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18.11.2009 · Print · History · Edit

Analysis of Community-based Dictionaries

This a hobby of Amaç Herdağdelen and me: We download community-based on-line dictionaries, like Ekşi Sözlük and İTÜ Sözlük, and then we analyze their hyper-textual structure and semantic content to extract interesting information. By this means, we were able to guess the sexes of the users, detect sub-communities, suggest relevant pages, predict the growth of the dictionary... And, there are a lot more to do.

Related Publications

  • Herdağdelen, A.; Aygün, E. & Bingöl, H. Measuring preferential attachment Europhysics Letters, 2007, 78, 60007
  • Herdağdelen, A.; Aygün, E. & Bingöl, H. Measuring generalized preferential attachment in an online hyper-textual dictionary: Eksi Sozluk European Conference on Complex Systems, 2005