Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Monitoring of Coastal Processes at Iztuzu in Turkey with the Help of Satellite Remote Sensing Methods, Marine Technology Society Journal, Vol 28, No 2, USA, Summer 1994.
McKnight,G.;Ellis,G.;Maktav,D., The Use of Color Infrared Aerial Photography and Image Analysis for the Purpose of Flood Delineation,
Photogrammetric Journal of Finland, Vol. 14, No 1, Finland, pp.63-68, 1994.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Evaluation of the Morphology of the Meriç Delta Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Data, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Vol 13, No 1, England and Russia (in English and Russian), pp.113-119, 1995.
Yüksel,Y.;Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Application of Remote Sensing Technology to the Relation of Submarine Pipelines and Coastal Morphology,
Water Science and Technology, Vol. 32, No 2, England, 1995.
Grenzdörffer,G.;Bill,R.;Maktav,D., Supervised Classification from Digital Orthophotos, ITU Bulletin, Vol. 48, Numbers 3-4, Turkey, pp.451-468, 1995.
An Overview of the Cadastral Surveys in
Istanbul: The Need for a Land Information System,
Geomatics Research Australasia, Vol 62, Australia, pp.55-62, June 1995.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Remote Sensing of Increased Sediment Loads and Related Erosion and Accreation as a Result of Abandoned and Unreclaimed Surface-Mined Land at Black Sea,
Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Vol 14, No 2, Holland and Russia, pp.293-300, 1996.
Airey,R.S.;Maktav,D.;Ellis,G.P., Using Satellite Data to Monitor Grassland Drying for Fire Prevention Purposes, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Vol.14, 1997.
Maktav,D.;Sunar,F.;Kapdaşlı,S.;Musaoğlu,N.;Mutlu,T., Use of Remote Sensing for Monitoring the Lagoon Köyceğiz and Its Environment in Turkey,
Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, 1998, pp. 321-331 &
Issledovanie Zemli Iz Kosmos (Earth Observation from Cosmos), Russian Academy of Sciences, No 2, 1997.
Maktav,D.;Belchansky,G.;Sunar,F.;Petrosyan,V.G., A Coastal Information System in Turkey: A Case Study in Köyceğiz Dalyan Specially Protected Area,
Research from Space, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Nr 5, pp. 50-58, 1998;
Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, pp.751-763, 2001.
Russell,M.;Ingham,K.;Zedef,V.;Maktav,D.;Sunar,F.;Hall,A.,Fallick,A., Search for Signs of Ancient Life on Mars: Expectations from Hydromagnesite Microbialites, Salda Lake, Turkey,
Journal of Geological Society London, England, Vol 156, pp.869-888, 2000.
Maktav,D.;Sunar,F.;Yalın,D.;Aslan,E., Monitoring Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nests in Turkey Using Space Technologies and GIS,
Coastal Management, Volume 28, Number 2, pp.123-132, 2000.
Sunar,F.;Maktav,D.;Lichtenegger,J., Focus Earth, ERS Data Helps in Monitoring Projected Areas - An ESA-supported Pilot Project on the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey,
ESA Bulletin, Number 98, pp. 151-154, June 1999.
Maktav,D.; Erbek,F.S.; Kabdasli, S., Monitoring Coastal Erosion at the Black Sea Coasts in Turkey Using Satellite Data: A Case Study at the Lake Terkos, North-West
Istanbul, International Journal of Remote Sensing,
pp.4115-4124, October 2002.
Maktav,D.;Jürgens,C.;Erbek.F.S., Remote Sensing of Urban Areas,
International Journal of Remote Sensing,
26(4), pp.655-659, 20 February 2005
Maktav,D.; Erbek,F.S., Analysis of Urban Growth Using Multitemporal Satellite Data in
Istanbul, Turkey, International Journal of Remote Sensing,
26(4), pp.797-810, 20 February 2005 .
Erbek,F.S.; Ulubay,A.;
Maktav,D.; Yağız,E., The Use of Satellite Image Maps for Urban Planning in Turkey,
International Journal of Remote Sensing,
26(4), pp.775-784, 20 February 2005.
Onur, I.,
Maktav, D., Sarı, M., Sönmez,
N.K., Change detection of land cover and
land use using remote sensing and GIS: A
case study in Kemer, Turkey, IJRS, International Journal of Remote Sensing,
30(7), pp.1749-1759, 10 April 2009.
Sönmez,N.K., Onur,I., Sarı,M.,
Monitoring changes in land cover/use by
CORINE methodology using aerial
photographs and IKONOS satellite images:
A case study for Kemer, Antalya, Turkey,
International Journal of Remote Sensing,
30(7), pp.1771-1779, 10 April 2009.
- Aydöner,C.,
Maktav,D., The Role of the
integration of remote sensing and GIS in
land cover/land use analysis after an
earthquake, IJRS, International Journal of Remote Sensing,
30(7), pp.1697-1719, 10 April 2009.
