- A. Özcan, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, Multivariate Time Series
Link Prediction for Evolving Heterogeneous Network, International
Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2018,
- Z. Zengin Alp, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü Influence
Factorization for Identifying Authorities in Twitter, Knowledge Based
Systems, 2018, accepted.
- Z. Zengin Alp, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, Identifying topical influencers on twitter based on user behavior and network topology, Knowledge Based Systems, Vol.141, pp. 211-221, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2017.11.021, Elsevier 2017.
- A. Özcan, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, Link prediction in evolving heterogeneous networks using the NARX neural networks, DOI: 10.1007/s10115-017-1073-x, Knowledge and Information Systems, pp. 1-28, 2017.
- N. İlhan, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, "Feature identification for predicting community evolution in dynamic social networks", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2016.
- A. Özcan, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, "Multivariate Temporal Link Prediction in Evolving Social Networks", ACIS International Journal of Computer and Information Science, 2015.
- H. Kaya, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A distance based time series classification framework", Information Sciences,, Elsevier, 2015.
- İ. Güneş, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, Z. Çataltepe, "Link Prediction Using Time Series of Neighborhood-based Node Similarity Scores", Accepted for Publication in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer, 2015.
- İ. Güneş, Z. Çataltepe, Ş.
Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "GA-TVRC-Het: Genetic Algorithm enhanced Time Varying Relational Classifier for Evolving Heterogeneous Networks", Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, DOI: 10.1007/s10618-013-0316-z, Springer, 2013.
- Z.
Kavasoğlu, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "Personalized Summarization of Customer
Reviews based on Users Browsing History",IADIS International Journal
on Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 8, No.2, pp.
147-158ISSN: 1646-3692, 2013.
- H. Kaya, Ş.
Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "SAGA:
A novel signal alignment method based on genetic algorithm",
Information Sciences,, Elsevier, 2012.
- M. Göksedef and Ş.
Gündüz- Öğüdücü, "Combination
of Web Page Recommender Systems", Expert Systems with
Application, DOI 10.1016/j.eswa.2009.09.046, Elsevier, 2009.
- A. Madylova and Ş.
Gündüz-Ögüdücü, "Comparison of Similarity Measures for Clustering
Turkish Documents", Intelligent Data Analysis, 13 (5):815-832, DOI
10.3233/IDA-2009-0394, IOS Press, 2009.
- G. N. Demir , A. Ş.
Uyar , Ş. Gündüz-Ögüdücü, "Multiobjective
evolutionary clustering of Web user sessions: a case study in Web page
recommendation", Soft Computing
Journal, DOI 10.1007/s00500-009-0428-y, Springer, 2009
- Ş. Gündüz-Ögüdücü
and M. T. Özsu, "Incremental
Click-Stream Tree Model: Learning From New Users for Web Page Prediction",
International Journal on Distributed and Parallel
Databases, 19 (1): 5-27, Jan. 2006.
- Ş. Gündüz-Ögüdücü
and A. Ş. Uyar, "A
Graph Based Clustering Method using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm", Transactions
on Mathematics, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 731-736, WSEAS Press, 2004.
- Turkey (2017) C.
Öksüz, F. Alagöz, Ş. Gündüz, Öğüdücü, K. H. Kutluay, Bir
Raporlama Sistemi ve Yönetimi, Turkish Patent Institute Patent No: 2014
06847, date of approval: 2017/03/21.
- I. Işlek, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü,
"Use of LSTM for Short-Term and Long-Term Travel Time Prediction",
International Workshop on Knowledge-Driven Analytics Impacting Human
Quality of Life (KDAH-CIKM), 2018.
- B.
Çizmeci, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, "Predicting IMDB Ratings of Pre-release
Movies with Factorization Machines Using Social Media", 3rd
International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, (UBMK),
- K. Kaya, Ş. Gündüz
Öğüdücü A Binary Classification Model for PM10 Levels, 3rd
International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, (UBMK),
- R. Tugay, Ş. Gündüz
Öğüdücü, Ranky: An Approach To Solve Distributed Svd On Large Sparse
Matrices, First IEEE International Conference On Smart Computing And
Electric Enterprise, 2018.
