Thursday 9:30-12:30
Location: UUBF Computer Lab.
Reference Books:
-High-Resolution Methods for Incompressible and Low-Speed
Flows, Dimitris Drikakis and William Rider.
version is available through ScienceDirect.
-Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows.
Volume 1: Fundamentals of Numerical Discretization, Charles Hirch.
version is available through ScienceDirect.
-Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Joel H. Ferziger
and Milovan Peric.
-Computational Fluid Dynamics: Principles and Applications, Jiri
-Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, John C. Tannehill,
Dale A. Anderson and Richard H. Pletcher.
-High-Order Methods for Incompressible Fluid Flow, Michel O. Deville, Paul F. Fischer and Ernest H. Mund.
-Spectral / hp element methods for CFD, George Karniadakis and
Spencer J. Sherwin.
version is availablet hrough ScienceDirect.
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J. M.
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Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, University of Kentucky,
BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)
LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage)
The Message
Passing Interface (MPI) standard
Portable, Extensible Toolkit for
Scientific Computation (PETSc)
Scalable Linear Solvers and Multigrid Methods
MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver (MUMPS)
Geometry and Mesh Generation Toolkit (CUBIT)
A three-dimensional finite element mesh
generator with built-in pre- and ğost-processing facilities - GMSH
Standford Open Source CFD Code
- SU2
Incompressible Flow & Iterative Solver Software (IFISS)
The Software
Packages Feat/Feast/FeatFlow
The Open Source CFD Toolbox (OpenFOAM)
CFD Online