BLG 527E, Machine Learning, Spring
Istanbul Technical University,
Computer Eng. Dept.
Lecturer: Zehra Çataltepe, (CRN:13817)
Mahiye Uluyağmur (muluyagmur), Hakan Gündüz
Schedule: Thursday 09:30-12:30
Classroom: Bilişim
Enstitüsü Binası (Ayazağa) 411
Office hours: Wednesday 15:30-16:30
Web site:
Announcements, Course slides, Homework assignments
Make sure you are added to Ninova site and check your
ITU/ninova e-mail once every week!
Please note:
In order to be able to take the final exam for BLG527E
you have to have a weighted average score of 30 (over 100) for midterm and the
first 3 homeworks. Otherwise you will get a VF from the course.
All the exams are closed books and notes.
There will be a total of 5 homeworks. Each homework
will be evaluated on a 0/1 basis.
You have to do your homework on your own.
You can discuss the questions with your class-mates.
But you must not use somebody else's code or answer.
Unless indicated otherwise, do not use libraries for
machine learning methods. When in doubt, email the teaching assistant(s).
We plan to use R (
) for the homeworks. For the project you
can use any environment of your choice.
Submit homeworks and projects through ninova and on time. We can not accept homeworks submitted late through email.