçiş olasılığı hesabını peptit sınıflandırma problemine uyguladım.
Bitirme Ödevi
Web sayfalarının gruplanması ve sınıflandırılması üzerine bir araştırma. Bu çalışmada, sınıflandırma yöntemlerinin ve benzerlik ölçütlerinin farklı kombinasyonlarını karşılaştırdım ve ağırlık merkezi tabanlı yöntemin başarısını arttıran yeni bir yöntem önerdim.
25.09.2009 by -
Added lines 5-6:
BS Thesis
A research on web page clustering and classification. In this work, I compare different combinations of classification methods and similarity metrics, and I propose a new method improving the accuracy of the centroid-based method.
Added lines 12-13:
Bitirme Ödevi
Web sayfalarının gruplanması ve sınıflandırılması üzerine bir araştırma. Bu çalışmada, sınıflandırma yöntemlerinin ve benzerlik ölçütlerinin farklı kombinasyonlarını karşılaştırıyorum ve ağırlık merkezi tabanlı yöntemin başarısını arttıran yeni bir yöntem öneriyorum.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed line 5 from:
Elements? (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
A tool for visualizing multi-dimensional objects and their fewer dimensional intersections. This work is the product of our high school project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
Elements (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
A tool for visualizing multi-dimensional objects and their fewer dimensional intersections. This work is the product of our high school project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed line 5 from:
Elements? (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
A tool for visualizing multi-dimensional objects and their fewer dimensional intersections. This work is the product of our project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
Elements? (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
A tool for visualizing multi-dimensional objects and their fewer dimensional intersections. This work is the product of our high school project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed lines 3-5 from:
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25.09.2009 by -
Changed lines 2-12 from:
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25.09.2009 by -
Changed line 3 from:
Elements? (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
The product of our project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
Elements? (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
A tool for visualization of multi-dimensional objects and their intersections. This is the product of our project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed line 3 from:
Elements? (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
The product of our project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
Elements? (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
The product of our project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed line 3 from:
Elements? (with [[Işık Barış Fidaner->])
The product of our project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
Elements? (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
The product of our project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.
25.09.2009 by -
Changed lines 2-4 from:
Changed line 12 from:
�T� S�S Otokay�t
An automatic course registration utility for ITU student automation system.
Changed lines 14-20 from:
Changed line 22 from:
�T� S�S Otokay�t
�T� ��renci Otomasyon Sistemi i�in otomatik ders kayd� arac�.
05.01.2009 by -
Changed line 15 from:
05.01.2009 by -
Added lines 13-20:
05.01.2009 by -
Changed lines 5-7 from:
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows system tray utility that displays and sets the default audio device. If you have multiple audio cards, you can use Audio Device Switcher to switch between your cards without opening the control panel. Tested only on Windows XP.
A Windows desktop application that lets you use your Synaptics TouchPad as a MIDI controller. You can assign pitch wheel, modulation or any MIDI control to the axes of your touchpad and use your fingers to interact with MIDI devices. Tested only on Windows XP.
Audio Device Switcher
Switch between your audio devices without opening the control panel. A Windows system tray utility that displays and sets the default audio device. Tested only on Windows XP.
Use your Synaptics TouchPad as a MIDI controller. You can assign pitch wheel, modulation or any MIDI control message to the axes of your touchpad and use your fingers to interact with MIDI devices. Tested only on Windows XP.
05.01.2009 by -
Changed line 5 from:
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows system tray application that displays and sets the default audio device. If you have multiple audio cards, you can use Audio Device Switcher to switch between your cards without opening the control panel. Tested only on Windows XP.
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows system tray utility that displays and sets the default audio device. If you have multiple audio cards, you can use Audio Device Switcher to switch between your cards without opening the control panel. Tested only on Windows XP.
05.01.2009 by -
Changed line 10 from:
05.01.2009 by -
Added lines 8-10:
05.01.2009 by -
Deleted line 7:
05.01.2009 by -
Added line 4:
Added lines 6-8:
A Windows desktop application that lets you use your Synaptics TouchPad as a MIDI controller. You can assign pitch wheel, modulation or any MIDI control to the axes of your touchpad and use your fingers to interact with MIDI devices. Tested only on Windows XP.
05.01.2009 by -
Changed line 4 from:
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows system tray application that displays and sets the default audio device. If you have multiple audio cards, you can use Audio Device Switcher to switch cars without opening the control panel. Tested only on Windows XP.
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows system tray application that displays and sets the default audio device. If you have multiple audio cards, you can use Audio Device Switcher to switch between your cards without opening the control panel. Tested only on Windows XP.
05.01.2009 by -
Added lines 1-7: