Sanem Sarıel
Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering
Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering
Professional Experience:
- Professor - Istanbul Technical University, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering, (2024-...)
- Game and Interaction Technologies Program Coordinator - Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Computer Engineering and Informatics, (2017-2024)
- Associate Professor - Istanbul Technical University, Department of Computer Engineering, (2016-2024) Teaching: Artificial Intelligence (Undergrad), Artificial Intelligence (Grad), Robot Intelligence(Grad), Analysis of Algorithms (Undergrad)
- Assistant Professor - Istanbul Technical University, Department of Computer Engineering, (2009-2016) Teaching: Artificial Intelligence (Undergrad), Advanced Artificial Intelligence (Grad), Robot Intelligence(Grad), Object-Oriented Programming (Undergrad), Analysis of Algorithms (Undergrad)
- Advisor to the Rector - Istanbul Technical University, (2011-2012)
- ABET Program Coordinator - Istanbul Technical University, Department of Computer Engineering, (2009-2011)
- Our Computer Engineering Program is granted accreditation
- Vice Chair - Istanbul Technical University, Department of Computer Engineering, (2009-2011)
- Lecturer - Istanbul Technical University, Department of Computer Engineering, (2007 - 2009) Teaching: Artificial Intelligence (Undergrad), Advanced Artificial Intelligence (Grad), Object-Oriented Programming (Undergrad), Computer Operating Systems (Undergrad)
- Research Tech., (Tech Temp Empl.)- Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing, (2005- 2006)
- Visiting Researcher - Georgia Institute of Technology, BORG Laboratory, (2004 -2005)
- Research & Teaching Assistant - Istanbul Technical University, Department of Computer Engineering, (1999 - 2007)