Selected Publications of Prof. Dr. Nuh BILGIN
Papers Published in Different Journals
H., Balci, C., Tumac, D., Bilgin, N., 2011, “Field and Laboratory
Studies on Natural Stones Leading to Empirical Performance Prediction of Chain
Saw Machines.”, Int J Rock Mech & Min Sci, 48, 2, pp. 269-282.
Copur, H., Balci, C., 2012, “Effect of Replacing Disc Cutters with Chisel Tools
on Performance of a TBM in Difficult Ground Conditions.” Tunnelling and
Underground Space Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2011.06.006.
H., Cinar, M., Okten, G., Bilgin, N., 2012, “A Case Study on the
Methane Explosion in the Excavation Chamber of an EPB-TBM and Lessons Learned
Including Some Recent Accidents”, Technical note, Tunnelling and Underground
Space Technology DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2011.06.009.
Ocak, I.,
Bilgin, N., 2010, “Comparative Studies on The Performance of a
Roaaheader, Impact Hammer and Drilling and Blasting Method in the Excavation of
Metro Station Tunnels in Istanbul”, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,
25, 181-187
Tuncdemir, H., Bilgin, N., Copur, H., Balci, C., 2008, Control of
rock cutting efficiency by muck size, International Journal of Rock Mechanics &
Mining Sciences, 45, pp 278-288.
C., Bilgin, N., 2007. “Correlative Study of Linear
Small and Full Scale Rock Cutting Tests to Select Mechanized Excavation Machines,
Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min.Sci”, 44/3, p. 468 - 476.
D., Bilgin, N., Feridunoglu, C., Ergin, H., 2007. “Estimation of
Rock Cuttability from Shore Hardness and Compressive Strength Properties” Rock
Mech. Rock Engng. (2007) 40 (5), 477-490.
Tuncdemir, H., Bilgin, N., Copur, H., Balci, C., 2007. “Control of
Rock Cutting Efficiency by Muck Size” Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min.Sci., available
on-line, accepted Technical Note
N. Bilgin,
C. Feridunoglu and D. Tumaç,M. Çınar and L. Özyol, 2006, TBM cutting performance
in Istanbul, Tunnels & Tunnelling International
M.A. Demircin, H. Copur, C. Balci, H. Tuncdemira N. Akcin, 2006 Dominant rock
properties affecting the performance of conical picks and the comparison of some
experimental and theoretical results,International Journal of Rock Mechanics &
Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 139–156
T. Dincer, H. Copur and M. Erdogan, Some geological and geotechnical factors
affecting the performance of a roadheader in an inclined tunnel , Tunnelling
and Underground Space Technology, Volume 19, Issue 6, November 2004, Pages
T. Dincer and H. Copur, The performance prediction of impact hammers from
Schmidt hammer rebound values in Istanbul metro tunnel drivages , Tunnelling
and Underground Space Technology, Volume 17, Issue 3, July 2002, Pages 237-247
S. , Balci, C., Yazıcı, S, Bilgin, N.,. “Prediction of the
Penetration rate of Rotary Blast Hole Drills Using A New Drillability Index”
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 11 Jan. 2000, Vol
H., TUNCDEMIR, H., BILGIN, N., and DINCER, T. Specific energy as a
criterion for use of rapid excavation systems in Turkish mines, Trans. Inst. Min.
Metall. Section A, vol. 110, 2001, pp. A149–157.
Kahraman, N. Bilgin and C. Feridunoglu, Dominant rock properties
affecting the penetration rate of percussive drills , International Journal of
Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 40, Issue 5, July 2003, Pages 711-723
H., Kuzu, C., Balci, C., Tunçdemir, H., Bilgin, N., Optimum Bit
Selection and Operation for the Rotary Blasthole Drilling Through Horizontal
Drill Rig- A Case Study at KBI Murgul Copper Mine. To be published in Journal of
Open Pit Mining and reclamation, Canada.
