Publications (book chapters, papers in SCI, etc.)
84) Altınay, O., Sarıkaya, M.A. 2025. First calibration site for Schmidt hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) in Türkiye and an experimental approach on ultramafic rocks. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews,
83) Özpolat, E., Yıldırım, C., Görüm, T., Sarıkaya, M. A., 2025. Drainage divide migration on asymmetrically uplifted horsts, western Türkiye. Tectonics, 44, e2024TC008519.
82) Karakoca, E., Uncu, L., Sarikaya, M.A., Şahiner, E. and Köse, O., 2025. Geomorphology and chronology of Late Quaternary terrace staircases of the Sakarya River, northwest Türkiye. Journal of Quaternary Science. doi: 10.1002/jqs.3695
81) Sarıkaya, M.A., Candaş, A., Ege, İ., Wilcken, K.M., 2025. Geochronology and ice-flow modelling of the Late Quaternary glaciers on Mt. Soğanlı, Türkiye. Journal of Quaternary Science, 1-15.
80) Çiner, A., Oliva, M., Ventura, J., Sarıkaya, M.A., Candaş, A., Palacios, D., Altınay, O., Binnie, S.A. and Castaneda, N., 2024. Late Pleistocene glacial chronology and paleoclimate of the Cadí Massif, SE Pyrenees, Spain: Insights from 36Cl cosmogenic surface exposure dating and glacier modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 345, p.109020.
79) Oliva, M., David Palacios, Leopoldo G. Sancho, José M. Fernández-Fernández, Attila Çiner, Marcelo Fernandes, Julia García-Oteyza, Sarıkaya, M.A., Enrique Serrano, Amaneh Kaveh-Firouz, Augusto Pérez-Alberti, Irene Schimmelpfennig, Gonçalo Vieira, Josep Bonsoms, Dermot Antoniades, 2024. The origin of the ice-free areas of the Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica), Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 344, 108991.
78) Yıldırım, C., Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Hidy, A., 2024. Cosmogenic Surface Exposure (10Be) Dating of Raised Beaches in Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for Relative Sea-level History, Quaternary Science Reviews 344, 108995.
77) Kim, T., Seong, Y.B., Sarıkaya, M.A., Jeon, Y., Enkhbold, A., Khukhuudei, U., Binnie, S.A., 2024. Geochronological (36Cl and OSL) and geomorphic insights into the formation of Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake and Khorgo Volcano in Central Mongolia: Unravelling a pre-Holocene paleolake. Geomorphology 456, 109214.
76) Altınay, O., Sarıkaya, M.A., Wilcken, K. 2024. A rare piedmont glaciation in the Mediterranean; insights from cosmogenic 36Cl dating of Davraz hummocky moraine field (SW Türkiye), Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1-20.
75) Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Zreda, M., Köse, O., Yıldırım, C. and Wilcken, K.M., 2024. Complete last glacial cycle cosmogenic 36Cl glacial chronology of Mt. Aladağlar, central Taurus range, Southern Türkiye. Quaternary Science Reviews 108627.
74) Hashemi, K., Sarıkaya, M.A., Wilcken, K., Öztürk, M.Z., 2023. Controls on long-term denudation rate of carbonate terrains in the Eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Reviews 321. 108351.
73) Khandsuren, P., Seong, Y.B., Rhee, H.H., Lee, C-H., Sarıkaya, M.A., Oh, J-S., Sandag, K., Yu, B.Y., 2023. Asynchronous glacial dynamics of Last Glacial Maximum mountain glaciers in the Ikh Bogd Massif, Gobi Altai mountain range, southwestern Mongolia: aspect control on glacier mass balance. The Cryosphere Discuss. Vol 17-6, pp. 2409–2435.
72) Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., 2023. The Anatolian Peninsula. In: M. Oliva et al. (eds.), Periglacial Landscapes of Europe, Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 115-134.
71) Kaveh‐Firouz, A., Mohammadi, A., Görüm, T., Sarıkaya, M.A., Alizadeh, H., Akbaş, A., Mirarabi, A., 2022. Main drivers of drainage pattern development in onshore Makran Accretionary Wedge, SE Iran. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 10.1007/s00531-022-02270-6.
70) Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C., Girault, I., Todisco, D., Martin, F., Borrero, L. and Fabel, D., 2022. Terrestrial cosmogenic 10Be dating of the Última Esperanza ice lobe moraines (52° S, Patagonia) indicates the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) extent was half of the local LGM. Geomorphology, 414, p.108381.
