Graduate Students

Computer Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University

Researchgate Profile

Courses Taught

Spring 2016

Fall 2015

Courses Taught in the Past

  • Data Structures and Algortihms
  • Analysis of Algorithms
  • File Organization (Advanced Data Structures)
  • Computer Networks
  • Object-oriented Programming
  • Computer Programming

Studying is a full-time job!

A great guide for studying:  How to study in engineering classes.

Another perfect guide: How to Study: A Brief Guide, by William J. Rapaport

Here is a passage from it:
A survey in the Chronicle of Higher Education suggested that students are not studying enough. So, how much is enough? If you assume that your education is a full-time job, then you should spend about 40 hours/week on it. Figure that 1 academic credit equals about 1 hour. So, if you're taking 15 credits, then you're spending about 15 hours in class. Subtracting that from 40 gives you 25 hours that you should be spending studying at home (or in the library).

You should spread that out over the week. Suppose you decide to study Sunday through Thursday evenings, taking Fridays and Saturdays off (from studying, that is). Dividing that 25 hours by those 5 days gives you 5 hours of studying per night. If you think that's too much, then plan on studying in the afternoons, too, or some of Saturday.

The above are just rules of thumb. If you're taking a 3-credit independent-study course, but you meet with your instructor only 1 hour/week, then you should add the extra 2 hours to your at-home study time. If you're working to earn some money, you should subtract your work hours from your free time, not from your study time!

If that still seems like a lot, consider the difference between high-school courses and college courses. The typical high-school course meets every day, for about 5 hours/week. But the typical college course meets only about 3 hours/week, yet is supposed to be more intensive than its high-school counterpart. That's because in college you're expected to put more of your own time into studying.