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24.06.2015 · Print · History · Edit

Computer Related Works


Analysis of Community-based Dictionaries (with Amaç Herdağdelen)
A series of works on the graphical and the semantical analysis of the community-based on-line dictionaries like Ekşi Sözlük and İTÜ Sözlük, which are very popular in Turkey.
MS Thesis
A research on protein function prediction. As a part of this work, I measured the contribution of the secondary structure information on the performance of protein function prediction and I applied Oommen-Kashyap transition probability calculation on the peptide classification problem.
BS Thesis
A research on web page clustering and classification. In this work, I compared different combinations of several classification methods and similarity metrics, and I proposed a new method improving the accuracy of the centroid-based method.
Elemanlar (with Işık Barış Fidaner)
A tool for visualizing multi-dimensional objects and their fewer dimensional intersections. This work is the product of our high school project named Projections and Intersections of Multi-dimensional Objects.


Çilek Ağacı (with Amaç Herdağdelen and Deniz Cem Önduygu)
A small team of enthusiasts that aims to analyze and visualize social, economical and political data.
L-system Fractal Generator for js1k
A Javascript program with less than 1024 bytes that generates Lindenmayer fractals on the screen.
Audio Device Switcher
A Windows XP tool for people who have multiple sound devices. It stays on the system tray and lets you change your active sound device with a double click.
Folder Analyzer
A Windows tool for analyzing folders hierarchies. It displays number of nodes, number of empty nodes, total size and compressibility of a folder. Handy for archiving purposes.
İTÜ SİS Otokayıt
A web robot for ITU course registration system.
A program that turns your Synaptics TouchPad into a MIDI controller. It also supports ordinary mice.