69) Özpolat, E., Yıldırım, C., Görüm, T., Gosse, J.C., Şahiner, E., Sarıkaya, M.A. and Owen, L.A., 2022. Three-dimensional control of alluvial fans by rock uplift in an extensional regime: Aydın Range, Aegean extensional province. Scientific reports, 12 (1), pp.1-14.
68) Köse, O., Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Candaş, A., Yıldırım, C. and Wilcken, K.M., 2022. Reconstruction of Last Glacial Maximum glaciers and palaeoclimate in the central Taurus Range, Mt. Karanfil, of the Eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 291, p.107656.
67) Altınay, O., Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Žebre, M., Stepišnik, U., Yıldırım, C., Yetemen, Ö. and Wilcken, K.M., 2022. Cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating of glacial landforms on Mt. Barla (SW Turkey). Geomorphology, p.108424.
66- Hashemi, K., Sarıkaya, M. A., Görüm, T., Wilcken, K.M., Çiner, A., Žebre, M., Stepišnik, U., Yıldırım, C. 2022. The Namaras rock avalanche: Evidence of mid-to-late Holocene paraglacial activity in the Central Taurus Mountains, SW Turkey. Geomorphology 108261.
65- Azzoni, R.G., Bollati, I. M., Pelfini, M., Sarıkaya, M.A., Zerboni, A., 2022. Geomorphology of a recently deglaciated high mountain area in Eastern Anatolia (Turkey), Journal of Maps doi: 10.1080/17445647.2022.2035269
64- Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C., 2022. Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Dating Applications from Turkey; Moraines, Alluvial Fans, Fluvial Terraces, Lava Flows and Incision Rates. (Eds) Çiner, et. al., Recent Research on Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Marine Geosciences and Geochemistry, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, Proceedings of the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-2), Tunisia 25-28 November 2019. Springer. ISSN 2522-8714. p 3-7.
63- Girault, I., Todisco, D., Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C., Quiquerez, A., Martin, F., Borrero, L., Fabel, D., Grandjean, P., Nehme, C., Mouralis, D., 2022. 10Be chronology of deglaciation and ice-dammed lake regression in the vicinity of the Mylodon Cave (Cerro Benitez, Patagonia, Chile), Quaternary Science Reviews 278, 107354.
62- Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C., 2022. Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Dating Applications from Turkey; Moraines, Alluvial Fans, Fluvial Terraces, Lava Flows and Incision Rates. (Eds) Çiner, et. al., Recent Research on Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Marine Geosciences and Geochemistry, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, Proceedings of the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-2), Tunisia 25-28 November 2019. Springer. ISSN 2522-8714. p 3-7.
61- Baykara, İ., Sarıkaya, M.A., Şahin, Ş., Dinçer, B., Ünal, E., 2022. Late Acheulean Lithic Assemblages from Locality 010 at Gürgürbaba Hill (Eastern Anatolia). Europian Journal of Archaeology, 1-20.
60- Yıldırım, C., Aksoy, M.E., Özcan, O., İşiler, M., Özbey, V., Çiner, A., Salvatore, P., Sarıkaya, M.A., Doğan, T., İlkmen, E. and Schneiderwind, S., 2021. Coseismic (20 July 2017 Bodrum-Kos) and paleoseismic markers of coastal deformations in the Gulf of Gökova, Aegean Sea, SW Turkey. Tectonophysics 822, p.229141.
59- Žebre, M., Sarıkaya, M.A., Stepišnik, U., Colucci, R.R., Yıldırım, C., Çiner, A., Candaş, A., Vlahović, I., Tomljenović, B., Matoš, B. and Wilcken, K.M., 2021. An early glacial maximum during the last glacial cycle on the northern Velebit Mt. (Croatia). Geomorphology, p.107918.
58- Köse, O., Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Yıldırım, C., 2021. Glacial geomorphology of the Aladağlar, central Taurus Mountains, Turkey, Journal of Maps, 17:2, 101-113,
57- McClain, K., Yıldırım, C., Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Özcan, O., Görüm, T., Köse, O., Şahin, S., Kıyak, N.G., Öztürk, T. 2021. River, alluvial fan and landslide interactions in a tributary junction setting: Implications for tectonic controls on Quaternary fluvial landscape development (Central Anatolian Plateau margin, Turkey), Geomorphology 376, 107567.
