Ş. Can Genç
Professor of Geology


My Selected Publications

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Curriculum Vitae

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Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Mines Dept. of Geological Engineering 34469 Maslak - Istanbul / TURKEY
Tel: +90 212 2856366
Fax: +90 212 2856080

Last revized Mar 11,24

My Ongoing Projects

Biga Peninsula alternative ceramic raw material investigation (Çanakkale Seramik R&D Department project)

Central Anatolian region (Yozgat, Kırşehir and surroundings) alkaline  raw material (K-, Na-Feldspar, Nepheline) investigations (Çanakkale Seramik R&D Department Project)

Geological and economical significance of the Şile region (Istanbul) clays (ESTU SAM - SERFED/SERHAM R&D Project)   

Investigation of the Geological and structural features of the Kabalar (Bolu, Göynük) oil-shale field (TKİ, MTA, TPAO, ENEFIT, CASK join project)