Peer Reviewed International Journals (SCI and SCI Expanded):

  • Türkmen Dila and Kalafat Acer M., “Lamination curing method for silver nanoparticle inkjet printed flexible electronics: design, uncertainty and performance analysis”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, vol. 34, October 2023. URL

  • Kalafat Acer M. and Yıldız A. F., “Development of a Soft Tactile Sensor Array for Contact Localization Estimations”, IEEE Access, vol. 10, October 2022. URL

  • Türkmen Dila, Kalafat Acer M., “Improving Printed Angle Sensor Performance by Compression-Tension Sensor Pair Compensation”, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, July 2022. URL

  • Samankan S., Arjomandi Fard A., Berkkurt T. Z., Altınkaynak A. and Kalafat Acer M., “Finite Element Modelling of an Origami-Inspired Delta Mechanism with Flexible Components and Joints”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Mechanical Engineering Science, July 2022. URL

  • Samankan S., Altınkaynak A. and Kalafat Acer M., “Workspace Optimization of an Origami-inspired Delta Mechanism using Genetic Algorithm”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, June 2022, under review.

  • Atagün C., Mugan A., Goksenli A., Aydeniz A. İ. and Kalafat Acer M., "Optimized Laser Welding Parameters of 430 LNT and 430 Ti Sheet Metals to Improve Tensile Strength, Fatigue Life and Erichsen Test Properties", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, May 2022, submitted under review.

  • Türkmen Dila, Kalafat Acer M., “Lamination Curing Method for Inkjet Printed Flexible Angle Sensors”, IEEE Sensors Journal, October 2021, preprint. URL

  • Türkmen Dila, Kalafat Acer M., “Feedback Control of a Foldable Delta Mechanism with Integrated Inkjet-Printed Angle Sensors”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, October 2021, preprint. URL

  • Kalafat Acer M., Sevinç H., Samankan S., Altınkaynak A. and Temel Z., “A Novel Origami-Inspired Delta Mechanism with Flat Parallelogram Joints”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, vol. 13, no. 2, 021005-021015, April 2021, URL

  • Acer M., Şabanoviç A. “Design, Kinematic Modeling and Sliding Mode Control with Sliding Mode Observer of a Novel 3-PRR Compliant Mechanism”, Advanced Robotics, vol. 30, no. 17-18, pp. 1228-1242, May 2016, URL

  • Acer M., Salerno M., Agbeviade K. and Paik J., “Development and characterization of silicone embedded distributed piezoelectric sensors for contact detection”, Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 075030-075045, Jan. 2015, URL

  • Acer M., Şabanoviç A., “Motion Control of Redundant Flexure Based Mechanism Using Piezoelectric Actuators”, Automatika – Journal of Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 114-125, 2013., URL

  • Peer Reviewed International Conference Papers:

  • Aktaş Y. and Kalafat Acer M. “Estimation of Washing Performance in Washing Machines with Neural Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT 2022), Sarajevo, 16-18 June 2022.URL

  • Uğurlu B., Acer M., Barkana D. E., Gocek İ., Küçükyılmaz A., Arslan Y. Z., Basturk H., Uğur E., Unal R., Bebek Ö., "A Soft+Rigid Hybrid Exoskeleton Concept in Scissors-Pendulum Mode: A Suit for Human State Sensing and an Exoskeleton for Assistance", IEEE nternational Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2019), Toronto, 24-28 June, 2019.URL

  • Acer M., Yıldız A. F. “Force Localization Estimation Using a Designed Soft Tactile Sensor”, The International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, WeRob 2018, Pisa, 16-20 October 2018. URL

  • Acer M. , Yıldız A. F., Bazzaz F. H. “Development of Soft PZT Based Tactile Sensor Array For Force Localization”, IEEE International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT 2017), Sarajevo, 26-28 October 2017.URL

  • Türkmen D., Acer M. “Development of a Planar BBot Using a Single Vibration Motor”, IEEE International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT 2017), Sarajevo, 26-28 October 2017.URL

  • Acer M., Suh C., Firouzeh A., Pasche P., Ikonomidis C., Baur C. and Paik J., “Sensor Embedded Soft Pneumatic Actuator for an Endonasal Instrument”, Workshop on Soft and Stiffness-Controllable Robots for Minimally Invasive Surgery, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014), June 2014.URL

  • Acer M., Şabanoviç A. “Micro Position Control of a Designed 3-PRR Compliant Mechanism Using Experimental Models", 2013 Asia Control Conference, Istanbul, June 2013.URL

  • Acer M., Şabanoviç A. “Micro Position Control of a 3-RRR Compliant Mechanism”, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2013, Cape Town, Şubat 2013. URL

  • Acer M., Şabanoviç A. “Sliding Mode Control of a Flexure Based Mechanism Using Piezoelectric Actuators”, IEEE International Conferences on Advanced Motion Control, AMC 2012, Sarajevo, Mart 2012. URL

  • Acer M., Şabanoviç A. “Comparison of Circular Flexure Hinge Compliance Modeling Methods”, IEEE International Conferences on Mechatronics, ICM 2011, İstanbul, Nisan 2011.URL

  • Peer Reviewed National Conference Papers:

  • Merve Acer Kalafat, Dila Türkmen, “Origami Tabanlı Robot Kontrolü için Mürekkep Püskürtmeli Yazıcı ile Basılı Algılayıcı Geliştirilmesi”, TOK’23 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, 14-16 Eylül 2023.

  • Sevinç H., Samankan S., Altınkaynak A., Temel Z. Acer M. “Origami Tabanlı Paralel Robotların Geliştirilmesi ve Sensör Entegrasyonu”, Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı (ToRK 2019), İstanbul, 26-28 Haziran 2019.

  • Dalkılınç B., Acer M. “Origami Tabanlı Robotik Eklemler”, Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı (ToRK) 2018, İstanbul, 12-14 Nisan 2018.

  • Durgun Ö. M., Sevinç H., Önalan C. and Acer M. “Şekil Hafızalı Alaşımlı Katlanabilir Tekerlekli Mobil Robot Tasarımı”, TOK'17 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, Türkiye:21-23 September 2017.

  • Acer M., Şabanoviç A., “Tasarlanan Düzlemsel Paralel Esnek Bağlantılı Mekanizmanın Kayan Kipli Kontrolü”, TOK'14 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Kocaeli, Türkiye:11-13 September 2014.

  • Acer M., Şabanoviç A. “Esnek Bağlantılı Mekanizma Modeli ve Kontrolü”, TOK'07 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, ürkiye: Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi, pp. 118-123, September 2007.

  • Elitaş M., Deniz E., Acer M., Şabanoviç A., “Çift Taraflı Kontrol Sistemleri için Fonksiyonellik”, TOK'06 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Ankara, Türkiye: Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi , pp. 578-583, November 2006.