- R.
Tugay, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, Demand Prediction Using Machine Learning
Methods and Stacked Generalization, 6th International Conference on
Data Science, Technology and Applications, 2017.
- A.
Özcan, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü,Supervised Temporal Link Prediction Using
Time Series of Similarity Measures, Ninth International Conference on
Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 2017.
- I.
Işlek, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, A Decision Support System for Demand
Forecasting based on Classifier Ensemble, Federated Conference on
Computer Science and Information Systems, 2017.
- A. Özcan, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü,
"Temporal Link Prediction Using Time Series of Quasi-Local Node
Similarity Measure", The 15th International Conference on Machine
Learning and Applications (ICMLA'16), Anaheim, CA, USA, December 18-20,
- G.
Özcan, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, "Applying Different Techniques in Reciprocal
Job Recommender System for Considering Job Candidate Preferences",
International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured
Transactions, ICITST 2016, Barcelona Spain, December 5-7, 2016.
- Z.
Zengin Alp, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, "Influential User Detection on Twitter:
Analyzing Effect of Focus Rate", SI 2016: Workshop on Social Influence
in conjunction with
the 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference ASONAM, San Francisco, CA,
August 18-21, 2016.
- N. İlhan, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü,
"Predicting Community Evolution based on Time Series Modeling", DyNo:
1st International Workshop on Dynamics in Networks in conjunction with
the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference ASONAM, Paris, France,
August 25-28, 2015.
- B.
Akgün, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, "Streaming Linear Regression on Spark
MLlib and MOA", FOSINT-SI International Symposium on Foundations of
Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics, in conjunction with
the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference ASONAM, Paris, France,
August 25-28, 2015.
- A.
Özcan, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, "Multivariate Temporal Link Prediction in
Evolving Social Networks", 14th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on
Computer and Information Science 2015 (ICIS2015).
- İ.
İşlek, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, "A retail demand forecasting model based on
data mining techniques", The 24th IEEE International Symposium on
Industrial Electronics, 2015.
- M.
Y. Akpinar, M. Gayberi, E. Orman, Ş. Gündüz Öğüdücü, Kurumsal Raporlama
Çözümlerinde Bellek İçi Veritabanı Kullanımı. UYMS 2014.
- N.
Ilhan, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "Community Event Prediction in Dynamic Social
Networks", The 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and
Applications (ICMLA'13), 2013.
- Ş.
Gündüz Öğüdücü, M. Gayberi, E. Akpınar, H. Kutkuay, "A Study for
Performance Comparison of Different In-Memory Databases", The 7th
International Conference on Application of Information and
Communication Technologies, AICT 2013.
- N.
Ilhan, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, A Study on Generation of Synthetic Evolving
Social Graph, Poster, The 5th International Conference on Agents and
Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2013.
- M. E.
Alper and Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "Personalized Recommendation in
Folksonomies using a Joint Probabilistic Model of Users, Resources and
Tags", The 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'12), 2012.
- M. E. Alper and
Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "Personalized resource categorisation in
folksonomies", ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Mining Data Semantics (MDS '12).
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2012.
- S.
M. Gargari and
Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A Novel Framework For Spammer Detection In Social
Bookmarking Systems", International Symposium on Foundation of Open
Source Intelligence and Security Informatics, FOSINT-SI 2012.
- Z.
Zengin-Alp and
Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "User Based Recommender Model for Social Tagging
Systems", Industrial Conference on Data Mining - Poster and Industry
Proceedings, 2012
- Y.
Üstünbaş, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A Recommendation Model for Social
Resource Sharing Systems Based on Tripartite Graph Clustering",
International Symposium on Open Source Intelligence & Web
(OSINT-WM 2011) in Conjuction with (European ISI 2011), 2011.
- I.
Günes, Z. Çataltepe, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "GA-TVRC: a novel relational
time varying classifier to extract temporal information using genetic
algorithms" The 7th international conference on Machine learning and
data mining in pattern recognition (MLDM'11), 2011.
- H. Kapusuzoğlu, Ş.
Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A Relational Recommender System based on Domain
Ontology", 2nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data
and Web technologies, 2011.