56- Yıldırım, C., Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., 2020. İç Anadolu Fay Zonu, Y. Güngör (Ed.) Türkiye Deprem Atlası. Atlas Dergisi, Aralık Sayısı Eki. Turkuaz Dağıtım, 46-48.
55- Candaş, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Köse O., Şen, Ö.L., Çiner, A., 2020, Modelling Last Glacial Maximum ice cap with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model to infer palaeoclimate in south‐west Turkey. Journal of Quaternary Science, 35(7): 935-950.
54- McClain, K. P., Yıldırım, C., Çiner, A., Şahin, S., Sarıkaya, M. A., Özcan, O., Kıyak, N.G., Öztürk, T., 2020. Quaternary Rock Uplift Rates and Their Implications for the Western Flank of the North Anatolian Fault Restraining Bend; Inferences from Fluvial Terrace Ages. Tectonics, e2019TC005993.
53- Sarıkaya, M.A., Stepišnik, U., Zebre, M., Çiner, A., Yildirim, C., Vlahović, I, Tomljenović, B., Matoš, B., Wilcken, K.M., 2020. Last glacial maximum deglaciation of the Southern Velebit Mt. (Croatia): insights from cosmogenic 36Cl dating of Rujanska Kosa. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 2, 53-64.
52- Azzoni, R.S., Sarıkaya, M.A., Fugazza, D., 2020. Turkish glacier inventory and classification from high‐resolution satellite data. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 2, 153-162.
51- Altınay, O., Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., 2020. Late‑glacial to Holocene glaciers in the Turkish mountains. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 2, 119-133.
50- Oliva, M., Sarıkaya, M.A., Hughes, P., 2020. Holocene and earlier glaciations in the Mediterranean Mountains. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 2, 1-4.
49- Çiner, A., Yıldırım, C., Sarıkaya, M.A., Seong, Y., Yu, Y. B., 2019. Cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating of glacial erratics on Horseshoe Island in western Antarctic Peninsula confirms deglaciation in the Early Holocene. Antarctic Science 31(6), 319-331
48- Çiner, A., Stepišnik, U., Sarıkaya, M.A., Žebre, M., Yıldırım, C., 2019. Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas piedmont glaciations in Blidinje, the Dinaric Mountains (Bosnia and Herzegovina): insights from 36Cl cosmogenic dating. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 1, 25-43.
47- Mechernich, S., Tibor J. Dunai, Steven A. Binnie, Tomasz Goral, Stefan Heinze, Alfred Dewald, Irene Schimmelpfennig, Karim Keddadouche, Georges Aumaître, Didier Bourlès, Shasta Marrero, Klaus Wilcken, Krista Simon, David Fink, Fred M. Phillips, Marc W. Caffee, Laura C. Gregory, Richard Phillips, Stewart P.H.T. Freeman, Richard Shanks, M. Akif Sarıkaya, Stefan Pavetich, Georg Rugel, Silke Merchel, Naki Akçar, Serdar Yesilyurt, Susan Ivy-Ochs, Christof Vockenhuber, 2019. Carbonate and silicate intercomparison materials for cosmogenic 36Cl measurements, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 455, 250-259.
46- Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Ice in Paradise: Glacial heritage landscapes of Anatolia. In: Landscapes and Landforms of Turkey, Kuzucuoğlu, C., Çiner, A. Kazancı, N. (Eds.), World Geomorphological Landscapes series, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (Publisher), ISBN 978-3-030-03513-6, pp. 397-411.
45- Bayarı, C.S., Klimchouk, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Nazik, L., 2019. Aladağlar Mountain Range: A Landscape-Shaped by the interplay of glacial, karstic, and fluvial erosion, In: Landscapes and Landforms of Turkey, Kuzucuoğlu, C., Çiner, A. Kazancı, N. (Eds.), World Geomorphological Landscapes series, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (Publisher), ISBN 978-3-030-03513-6, pp. 423-435.
44- Aydar, E., Şen, E., Sarıkaya, M.A., Kuzucuoğlu, C., 2019. In the Footsteps of Strabon: Mount Erciyes Volcano-The Roof of Central Anatolia and Sultansazliği Basin. In: Landscapes and Landforms of Turkey, Kuzucuoğlu, C., Çiner, A. Kazancı, N. (Eds.), World Geomorphological Landscapes series, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (Publisher), ISBN 978-3-030-03513-6, pp. 565-576.