Atilla Oztiirk, E Nasuf, N Bilgin, The assessment of rock
cutability, and physical and mechanical rock properties from a texture
coefficient, Volume 104 No. 7 - August 2004
C., Ergin, H., Balci, C., Bilgin, N., Bohrkopfauswahl mit HDR-Einsatz
für die Sprengbohrlöcher im Kupfertagebau Murgul, Glückauf-Forschungshefte 60,
Seyrek, T., Shahriar, K., 1998. Golden horn clean-up contributes valuable data,
Tunnels and Tunneling, June, 41-44
Seyrek, T., Shahriar, K. 1988. Roadheader performance in Istanbul Golden Horn
clean up contributes valuable data. Tunnels and Tunnelling, June: 41 – 44
1982. The cuttability of evaporites. Bulletin of the International Association
of Engineering Geology, No:25, 85-90.
Papers in English Published in Different Conferences
M., Palakci, Y., Bilgin, N., 2011, “ Performance Analysis of a TBM
in Uluabat Power Tunnel within a Squeezing Ground.” ITA - World Tunnel Congress
Proceedings, 21-26 May, Helsinki, Finland.
C., Copur, H., Ergunalp, D., Tumac, D., Bilgin, N., 2011. “Use of
Laboratory Full Scale Cutting Tests for the Selection of Surface Continuous
Miners: A Case Study, Yenice- Barite Mine in Turkey”. The 22nd World Mining
Congress and Expo, 11-16 September, Istanbul, Vol.2, pp. 191-196.
Copur, H., Balci, C., Tumac, D., Avunduk, E., 2011. “Experience Gained on
Mechanized Tunnelling in Istanbul and Some Recommendations for Mining İndustry”.
The 22nd World Mining Congress and Expo, 11-16 September, Istanbul, Vol.2, pp.
H., Balci, C., Bilgin, N., Tumac, D., Avunduk, E., Saracoglu, M.A.,
Serter, A., 2011, “A Deterministic Model for Predicting and Optimizing
Performance of Chain Saw Machines.” The 22nd World Mining Congress and Expo,
11-16 September, Istanbul, Turkey.
H., Cinar M., Okten, G., Bilgin, N., 2011, “A Case of Methane
Explosion in the Excavation Chamber of an EPB-TBM”. ITA - World Tunnel Congress
Proceedings, 21-26 May, Helsinki, Finland, 9 pages.
C., Bilgin, N., Copur, H., Tumac, D., 2010, “The Selection and
Design of Mechanical Excavators and Some Recent Projects from Turkey”, Proc.
European Rock Mechanics Symposium (EUROCK 2010), Lousanne, Switzerland, 15-18
June, pp. 409-412.
Balci, C., Tumac D., Feridunoglu, C., Copur, H., 2010, “Development of a
Portable Rock Cutting Rig for Rock Cuttability Determination”, Proc. European
Rock Mechanics Symposium (EUROCK 2010), Lousanne. Switzerland. 15-18 June. pp.
H., Balci, C., Tumac, D., Bilgin, N., Avunduk, E., 2010, “Field
and Laboratory Studies on Performance, of Chain Saw Machines”, Proc. European
Rock Mechanics Symposium (EUROCK 2010), Lousanne, Switzerland, 15-18 June.
C., Tumac, D., Copur, H., Bilgin, N., Yazgan, S., Demir, E.,
Aslantas, G., 2009, “Performance Prediction and Comparison With In-Situ Values
of a TBM: A Case Study of Otogar-Bagcilar Metro Tunnel in Istanbul", ITA-AITES
World Tunnel Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 23-28 May,8 pages.
Ozbayir, T, Sozak, N., Eyigun, Y., 2009 , “Factors Affecting the Economy and The
Efficiency of Metro Tunnel Drivage with Two TBM’s in Istanbul in Very Fracured
Rock”, ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 23-28 May, 10 pages.
Guclucan, Z, Meric, S., Palakci, Y., Bilgin, N., Balci, C., Copur, H.,
Namli, M., Bilgin, A.R., Kandemir, E., 2009. “The Use of Theoretical Rock
Cutting Concepts in Explaining the Cutting Performance of a TBM Using Different
Cutter Types in Different Rock Formations and Some Recommendations.” ITA-AITES
World Tunnel Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 23-28 May, 10 pages.
