Road Line Detection Demo

Road Line Detection

Computer Vision OpenCV Python

Implementation of a road line detection system using computer vision techniques. The project processes video input to identify and highlight lane lines, essential for autonomous driving applications.

Advanced Lane Detection

Computer Vision OpenCV Python Udacity

A sophisticated computer vision pipeline for robust lane detection in challenging driving conditions. Features camera calibration, perspective transform, color/gradient thresholding, and polynomial fitting for accurate lane boundary detection.

GPS Publisher for ROS2 Humble

ROS2 Python Autonomous Systems

This ROS2 package simulates real-time GPS and IMU data streams by publishing NavSatFix, Imu, and PoseWithCovarianceStamped messages. Perfect for testing autonomous systems without hardware.

Self-Driving Cars Project

Self-Driving Cars Specialization

Autonomous Vehicles Control Systems Coursera

Understanding commonly used hardware for self-driving cars, identifying the main components of the self-driving software stack, programming vehicle modeling and control.

Heart Attack Prediction

Heart Attack Prediction using ML

Machine Learning Data Analysis Healthcare

A comprehensive analysis of machine learning models for heart attack prediction using various analytical techniques including EDA, correlation analysis, and predictive modeling.

Motion Planning Simulation

Motion Planning Simulation

CARLA Motion Planning Simulation

Implementation of three critical phases of autonomous driving planning: Short-Term, Immediate-Term, and Behavior Planning, focusing on obstacle avoidance and traffic rules.

Flower Recognition

Flower Recognition Using CNN

Computer Vision CNN Deep Learning

Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for flower recognition using MobileNetV2 model, utilizing a dataset of 4242 images across five flower types.

Urban Noise Classification

Urban Noise Classification

Audio Processing Deep Learning Classification

Classification of urban noise using various machine learning models including DNN, CNN, LSTM, and Random Forest using the UrbanSound8K dataset.

Particle Filter Localization

Particle Filter Localization

C++ Localization Particle Filter Autonomous Systems

Implementation of a 2D particle filter to solve the "kidnapped car" problem for vehicle localization. The algorithm predicts positions, matches sensor data to landmarks, updates weights with Gaussian distributions, and resamples particles for accurate vehicle tracking.