43- Ulusoy, İ., Sarıkaya, M.A., Schmitt, A. K., Şen, E., Danišík, M., Gümüş, E., 2019. Volcanic Eruption Eye-witnessed and Recorded by Prehistoric Humans, Quaternary Science Reviews 212, 187-198.
42- Žebre, M., Sarıkaya, M.A., Stepišnik, U., Yıldırım, C., Çiner, A. 2019. First 36Cl cosmogenic moraine geochronology of the Dinaric mountain karst: Velez and Crvanj Mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Quaternary Science Reviews 208, 54-75.
41- Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Zreda, M., Şen, E., Ersoy, O. 2019. Chlorine degassing constrained by cosmogenic 36Cl and radiocarbon dating of early Holocene rhyodacitic lava domes on Erciyes stratovolcano, central Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 369, 263-275.
40- Köse, O., Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Candaş, A., 2019. Late Quaternary glaciations and cosmogenic 36Cl geochronology of Mount Dedegöl, south‐west Turkey. Journal of Quaternary Science 34 (1), 51-63.
39- Berndt, C., Yıldırım, C., Çiner, A., Ertunç, G., Sarıkaya, M.A., Özcan, O., Öztürk, T., Kıyak, N.G., Strecker, M., 2018. Quaternary uplift of the northern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau: new OSL dates of fluvial and delta-terrace deposits of the Kızılırmak River, Black Sea coast, Turkey, Quaternary Science Reviews 201, 446-469.
38- Oliva, M., Žebre, M., Guglielmin, M., Hughes, P.D., Çiner, A., Vieira, G., Bodin, X., Andrés, N., Colucci, R.R., García-Hernández, C., Mora, C., Nofre, J., Palacios, D., Pérez-Alberti, A., Ribolini, A., Ruiz-Fernández, J., Sarıkaya, M.A., Serrano, E., Urdea, P., Valcárcel, M., Woodward, J.C., Yıldırım, C., 2018. Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation. Earth-Science Reviews 185, 397-436.
37- Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A. 2018. Comments to “Glacio-Mechanical Effects Around Isparta Plain (Sw Turkey): Evidence for Lower-Altitude Glacial Extent?” by Ateş (Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, August 2016, 11, 2, 415 - 426). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 13, 1, 327-331.
36- Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C., 2017, Misleading old age on a young landform? The dilemma of cosmogenic inheritance in surface exposure dating: Moraines vs. rock glaciers, Quaternary Geochronology 42, 76-88.
35- Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Yıldırım, C., 2017. Cosmogenic 36Cl glacial chronologies of the Late Quaternary glaciers on Mount Geyikdağ in the Eastern Mediterranean, Quaternary Geochronology 39, 189-204.
34- Dede, V., Çiçek, İ., Sarıkaya, M.A, Çiner, A., Uncu, L., 2017. First cosmogenic geochronology from the Lesser Caucasus: Late Pleistocene glaciation and rock glacier development in the Karçal Valley, NE Turkey, Quaternary Science Reviews 164, 54-67. Dede2017QSR_Karçal.pdf
33- Yıldırım, C., Sarıkaya, MA., Çiner, A., 2016. Late Pleistocene intraplate extension of the Central Anatolian Plateau, Turkey: Inferences from cosmogenic exposure dating of alluvial fan, landslide and moraine surfaces along the Ecemiş Fault Zone, Tectonics 35, 1-19.
32- Sarıkaya, M.A., 2015, Akseki ve çevresinin coğrafyası ve jeolojisi, In: Ben Akseki’yim, K. Demirtaş, C. Güzelyürek, Ü. Durak, (Eds.), Akseki Eğitim Hayratı Derneği Yayınları, İstanbul, 46-65 Sarikaya2015AksekiKitabı_AksekiÇevresi.pdf
31- Çiner, A. Aydar, E., Sarıkaya, M.A., 2015. Volcanism and evolution of the landscapes in Cappadocia, In: La Cappadoce Meridionale: de la prehistoire a la periode byzantine, Beyer, D.., Henry, O., Tibet A., (Eds.) Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes Georges Dumezil-CNRS USR 3131, pp 1-15. ISBN: 978-2-36245-059-4. Çiner2015IFEABook_Cappadocia.pdf
30- Sarıkaya, M. A., Çiner, A., 2015. Türkiye Geç Kuvaterner Buzullaşması ve Paleoiklimi, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi 151, 111-132.