I., Bilgin, N., 2009, “The Performance of Two EBP Machines in
Istanbul Metro Tunnel Drivages In Soft and Shallow Ground”, ITA-AITES World
Tunnel Congress Budapest, Hungary, 23-28 May,8 pages.
C., Bilgin, N., Copur, H., Tumac, D., 2008, The selection and
design of rapid excavation systems using full and small scale laboratory rock
cutting tests, some examples from TURKEY, 3rd International
Colloquium for Mechanical Extraction, November 27-29, Freiberg, Germany.
Copur, H., Balci, C., Tumac, D., Akgul, M., Yuksel, A., 2008. 'The selection of
a TBM using full scale laboratory tests and comparison of measured and predicted
performance values in Istanbul Kozyatagi-Kadikoy metro tunnels." World Tunnel
Congress, September 22-24, Agra, India, pp. 1509-1517.
H., Balci, C., Bilgin, N., Tumac, D., 2008. "Laboratory cutting
tests for performance prediction of chain saw machines". Proc. The 21st
World Mining Congress and Expo September 7-12, Krakow-Katowice Sosnowiec, Poland,
pp. 97-107,
Güclücan, Z., Meric, S., & Palakci, Y., Bilgin, N., Balci, C.,
Tumac, D., Algan, M., Namli, M., and Bilgin, A.R., 2008, The use of a TBM in
difficult ground conditions in Istanbul (Beykoz - Kavacik) sewerage, World
Tunnel Congress,September 22-24, Agra, India, pp. 1630-1638.
H., Balci, C., Bilgin, N., Tumac, D., Duzyol, I., 2007. "Full-scale
linear cutting tests towards performance prediction of chain saw machines.” Proc.
20th Int. Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey-IMCET2007, TMMOB
The Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey, Ankara, 6-8 June. Editors: C. Karpuz,
M.A. Hindistan, E. Tercan. ISBN 978-9944-89-288-9, pp. 161-169.
Feridunoglu, C., Tumac, D., Balci, C., Copur, H., Tuncdemir, H., 2006. “"Neural
networks analysis for estimating rock cuttability from rock properties",
Proceedings of the 41st U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, USA, Colorado,
H., Balci, C., Bilgin, N., Tumac, D., Feridunoglu, C., Dincer, T.,
and Serter, A., 2006. "Cutting performance of chain saws in quarries and
laboratory." Proc. 15th Int. Symp. on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection,
Turin-ltaly, Sep.20-22. Editors: M. Cardu, R. Ciccu, E. Lovera, and E.
Michelotti, pp. 1324-1329.
D., Feridunoglu, C., Bilgin, N., 2006.
"Application of roadheader in high strength rock formations", Proceedings of the
4th Asia Rock Mechanics Symp., Singapore.
Feridunoglu, C., Tumac, D., Bilgin, N., 2006. "TBM breakdown
causes and effects on tunelllng performance In Tarabya sewerage tunnel",
Proceedings of the 4st Asia Rock mechanics Symposium, Singapore.
Bilgin, H. Copur, C. Balci, H. Tuncdemir, D. Tumac, C. Feridunoglu 2005,
Selection of a Mechanical Mining System for an Underground Chromite Mine, ,
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, MPES 2005, Canada.