- A. A. Atak,
Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A Framework for Web Host Quality Detection", The
2011 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering,
- H. Kaya, Ş.
Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A New Approach for Mutation Analysis", International
Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial management
Applications, 2010.
- A. A. Atak, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A Framework for
Social Spam Detection Based on Relational Bayes Classifier", The 6th
International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN 2010).
- S. Sadi, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, A. Ş. Uyar. "An
Efiicient Community Detection Method using Parallel Clique-Finding
Ants", 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence.
- N. Ilhan, Ş.
Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A
Recommender Model for Social Bookmarking Sites", ICSCCW 2009:
The Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with
Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control, 2009.
- A. Madylova, Ş.
Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A
Taxonomy based Semantic Similarity of Documents using the Cosine Measure",
ISCIS 2009: The 24th International Symposium on Computer and
Information Sciences, 2009, pages 129-134.
- S. Sadi, A. S. Uyar.
Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "Community Detection using Ant Colony
Optimization Techniques", Mendel 2009: 15th International
Conference on Soft Computing, 2009.
- M. Göksedef, Ş.
Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "Integration of the Pagerank Algorithm into Web
Recommendation System", IADIS European Conference on Data Mining, IADIS
Press, 2008, pages 19-28.
- B. Yücesoy, Ş.
Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "Comparison
of Semantic and Single Term Similarity Measures for Clustering Turkish
Documents", The 2007 International
Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'07), IEEE Press,
2007, pages 393-398.
- M. Göksedef, G. N.
Demir, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A Web Recommender System Based on Ant Colony
Optimization", IADIS European Conference on Data Mining, IADIS Press,
- M. Göksedef, Ş.
Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "A
Consensus Recommender for Web Users", ADMA 2007: The Third
International Conference on Advance Data Mining and Applications,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2007, pages 287-299.
- G. N. Demir, A. Ş.
Uyar, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, "Graph-based
Sequence Clustering through Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for
Web Recommender Systems", GECCO 2007: Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM Press, 2007, pages
- L. Chen, Ş. Gündüz-Öğüdücü, and M. T. Özsu, "Mixed
Type Audio Classification with Support Vector Machine", In Proceedings
of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia,
Toronto, Canada, July 2006, pages 781-784.
- A. Ş. Uyar, Ş.
Gündüz-Oğüdücü, "A New
Graph-Based Evolutionary Approach to Sequence Clustering",
Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
(ICMLA 2005), IEEE Press, 2005, pages 273-278.
- Ş. Gündüz and E.
Adalı, "Experimental Study of a Similarity Measure for Two Dimensional
In Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific
International Symposium on Information Technology,
Istanbul, Turkey, Jan. 2004, pages 383-388.
- Ş. Gündüz and M. T.
Özsu, "A
for User Accesses to Web Pages", In Proceedings of Eighteenth International
Symposium on Computer
and Information Sciences (ISCIS XVIII), Antalya, Turkey, Nov. 2003, pages
- Ş. Gündüz and M. T.
Özsu, "A
Web Page
Prediction Model Based On Click-Stream Tree Representation of User
Behavior", In Proceedings of Ninth ACM
International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Washington, DC,
2003, pages 535-540.
- Ş. Gündüz and M. T.
Özsu, "Recommendation
Models for User Accesses to Web Pages",
In Proceedings of Joint
International Conference ICANN/ICONIP
2003, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2003, pages 1003-1010.
- Ş. Gündüz and M. T.
Özsu, "A User
Model for Web Page Navigation", In Proceedings of
Workshop on Data Mining for Actionable Knowledge (DMAK),
Korea, April 2003, pages 46-57.
- Ş. Gündüz and M. T.
Özsu, A User
Interest Model for Web Page Navigation, CS-2002-35, University of
Waterloo, October 2002.
- Ph.D. Thesis:
"Recommendation Models for Web Users: User Interest Model and
Click-Stream Tree", Department of Computer Engineering, Institute of
Science and Technology, Istanbul Technical University, 2003.
- M.Sc. Thesis:
"Electrical Properties of Bone and Isolated
Skeletal Muscle", Biomedical Engineering Institute, Boğaziçi
University, 1995.