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Selected Publications

Aslı Sarı, Gulfem Isıklar Alptekin, Ayse Tosun: A Systematic Literature Review on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering. Journal of Systems and Software, 153, 200-219 (2019).

Ayse Tosun, Oscar Dieste, Davide Fucci, Sira Vegas, Burak Turhan, Hakan Erdogmus, Adrian Santos, Markku Oivo, Kimmo Toro, Janne Jarvinen, Natalia Juristo: An industry experiment on the effects of test-driven development on external quality and productivity. Empirical Software Engineering, 22(6), 2763-2805 (2017)

Woubshet Nema, Pilar Rodriguez, Markku Oivo, Ayse Tosun: Analyzing the concept of technical debt in the context of agile software development: A systematic literature review. Information and Software Technology, 82, 139-158 (2017).

Ayse Tosun, Ayse Basar Bener: Bayesian Networks For Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Software Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 40(6), 533-554 (2014)

Ayse Tosun, Ayse Bener, Bora Çaglayan, Gül Çalikli, Burak Turhan: Field Studies - A Methodology for Construction and Evaluation of Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering. Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering, 329-355 (2014)

Ayse Tosun, Bora Caglayan, Ayse Bener, Burak Turhan: A Retrospective Study of Software Analytics Projects: In-Depth Interviews with Practitioners, IEEE Software, 30(5), 54-61 (2013)

Ayse Tosun, Ayse Basar Bener, Resat Kale: AI-Based Software Defect Predictors: Applications and Benefits in a Case Study, AI Magazine 32(2), 57-68 (2011)