Bilgin, C Balci, 2005,Performance Prediction of Mechanical Excavators in
Underground and Opencast Mining, 20th WORLD MINING CONGRESS & EXPO2005 7 – 11
NOVEMBER 2005, TEHRAN, IRAN, “Mining and Sustainable Development”
Ercelebi, H. Copur, N. Bilgin & C. Feridunoglu, 2005, Surface
settlement prediction for Istanbul metro tunnels via 3D FE and empirical methods,
Proc. of the 31th ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Underground
Space Use: Analysis of the Past and Lessons for the Future – Erdem & Solak (eds),
Eskikaya, N. Bilgin, C. Balci & H. Tuncdemir, 2005, From research
to practice “Development of Rapid Excavation Technologies Proc. of the 31th ITA-AITES
World Tunnel Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Underground Space Use: Analysis of the
Past and Lessons for the Future – Erdem & Solak (eds),
D. Tumac & C. Feridunoglu, A.R. Karakas & M. Akgul, 2005 The performance of a
roadheader in high strength rock formations in Küçüksu tunnel Proc. of the 31th
ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Underground Space Use:
Analysis of the Past and Lessons for the Future – Erdem & Solak (eds),
C. Feridunoglu & D. Tumac, M. C nar, Y. Palakci, O. Gunduz & L. Ozyol, The
performance of a full face tunnel boring machine (TBM) in Tarabya (Istanbul),
Proc. of the 31th ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Underground
Space Use: Analysis of the Past and Lessons for the Future – Erdem & Solak (eds),
Balci, C., Tunçdemir, H., Eskikaya, Ş., Akgul,M., Algan, M., The Performance
Prediction of a TBM in Difficult Ground Condition, AFTES, Journees d’Etudes
Internationales de Paris, October 1999.
C. Balci, at all., The Performance Prediction of a TBM in Tuzla - Dragos
Sewerage Tunnel, The World Tunnel Congress’99” Oslo, 31 May-3 June, pp. 817-822,
Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 0639
Yazıcı, S., Eskikaya, Ş., A model to predict the Performance of Roadheaders and
Jack Hammers in Tunnel drivages. EUROCK’6 TORINO, September 2-5 1996.
Ş., Bilgin, N., Dincer, T., Ozdemir, L., A Model to Predict Cutting
Performance of rapid Excavation Systems, 7th Mine Planning and Equipment
Selection, Calgary, October 1998.
Tunçdemir, H., Balci, C., Copur, H., Eskikaya, Ş., A Model to Predict the
Performance of tunneling Machines Under Stressed Conditions, World Tunnel
Congress SA, May 2000.
Ş., Bilgin, N., Yazıcı, S., 1996. Mechanized Tunnelling Researched
Project Sponsored by NATO. Italian Tunnelling Society, Torino, Italy, 9 February
Ş., Acaroglu, Ö., Bilgin, N., Study of Selection Most Economical Roadway
Drivage Methods for Zonguldak Hard Coal Mining Area, World Tunnel Congress SA,
May 2000.
Balci, C., Acaroglu, Ö., Tunçdemir, H., Eskikaya, Ş., Design and Selection
Criteria of Surface Continuous Miners for Open Pit Mining, Using Turkish Coal
Mine as an Example , 5th International Symposium, May 1998, Wroclaw.
H., Rostami, J., Ozdemir, L., Bilgin, N., Studies on Performance
Prediction of Roadheaders Based on Field Data in Mining and Tunneling Projects.
4th Int. Symposium on Mine Mechanization and Automation, Queens land, Australia
Balci, C., Eskikaya, Ş., Ergunalp, D., Full Scale and Small Scale Cutting Tests
for equipment Selection in a Celestite Mine 5th Int. Symposium on Mine Planning
and Equipment selection 97, Ostrava.
Kuzu, C., Eskikaya, Ş., Ozdemir, L., Cutting performance of Jack Hammers and
Road Headers in İstanbul Metro Drivages Presented at World Tunnel
Congress’VIENNA 12-17 1997.
Ş., Bilgin, N., Yazıcı, S., Mechanized Tunneling Research Project
Sponsored by NATO Italian Tunneling Society, Scavo Meccanızzato Integrale
DıGallerıe Torino 9 February 1996.
Mechanical Excavation in Underground Workings. A symposium on Underground
Excavation Techniques, İstanbul 1-3 December 1994.
T., Kurumus, K., Akgul, M., Bilgin, N., The performance Analysis of
Roadheaders and TBM in İstanbul Tunnel with Respect to the Equipment Selection.
A symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, İstanbul, 1994, Balkema.
Ş., Bilgin, N., Yazıcı, S., Ozdemir, L., Problems Associated with Roadway
and Tunnel Drivages in Turkey and some Key Points for the Efficient Solution. A
symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, İstanbul, 1994, Balkema..
S., Evergen, T., Bilgin, N., 1994 A non Conventional Way of Blasting
Design in ELİ Open Pit Mines, 16. World Mining Congress, Bulgaria
E., Eskikaya, S., Bilgin, N., 1994 Geoistatistical Modelling of Two
Copper Ore Badies in KBİ Murgul Mine of Turkey, 16. World Mining Congress,
Papers Given in Turkish in Different Conferences
H., Balcı, C., Bilgin, N., Tumaç, D.,
Avunduk, E., Demirel, Ş., Şimşek, A., 2011, “Zincirli Kesme Makinelerinin
Performans Tahmini için Görgül bir Model.” Türkiye 3. Maden Makinaları
Sempozyumu, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, 05-06 Mayıs, İzmir, Türkiye.
Çopur, H., Balcı, C., Tumaç, D., Avunduk, E., 2011, “Sürekli Yüzey Kazıcıların
Seçim Kriterleri, Yenice-Sivas Barit Madeni’ne Uygulama.”, Türkiye 3. Maden
Makinaları Sempozyumu, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, 05-06 Mayıs,
Çopur, H., Balcı, C., 2011, “Spesifik Enerji Konsepti ve Sondaj Verilerinden
Tünel Açma Makinelerinin Seçim ve Performans Tahminine Geçiş”, Attila Yalçın Sondaj Çalıştayı, 31 Ekim-2 Kasım, İTÜ Maden Fakültesi, ss. 47-58, İstanbul,
Çopur, H., Balcı, C., 2010, “İstanbul’un Değişik Yerlerinde 1986 Yılından Beri
Mekanik Kazı Yöntemi ile Açılan Tünellerde Jeolojinin Kazı Performansına
Etkisinin Tartışılması ve Bazı Öneriler” İstanbul’un Yüzey ve Yüzeyaltı Jeoloji
Verilerinin Değerlendirilmesi ve Paylaşılması Çalıştayı, Kadir Has Üniv. Balat,
İstanbul, 29 Ocak - 01 Şubat.
Temizyürek, İ., Çopur H., Balcı, C., Tumaç, D., 2010, “TTK Amasra Bölgesi Kalın
Damarın Kesilebilirlik Özellikleri ve Mekanize Kazısı Üzerine Bazı Görüşler”,
Ed. K. Çolak, H. Aydın, Türkiye 17. Kömür Kongresi, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri
Odası, Zonguldak, 2-4 Haziran, ss. 217-229.
Çopur, H., Balcı, C., 2009, “İstanbul’da Mekanize Tünel Kazısına Bir Bakış ve
Bunların Maden Mühendisliği ile Olan İlişkileri”, Türkiye 21. Uluslararası
Madencilik Kongresi ve Sergisi TUMKS’ 09, Antalya, 6-8 Mayıs, p, 267-275
H., Balcı, C., Tumaç, D., Bilgin, N,, 2009. “Zincirli Kesme
Makinelerinin Performans Tahminine Yönelik Yapılan Köşe Kesme Deneyleri ve
Yorumu.” Türkiye 2. Maden Makinaları Sempozyumu, Zonguldak, 04-06 Kasım, s.
C., Bilgin, N., Çopur, H., Tumaç, D., Akgül, M., 2007.
“Tünel Açma Makinelerinin (TBM) Tam Boyutlu Kesme Deneyi ile Performans
Tahmini.” Birinci Maden Makinaları Sempozyumu, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası,
Dumlupınar Üniv., Kütahya, Editör: C. Şensöğüt. ISBN 978-9944-89-277-3, 10-12
Mayıs, ss. 61-70.
H., Balcı, C., Tumaç, D., Akgül, M., Yüksel, A., Kahriman, A., 2007.
