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Barka, A. A., Akyüz, S. (in press). Activity of the Gökova fault, SW Turkey. Terra Nova.
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Barka, A. A. and Wesnousky, S. (in press). The Erzincan-Yedisu segment of the North Anatolian fault, NE Turkey: its earthquake potentials. Journal Seismology.
Nalbant, S and Barka, A. A. (1999). Stress evolution along the East Anatolian fault since 1822. Submitted to Geophsical International.
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Eyidogan, H., S.S. Nalbant, A. Barka and G.C.P. King (1999). Static Stress Change Induced by the 1924 Pasinler, M=6.8, and 1983 Horasan-Narman,M=6.8 Earthquakes, Northeastern Turkey, Terra Nova, 11, 38-45.
Rockwell, T., Barka, A. A., Thorup, K. Dawson, T. and Akyuz, S. (in press). Paleoseismology of the Gaziköy-Saros segment of the North Anatolian fault, Northwestern Turkey: comparison obetween istorical and trench records. Submitted to Journal Seismology
Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Barka, A. A and Hubert, A.. (1999). Propagation of the North Anatolian fault into the Northerna Aegean: Timing and kinematics. Geology.
Gürbüz, C., Aktar., Eyidoğan, H., Cisternas, A., Haessler, H., Barka, A. A., Ergin, M., Türkelli, N., Biçmen, F., Üçer, B., Kuleli, S and Arpat, E. (in press). Seismotectonics of ther Marmara region (Turkey): results from a microseismic experiment. Tectonphysics
Kahle, H-G., Peter, Y., Cocard, M., Geiger, A., Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., King, R., Barka, A. A. and Veis, G. (in press). GPS derived starin rate field in the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East. JGR.
McClusky, Balassanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Georgiev, I., Hamburger, M., Kahle, H.,Kastens, K., Kekelidse, G., King, R., Kotzev., Lenk, O., Mahmoud, S., Mishin, A., Nadaria, M., Ouzounis, A., Paradisissis, D., Peter, Y., Prilepin, M., Reilinger, R., Sanli, I., Seeger, H., Teableb, A., Toksoz, N., and Veis, G., (1999). GPS contraints on crustal movements and deformations in the eastern mediterranean (1988-1997): implications for plate dynamics. JGR.
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Beyhan, G., Barka, A. A. and Alptekin, Ö., (1998). Sismik yansıma verilerinin yorumu ile Saroz ve Edremit Körfezlerinin tektonik özelliklerinin incelenmesi. “Active tectonics-2″ edited by A. A. Barka and S. Akyüz, Deprem Vakfı yayını.
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Barka, A. A., Cohen, H., Akyüz, S., and Watchorn, F. (2000). Tectonic evolution of the Niksar and Tasova-Erbaa pull-apart basins, North Anatolian Fault Zone: Their significance for the motion of the Anatolian Block. Tectonophysics, v. 322, 3-4, 243-264
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Rockwell, T., Barka,A., Akyüz, S., Dawson, T., Sieh, K., Gonzales, T., 2000. The North Anatolian Fault around the Marmara Sea, and Pre- and Post-Earthquake research after the August 17, 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Abstracts, 14-17 May, İstanbul, 47-54.
Akyüz, H.S., Barka, A., Hartleb, R., Altunel, E., Sunal, G., 2000. Field observations and slip distribution of the November 12, 1999 Duzce earthquake (M=7.1), Bolu – Turkey. in: 1999 İzmit and Düzce Earthquakes: preliminary results (Eds: Barka, A., Kozacı, Ö., Akyüz, S., Altunel, E.). İTÜ Publication, 63-70.
Barka ,A., Akyüz, H.S., Altunel, E., and 18 others., 2000. The August 17, 1999 İzmit earthquake, M=7.4, Eastern Marmara region, Turkey: study of surface rupture and slip distribution. in: 1999 İzmit and Düzce Earthquakes: preliminary results (Eds: Barka, A., Kozacı, Ö., Akyüz, S., Altunel, E.). İTÜ Publication, 15-30.
Altunel, E., Barka, A., Akyüz, H.S., 2000. Slip distribution along the 1912 Mürefte-Şarköy Earthquake, the North Anatolian Fault, Western Marmara. in: 1999 İzmit and Düzce Earthquakes: preliminary results (Eds: Barka, A., Kozacı, Ö., Akyüz, S., Altunel, E.). İTÜ Publication, 341-349.
Hubert-Ferrari, A., A. Barka, E. Jacques, S.S. Nalbant, B. Meyer, R. Armijo, P. Tapponnier and G.C.P. King (2000). Seismic Hazard in the Sea of Marmara following the 17 August 1999 Earthquake, Nature 404, 269-272.
Barka, A., Akyüz, H.S., Altunel, E., Sunal, G., Çakır, Z., Dikbaş, A., Yerli, B., 2000. 17 Ağustos 1999 İzmit depremi (M=7.4) ve Kuzey Anadolu Fayı. Aktif Tektonik Araştırma Grubu 3. Toplantısı Makaleler Kitabı, (Eds: O. Tatar, K.Ş. Kavak., S. Özden), 100-114.
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Influence of the 17 August 1999 Izmit earthquake on seismic hazards in Istanbul, in A. Barka, O. Kozaci, S. Akyuz and E. Altunel (Eds.), The 1999 Izmit and Duzce Earthquakes: Preliminary results, pp. 295-310.
Rockwell, T., Barka, A. A., Thorup, K. Dawson, T. and Akyuz, S. (in press). Paleoseismology of the Gaziköy-Saros segment of the North Anatolian fault, Northwestern Turkey: comparison obetween istorical and trench records. Submitted to Journal Seismology
Nalbant, S and Barka, A. A. Stress evolution along the East Anatolian fault since 1822. Submitted to Geophysical International.
Barka, A. A., Akyüz, S. (in press). Activity of the Gökova fault, SW Turkey. Terra Nova.
Barka, A. A. and Altunel, E. (in press). Evidence of historical earthquake at Knidos, SW Turkey. Annales Tectonicae.
Barka, A. A. and Wesnousky, S. (in press). The Erzincan-Yedisu segment of the North Anatolian fault, NE Turkey: its earthquake potentials. Journal Seismology.