Mail Archive

From: Bill Gates
DOJ update
My new role
Opportunities in the Software Decade

From: Steve Ballmer
A Few Business Changes
Bullish About the Future
Celebrate at Safeco
Changes and Opportunities
Distinguished Engineers
DOJ Update
Forum 2000 this Thursday June 22nd
Legal Update
Legal Update 2
Microsoft Introduces The Business Internet
.NET Opportunity
.NET Organization Update
New Products and Windows 2000
The District Court Ruling and Our Appeal
The Facts
Today's Court Ruling
Virtual Employee Meeting on Thursday
Visio Acquisition

From: Beta Product Announcement
Microsoft Reader Beta is now Available
Peacemaker Interactive Training - Beta now available

From: Corporate Security Services
MS Parking Alert
Security Notice Potential Protest at Microsoft
Security Update Y2K

From: ITG Support Announcements
Action required for Windows 9x and Windows NT users
ATTENTION - Not much time left are you ready
Corporate Desktop OS Standard
Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 (Beta 2) Update
Outlook E-mail Security Update
Upgrade to Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 Today
Use Connection Manager to Remotely Access the Corporate Network
Why Travel to Meetings Try Exchange Conferencing Service
Windows 2000 RTM Now Available - Upgrade Today
Y2K Desktop Readiness Not much time left

From: ITG Exchange 2000 Information
IMPORTANT - Please Read RED-MSG-53 to be upgraded Friday June 30th
IMPORTANT - Please Read RED-MSG-53 to be upgraded Saturday June 24th
IMPORTANT - Please Read RED-MSG-53 to be upgraded Sunday August 6
IMPORTANT - Your Mailbox is MovingUpgrading to Exchange 2000

From: ITG Outage Notification
Changes to Products Servers Notification 2
Changes to Products Servers Notification 3
E-mail Server Outage RED-MSG-53 Saturday July 22 200 AM PDT
FW Outage Notification Building 11 Thursday August 24 1000 PM PDT
Internet Access Outage Notification Friday April 14th 2000 from 1200 A.M. - 400 A.M. PST
Network Server Outage Wednesday May 17 700 PM - 800 PM PDT
Scheduled Maintenance Outage-Alert #2 Microsoft Corporate Data Center GMT December 18th
Scheduled Maintenance Outage-Alert #3 Microsoft Corporate Data Center GMT December 18th
Telephone Outage Notification Saturday May 13 1201 AM - 1207 AM PDT (May 13 2000 701 AM
Telephone Outage Notification Saturday May 13 1201 AM - 1207 AM PDT (May 13 2000 701 AM
Telephone Outage Notification Saturday May 13 1201 AM 1208 AM PDT

From: Microsoft Research Seminer Notice
IEEE Xplore Access is Now Available
MSR Tech Report End-of-Year - Published Reports August to Dec 1999
New MSR Technical Reports - JanFebMarch 2000
New MSR Technical Reports - July 2000
UW SLIS Colloquia - Susan Dumais 42700
UW-CSE Colloq 10-29-99 Burkhardt Dialogic The Thrills and Chills of Building a High Tech Company
UW-CSE Colloq 1-18-2000 Burrows Compaq SRC The AltaVista Indexing and Search Engine
UW-CSE Colloq 1-27-2000 UW-CSE Graphics Student Presentations
UW-CSE Colloq 2-10-2000 Hood Institute for Systems Biology Institute for Systems Biology and Frontiers
UW-CSE Colloq 2-1-2000 Charikar Stanford Algorithms for Clustering
UW-CSE Colloq 2-15-2000 Dourish Xerox PARC Configuration Customisation and Appropriation
UW-CSE Colloq 2-17-2000 Indyk Stanford High-Dimensional Computational Geometry
UW-CSE Colloq 2-29-2000 Gribble UC-Berkeley Taming the Internet Service Construction Beast
UW-CSE Colloq 2-3-2000 Jaffar Singapore National University Open Constraint Programming
UW-CSE Colloq 2-6-2000 Baer UW-CSE 2K papers on caches by Y2K Do we need more
UW-CSE Colloq 2-8-2000 Goldberg InterTrust Rights Management for Digital Music
UW-CSE Colloq 4-20-2000 Mahlke HP Labs Compiler-Directed Synthesis of Hardware Accelerators
UW-CSE Colloq 4-25-00 Leung UC-Berkeley Object Recognition with Material and Shape
UW-CSE Colloq 4-26-2000 Maier OGI A Petabyte in Your Pocket Directions for Net Data Management
UW-CSE Colloq 4-4-2000 Suciu ATT Labs Data Management on the Web
UW-CSE Colloq 4-6-2000 Castro MIT Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
UW-CSE Colloq 5-10-2000 Das Microsoft Research Unification-Based Pointer Analysis
UW-CSE Colloq 5-10-2000 Das MSR Toward Scalable Pointer Analysis
UW-CSE Colloq 5-2-2000 Sahai MIT Statistical Zero Knowledge
UW-CSE Colloq 5-22-2000 Yelick Berkeley System Support for Data-Intensive Applications
UW-CSE Colloq 5-23-2000 Chapman UT-Austin Analysis of a Mess Schools Computers Training
UW-CSE Colloq 5-24-2000 Ruf Microsoft Sy nchronization Elimination via Thread Closure
UW-CSE Colloq 5-4-2000 Kahn Intel Networking At Home - Directions in Connected Computing
UW-CSE Colloq 5-9-2000 O'Brien Georgia Tech Generating Synthetic Motion Using Physically Based Simulation
UW-CSE Colloq 6-15-2000 Miller Interval A Graphics Research Overview
UW-CSE Colloq 6-20-2000 Hsu Creature House Research in DTP at Creature House
UW-CSE Colloquia 1-13-2000 Bohr Intel Directions and Challenges in Integrated Circuit Scaling
UW-CSE Televised Talks for December 1999
UW-CSE Televised Talks for June 2000
UW-PEI 4-20-2000 High-Tech Speaker Series--F5 NETWORKS
UW-PEI 1-13-2000 High-Tech Entrepreneurs-- bSQUARE
UW-PEI 1-27-00 High-Tech Entrepreneurship--DRUGSTORE.COM
UW-PEI 4-6-2000 High-Tech
UW-Speech Processing Seminar Wed April 19th

2nd warning Servers will be locked please read Additional information
Final warning Servers is locked please read
Help BETA test the Microsoft Windows 2000 Blue Screen Resource Center
Microsoft Announces Record Fiscal Year Revenue and Income
Microsoft Announces Record Quarterly Revenue and Income
MSR server upgrade this Saturday
MSR servers is unlocked please read
Servers will be locked please read
Slow Network problems
Virus Status Update #4 May 07 2000 - 630 AM GMT
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