“Kadıköy-Kartal Metro Tünellerinde Kullanılacak Tünel Açma Makinelerinin (TBM)
Bazı Tasarım Parametrelerinin Kesme Deneyleri ile Belirlenmesi ve Performans
Tahmini”. Ulaşımda Yeraltı Kazıları 2. Sempozyumu, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri
Odası, Yayın No: 138. İTÜ Ayazağa Kampüsü, SDKM, İstanbul, Editörler: N. Bilgin,
H. Çopur, C. Balcı, A.E. Yüce. ISBN 978-9944-89-400-5. 15-17 Kasım, ss. 63-71.
H., Balcı, C., Tumaç, D., Düzyol, I., 2007. “İstanbul’da Yeraltı Kazılarının
Dünü Bugünü ve İTÜ Kazı Mekanizasyonu Laboratuvarının Gelişme Öyküsü.” Birinci
Maden Makinaları Sempozyumu, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, Dumlupınar Üniv.,
Kütahya, Editör: C. Şensöğüt. ISBN 978-9944-89-277-3, 10-12 Mayıs, ss. 115-124.
C., Çopur, H., 2007. “İstanbul’daki tünel projeleri ve makine performanslarını
etkileyen jeolojik faktörler.” 3. İstanbul’un Jeolojisi Sempozyumu, TMMOB
Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, SDKM,
7-9 Aralık
H., Balcı, C., Bilgin, N., Tumaç, D., Düzyol, İ., Kekeç, N., 2007.
“Doğal Taş Madenciliğinde Kullanılan Zincirli Kesme Makinelerinin Performansı”.
Birinci Maden Makinaları Sempozyumu, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, Dumlupınar
Üniv., Kütahya, Editör: C. Şensöğüt. ISBN 978-9944-89-277-3, 10-12 Mayıs, ss.
Güçlücan, Z., Meriç, S., Gürsoy, C., Algan, M., Bilgin, N., Balcı,
C., Tumaç, D., 2007. “Zor Zemin Şartlarında Beykoz Kavacık Atıksu Tünellerinde
TBM Uygulaması”, 2. Ulaşımda Yeraltı Kazıları Sempozyumu, ss 83-91, İstanbul,
C., Kuzu, C., Ökten, G., Bilgin, N., 2006 "Üretim çalışmaları sona
eren bir taşocağında sahanın reklamasyonu - örnek uygulama", IV. Ulusal Kırmataş
Sempozyumu, 2-4 Aralık, İstanbul, s. 363-368.
Tunçdemir, H., Çopur, H., Balcı, C., Bilgin, N., 2006 "Pasa irilik
katsayısının kazı verimliliği üzerindeki etkisi", VIII Bölgesel Kaya Mekaniği
Sempozyumu, 2 - 3 Kasım 2006, Maslak - İstanbul, 107-114.
BİLGİN , Hanifi ÇOPUR, Cemal BALCI,2005 Tünel Açma Makinalarının Seçim ve
Tasarım İlkeleri Performans Tahmin Yöntemleri, İş Makinaları Sempozyumu, TMMOB
Makina Mühendisleri Odası, 2005 İstanbul
N., 1994. Yeraltı Kazılarında Mekanizasyon. Ulaşımda Yeraltı Kazıları 1.
Sempozyumu, İstanbul
N., Yazıcı, S., Ergin, H., Eskikaya, Ş., 1995. Madenlerde ve Tünellerde Kazı
Mekanizasyonu Araştırmaları için Geliştirilen Bir Deney Setinin Tanıtılması. 14.
Madencilik Kongresi, Ankara
S., Kuzu, C., Ergin, H., Bilgin, N., Eskikaya, Ş., 1995. Doğrusal Kaya Kesme
Setinin Veri Erişim Sisteminin ve Yazılımlarının Tasarımı. Zonguldak Kara Elmas
Üniversitesi 20. Yıl Sempozyumu,Zonguldak, s. 12-20
S., Acaroğlu, Ö., Arapoğlu, B., Bilgin, N., Eskikaya, Ş., 1996. Sürekli Yüzey
Kazıcıların Bir Kömür Ocağına Uygulunmasında Gerekli Kazılabilirlik Kriterleri.
