Zehra Cataltepe 

cataltepe at itu dot edu dot tr      +90-212-285-3551

Professor, Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Computer and Informatics, Computer Engineering Dept.

Co-founder, tazi.ai



Resume and Publications


Teaching (Please see the Ninova pages for the current class information.)


Machine Learning (BLG 527E) [Fall 2007, 2017]

Pattern Recognition (BLG601E)  [Spring 2006- 2015]

Pattern Recognition and Analysis (BBL514E) [Fall 2006-2010]



Analysis of Algorithms I (BLG335E) [Fall 2006-2017]  (was BLG381E Advanced Data Structures)

Analysis of Algorithms II (BLG336E) [Spring 2007-2017] (was BLG232E)

Web Design & Management Tools (ISE 313) [Spring 2007, 2008]

Object Oriented Programming (BLG322E) [Spring 2006]

BilgisayarProje (BLG439) [Spring 2006]

BilgisayarProje II (BLG440) [Spring 2006]