29- Sarıkaya, M. A., Çiner, A., 2015. Late Pleistocene Glaciations and Paleoclimate of Turkey, Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 151, 107-127.
28- Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A. 2015. The late Quaternary glaciation in the Eastern Mediterranean. In: “Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains”. Hughes, P. & Woodward, J. (eds.), Geological Society of London Special Publication, 433 pp.
27- Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A. 2015. Cosmogenic 36Cl Geochronology of late Quaternary glaciers on the Bolkar Mountains, south central Turkey. In: “Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains”. Hughes, P. & Woodward, J. (eds.), Geological Society of London Special Publication, 433 pp.
26- Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C., Çiner, A., 2015. No surface breaking on the Ecemiş Fault, central Turkey, since Late Pleistocene (~64.5 ka); new geomorphic and geochronologic data from cosmogenic dating of offset alluvial fans. Tectonophysics 649, 33-46. Sarikaya2015Tectonophysics_NoSurfaceBreakingOnEcemisFault.pdf
25- Çiner A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C., 2015. Piedmont glaciations in the Eastern Mediterranean; insights from cosmogenic 36Cl dating of hummocky moraines in southern Turkey, Quaternary Science Reviews 116, 44-56. Ciner2015QSR_NamarasSusam.pdf
24- Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Zreda, A., 2015, Fairy chimney erosion rates on Cappadocia ignimbrites, Turkey; insights from cosmogenic nuclides. Geomorphology 234, 182-191. Sarikaya2015Geom_Cappadocia.pdf
23- Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C., Çiner, A., 2015, Late Quaternary alluvial fans of Emli Valley in the Ecemiş Fault Zone, south central Turkey: Insights from cosmogenic nuclides. Geomorphology 228, 512–525. Sarikaya2015Geom_Emli.pdf
22- Pfeffer, W.T., Arendt, A.A., Bliss, A., Bolch, T., Cogley, J.G., Gardner, A.S., Hagen, J.O., Hock, R., Kaser, G., Kienholz, C., Miles, E.S., Moholdt, G., Molg, N., Paul, F., Radic, V., Rastner, P., Raup, B.H., Rich, J., Sharp, M.J., and Randolph Consortium (including Sarıkaya, M.A.), 2014. The Randolph Glacier Inventory: a globally complete inventory of glaciers. Journal of Glaciology 60, 537-552. Pfeffer2014JG_RandolphGlacierInventory.pdf
21- Tuna, F., Sarıkaya, M.A., 2014, Coğrafya eğitiminde fiziki coğrafya öğretimi için bir rota önerisi: Çatalca Yarımadası batısı, İstanbul, Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi 30, 45-68. Tuna2014MarmaraCog_IstFizikiCogEgitim.pdf
20- Sarıkaya, M.A., Tekeli, A.E., 2014. Satellite inventory of glaciers in Turkey, In: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, Kargel, J.S., Leonard, G.J., Bishop, M.P., Kääb, A. and Raup, B. (Eds.), Praxis-Springer (Publisher), Berlin Heidelberg, 876 pp. ISBN: 978-3-540-79817-0. p. 465-480. Sarikaya2014GLIMS_Turkey.pdf
19- Bishop, M.P., Shroder, J.F., Ali, G., Bush, A.B.G., Haritashya, U., Roohi, R., Sarıkaya, M.A., Weihs, B.J., 2014. Remote sensing of glaciers in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Southwest Asian Regional Center: Afghanistan and Pakistan, In: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, Kargel, J.S., Leonard, G.J., Bishop, M.P., Kääb, A. and Raup, B. (Eds.), Praxis-Springer (Publisher), Berlin Heidelberg, 876 pp. ISBN: 978-3-540-79817-0. p. 509-548. Bishop2014GLIMS_AfghanistanPakistan.pdf
18- Tuna, F., Sarıkaya, M.A., 2014, Sarıyer, Beykoz ve Şile’de (İstanbul) Coğrafya eğitimi için rota önerileri, Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi 31, 189-205. Tuna2014DoguCog_IstFizikiCogEgitim.pdf
17- Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A. Haybat, H., Zreda, M., 2014. An early advance of glaciers on Mount Akdag, SW Turkey, before the global Last Glacial Maximum; insights from cosmogenic nuclides and glacier modeling, Quaternary Science Reviews 88, 96-109. Sarikaya2014QSR_Akdag.pdf
16- Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Aydar, E., 2013. Comments on “Monitoring soil erosion in Cappadocia region (Selime-Aksaray-Turkey)” by Yilmaz et al. (Environ Earth Sci 2012, 66:75-81)., Environmental Earth Sciences, Ciner2013EnvirEarthSci_CommentsonCappadocia.pdf
15- Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., 2013. Buzullar ve İklim Değişikliği: Geçmiş, Günümüz ve Gelecek. Ed. Volkan Ediger, Türkiye’de İklim Değişikliği ve Sürdürülebilir Enerji, ENIVA Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 19-58. ISBN: 9786056406607 Ciner2013Eniva_Bolum_1.pdf
14- Sarıkaya, M. A., Bishop, P. M., Shroder, J. F., Ghazanfar, A., 2013, Remote sensing assessment of glacier fluctuations in the Hindu Raj, Pakistan, Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (11), 3968-3985. Sarikaya2013IJRS_HinduRaj.pdf
13- Sarıkaya, M.A., 2012. Kuvaterner buzullaşmaları: Yayılımı ve zamanlaması [Quaternary glaciations: Extent and timing], Kuvaterner Bilimi, Eds. Kazancı, N. ve Gürbüz, A., Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 350, s. 41-58. ISBN: 978-605-136-056-0. Sarikaya2012KuvaternerBilimi_Buzullasmalar_shortCopy.pdf
12- Sarıkaya, M.A., 2012. Kozmojenik yaşlandırma yöntemleri: Teori ve uygulama alanları [Cosmogenic dating methods: Theory and applications], Kuvaterner Bilimi, Eds. Kazancı, N. ve Gürbüz, A., Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 350, s. 523-546. ISBN: 978-605-136-056-0. Sarikaya2012KuvaternerBilimi_Kozmo.pdf
11- Sarıkaya, M.A., 2012, Recession of the ice cap on Mount Ağrı (Ararat), Turkey, from 1976 to 2011 and its climatic significance. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 46, 190-194. Sarikaya2012JAES_MountAgriIceCap.pdf
10- Sarıkaya, M.A., Bishop, P. M., Shroder, J. F., Olsenholler, J.A., 2012, Space-based observations of Eastern Hindu Kush glaciers between 1976 and 2007, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Remote Sensing Letters. 3 (2), 77-84. Sarikaya2012RSL_HinduKush.pdf
9- Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Zreda, M., 2011. Quaternary Glaciations of Turkey. In J. Ehlers, P.L. Gibbard and P.D. Hughes, editors: Developments in Quaternary Science, Vol. 15, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 393-403. Sarikaya2011Elsevier_TurkeyChapter.pdf
8- Zreda, M., Çiner, A., Sarıkaya, M.A., Zweck, C., Bayarı, S., 2011, Remarkably extensive glaciation and fast deglaciation and climate change in Turkey near the Pleistocene Holocene boundary, Geology, 39 (11), 1051–1054, Zreda2011Geology_Hacer.pdf
7- Sarıkaya, M.A., 2011. Present glaciers of Turkey (in Turkish), In: Deniz Ekinci (Ed.), Research in Physical Geography: Systematic and Regional, Turkish Geography Union, Volume 6, Istanbul, 527-544. Sarikaya2011TCK_TurkiyeBuzullari_ShortCopy.pdf
6- Sarıkaya, M.A., 2010. Quaternary glaciers of Turkey; a glacio-chronologic and paleoclimatic view. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8383-2793-8, 140 pp. See at
5- Sarıkaya, M.A., Zreda, M., Çiner, A., 2009. Glaciations and paleoclimatic variations on Mount Erciyes, central Turkey, since Last Glacial Maximum, inferred from 36Cl cosmogenic dating and glacier modeling, Quaternary Science Reviews, 28 (23-24), 2326-2341. Sarikaya2009QSR_Mt.Erciyes.pdf
4- Sarıkaya, M. A., Zreda, M., Çiner, A., Zweck, C., 2008. Cold and wet Last Glacial Maximum on Mount Sandıras, SW Turkey, inferred from cosmogenic dating and glacier modeling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27 (7-8), 769-780. Sarikaya2008QSR_Sandiras.pdf
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