9. Kömür Sempozyumu, Zonguldak, 20-24 Mayıs.
1996 Kırmataş Endüstrisinde Yeni Kazı Teknolojileri. 1 Ulusal Kırmataş
Sempozyumu, İstanbul s.207-225.
C., Tunçdemir,İ., Bilgin,N., ve arkaşlar,1997, Jeolojik süreksizliklerin ve
Yanal Basınçların Keskilerin Kesme Performansı Üzerindeki Etkileri, Türkiye 15.Madencillik
Kongresi,Ankara , s.157-162.
1998, 3.Uluslararası Delme ve Patlatma Sempozyumu,Ankara,s.1-6.
C., Balci,C., Bilgin, N., Eskikaya, Ş., " Araştırma Amaçlı Bir Yatay
Sondaj Makinasının Tanıtılmasıve Ana Hedefler" ( General Layout of a Horizontal
Drill Rig (HDR) Designed for Research) 3. Delme ve Patlatma Sempozyumu, 25-27
Şubat 1998, Ankara, s. 3-9 ISBN 975-395-265-1
C., Balci, C., Bilgin, N., Rotary Sondajlarında Optimum Matkap Kullanım
Kriterleri ve araştırma Amaçlı Bir Yatay Sondaj makinasının Tanıtılması, Ana
Hedefler, Sondaj sempozyumu 1998, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası İzmir Şubesi,
117-124, ISBN 975-395-286-4
N., Ergin, H., Kuzu, C., Tuncdemir, H., Balci, C., Altun, S., Acik İşletmelerde
Rotari Delme Parametreleri ve Matkap Seçimi, Tipik Bir Uygulama, 4. Delme ve
Patlatma Sempozyumu 2000, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası s. 37, ISBN
Papers in Turkish Published in Different Journal
N., Yazıcı, S., 1995. İstanbul Kömürcüleri Teknolojik Şartları Zorluyor, Sürekli
Yüzey Kazıcıları Örneği. GEMAD Dergisi, sayı 17, Mayıs
Research Project Sponsored by NATO Science for Stability
Bilgin, N, (Coordinator and Principal İnvestigator) 2000, Development of Rapid Excavation Technologies for The Turkish Mining and Tunnelling Industries,
Research Project Sponsored by Natioanl Planning Agency (DPT)
H., Tunçdemir, H.Balci, C., 2000, The Application of rapid Excavation Systems
in Different Turkish metal Mines.
Project Sponsored by ITU Research Fund
S., Bilgin, N., Yazıcı, S. 1994. Machine Health Monitoring Using Oil
Analysis, p.110.
Kahraman, S.,1998 Development a Model for Estimating the Optimum Drilling and
Blasting in Mine.
Industrial Research Projects
Eskikaya, Ş., Yazıcı, S., 1994, Performance Study of Mitsui Mike MT 1000 Twin
Header FH-200 in Istanbul Metro.
Ş., Yazıcı, S., Bilgin, N., Ergin, H., Rock Cuttability Study for
Celestite and Main Rocks in Barit Mining Company.
Eskikaya, S., Yazıcı, S., Acaroğlu, Ö., 1995. Coal Cuttability Studies for
Milten Coal Mine.
Eskikaya, S., Balci, C., 1996. Investigation into the Possibilities of Using
Rapid Excavation Systems in Barit Mining Company.
Ş., Balci, C.,Acaroğlu, Ö., Tunçdemir, H., “TBM Performance in TUZLA Tunnel”July
C., Ergin, H., Balci, C., Tunçdemir, H., " Drillability Studies for Black Sea
Copper Mine" September 1998.
C., Balci, C., Tunçdemir, H., “Cuttability Studies for Roadheader Aplication in
CAYELI Copper Mine”, 1998
Mechanics Studies for melen Water Project, 1998.
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