Research Projects

1. Principal Investigator: Turkish Aerospace Industries Funding Program

Modeling Unsteady Flow Characteristics of Supersonic Cavity Flow via Deep Learning, Istanbul, through ITUNOVA TTO
01.12.2023 - 01.12.2025 (On-going)

2. Principal Investigator: GE-Vernova Global Services Gmbh UK Branch Funding Program

Implementation of Bayesian Optimization and Machine Learning Algorithms to Automated Process and Optimization Workbench, Istanbul, through ITUNOVA TTO
15.09.2023 - 15.09.2024 (On-going)

3. Principal Investigator: ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program

Aeroelastic Optimization Under Uncertainty for High Aspect Ratio Wings
10.08.2023 - 10.04.2024

4. Principal Investigator: TUBITAK 1001 Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program

Development of Environmentally Friendly Aircraft with High Aspect Ratio Wings via Multi-fidelity Surrogate Modeling Based Aeroelastic Optimization
01.04.2023 - 01.04.2026 (On-going)

5. Principal Investigator: ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program

Development of Multifidelity Deep Neural Network for Aeroelastic Predictions of a High Aspect Ratio Wing
21.12.2022 - 23.12.2024 (On-going)

6. Principal Investigator: GE Global Services Gmbh UK Branch Funding Program

Implementation of Multi-Fidelity Models and Neural Architecture Search for Deep and Convolutional Neural Networks, Istanbul, through ITUNOVA TTO
15.09.2022 - 15.09.2023

7. Director: NATO STO Support Program

AVT-SP-002 Turbulence And The Aerodynamic Optimisation of Nonplanar Lifting Systems

Collaboration of Istanbul Technical University (TUR) and University of Glasgow (GBR) , collaborating with Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Kontis

01.07.2018 - 31.06.2023

8. Principal Investigator: ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program

MultiFidelity and Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization of A Low Boom Supersonic Transport Aircraft
10.01.2023 - 10.04.2023

9. Principal Investigator: ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program

Development of a Nonlinear Sonic Boom Prediction Software
07.08.2020 - 08.03.2023

10. Principal Investigator: GE Global Services Gmbh UK Branch Funding Program

Development of Convolutional Neural Network Based Predictive Modeling Code, Istanbul, through ITUNOVA TTO
02.02.2022 - 02.08.2022

11. Principal Investigator: TUBITAK 1001 Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program

Development of Multi-fidelity and Multidisciplinary Methodologies Integrating Sonic Boom, Aeroelasticity and Propulsion System for Supersonic Aircraft Design
2019 - 2022

12. Principal Investigator: GE Global Services Gmbh UK Branch Funding Program

Multi-Fidelity and Multi-Objective Methodology Development, Istanbul, through ITUNOVA TTO
2021 - 2022

13. Principal Investigator: ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program

Application of Multidisciplinary and Multi-fidelity Optimization Techniques for Supersonic Aircraft
20.12.2019 - 01.02.2021

14. Principal Investigator: ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program

Stochastic Optimization of Military Naval and Air Vehicles
19.02.2018 - 19.08.2019

15. Principal Investigator, Senior Research Engineer: NASA Commercial
Supersonic Transport Project

Impact of Aeroelastic Uncertainty on Low Sonic Boom Aircraft Shaping Optimization
2015 - 2016

16. Consultant : Wright State Research Institute

Direct and Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Aeroelastic Systems
2014 - 2015

17. Principal Investigator: ITU-BAP-Scientific Research Program- LINK

S4T Supersonik Uçak Kanadının Aeroelastik Analizlerinde Belirsizlik Ölçümünün Uygulanması (Uncertainty Quantification in Aeroelastic Predictions of the S4T Supersonic Aircraft Wing)
22.07.2015 - 31.12.2015

18. Principal Investigator: TUBITAK 2219 Post-doctoral Research Fellowship

Static and Dynamic Aeroelasticity Problems with Uncertainty Propagation and Stochastic Optimization with Applications in Multidisciplinary Systems
September 2014 - September 2015

19. Visiting Researcher : DFG (German Research Foundation)

The simulation of the blood flow in human aorta by considering the realistic geometry and elasticity of the vane walls, ( principal investigator Prof. Ali Cemal Benim)
1 June 2013 - 31 March 2014

20. Researcher : Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S.

Development of a CFD based Optimization Methodology for the Aerodynamic Design of Light Commercial Vehicle (Hafif Ticari Araç Aerodinamik Tasarimi icin CFD Tabanli Optimizasyon Metodolojisi Gelistirilmesi)
9.11.2012 - 31.01.2014

21. Principal Investigator: ITU-BAP-Scientific Research Program

Computational Aeroelasticity Investigations For NATO-RTO-AVT-203 and Aeroelastic Prediction Workshop
May 2012- May 2013

22. Principal Investigator: TUBITAK 3501 National Young Researcher Career Development Program Award

Analysis and Reliability Based Design Optimization of FluidStructure Interaction Problems Subject to Instability Phenomena
May 2006 - November 2010

23. Research Fellow: DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
(QSP: Quiet Supersonic Platform)

(principal investigator Prof.Charbel Farhat)

24. Research Fellow: NSF (National Science Foundation)


25. Research Fellow: Air Force Office of Scientific Research

(Multi-disciplinary Optimization, Fluid-Structure Interaction) (principal investigator Prof.Charbel Farhat)