Maktav,D., Jacobsen,K., Büyüksalih,G.,
Information Contents of Optical
Satellite Images for Topographic
Mapping, International Journal of Remote Sensing,
30(7), pp.1819-1829, 10 April 2009.
Crow,J., Kolay,C., Yegen,B., Onoz,B.,
Sunar,F., Coskun,H., Karadoğan,H.,
Çakan,M., Akar,İ., Uysal,C., Güçlüer,D.,
Geze,B., İnce,G., Integration of remote
sensing and GIS for archaeological
investigations, International Journal of
Remote Sensing, 30(7), pp.1663-1675, 10
April 2009.
Maktav,D., The Study of The Natural Geographic Differences in the Coastal Areas of Water Covered Parts of Marmara Region in Turkey with the Help of LANDSAT-4 MSS Data Using An Unsupervised Classification Algorithm with Euclidean Distance,
11. International Symposium, Machine Processing of Remotely Sensed Data with Special Emphasis on Quantifying Global Process: Models, Sensor Systems, and Analytical Methods, Purdue University, pp.122-127, 25-27 June 1985,
Purdue, USA.
Maktav,D., The Study of The Natural Differences in Some Coastal Areas of Turkey with LANDSAT-MSS Data,
International Seminar on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing for the Developing Countries,
11-14 March 1986,
New Delhi, India.
(invited)Maktav,D., Study of Correlations between Microcomputer Based Remote Sensing Software and Hardware and Suggestions,
International Computer Applications Symposium, Selçuk University, pp.177-184, 9-10 June 1993,
Konya, Turkey.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., The Monitoring of Coastal Zones by Remote Sensing Technology,
The First International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Med Coast 93, pp.1255-1264, 2-5 November 1993,
Antalya, Turkey.
Kapdaşlı,S.;Maktav,D., The Determination Of River-Sea Interaction with the Help of Satellite Images,
The First International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Med Coast 93, pp.1229-1238, 2-5 November 1993,
Antalya, Turkey.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Monitoring Coastal Processes at Iztuzu with the Help of Remote Sensing Methods,
Second Thematic Conference, Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments. Needs, Solutions, and Applications, Vol II, pp.II191-199, 31 January-2 February 1994,
New Orleans, Lousiana, USA (selected for publication in the MTS journal).
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Evaluation of Beach Properties on Remotely Sensed Data, 7th Australasian Remote Sensing Conference (7ARSC), pp.761-767, 1-4 March 1994,
Melbourne, Australia.
Maktav,D.;Ellis,G., The Future of Remote Sensing Education: A View From Turkey,
Commission V Intercongress Symposium (ISPRS), pp.466-469, 1-4 March 1994,
Melbourne, Australia .
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., The Determination of The Effects of Coal Mining on the Coastal Morphology at Black Sea Coasts of Istanbul Using LANDSAT Data, The Fourth (1994) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-94), Vol.1, pp.217-220, 10-15 April 1994,
Osaka, Japan.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S.;Çoban,F., LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) Monitoring of the Lake Salda in Turkey : A Case Study,
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)/ American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Annual Convention And Exposition, pp.377-383, 25-28 April 1994,
Reno, Nevada, USA.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., An Engineering Application of Landsat Data to Wetland Investigations in Turkey,
Tenth Thematic Conference on Geologic Remote Sensing, Vol I, pp.515-520, 9-12 May 1994,
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
(invited) Samsunlu,A.;Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Investigation of Transboundary Coasts Using Remote Sensing Technology,
Transboundary Water Resources Management: Institutional and Engineering Approaches, NATO-Advanced Study Institute, pp.439-449 (selected for publication in NATO-ASI Series 2.Environment-Vol.7, Springer Verlag, Germany), 15-25 May 1994,
Scopelos Island, Greece.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S.;Ertem,E., The Monitoring of Complex Water Resources Systems by Remote Sensing Technology: A Case Study,
First International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Applications, Technology, and Science. Today's Progress for Tomorrow's Needs, 11-15 September 1994,
Strasbourg, France.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., The Assesment of Environmental Changes in Semi-Closed Coasts by Using Remote Sensing Technology, Second International Symposium and Exhibition of Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe, 20-23 September 1994,
Budapest, Hungary.
(invited)Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., The Use of Remote Sensing in Coastal Engineering, Annual Autumn Scientific Seminar Sessions, the Second International Coastal Engineering Workshop, The Second Course on Coastal Engineering, YTÜ, 10-11 October 1994,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Bill,R.;Maktav,D., Das Rechnergestützte Geo-Informationssystem: Vom Graphiksystem zum Informationssystem, vom Vektor-GIS zum Multimedia-GIS,
CBS'94, 1. Ulusal Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Sempozyumu, pp.11-20, 18-20 October 1994,
Trabzon, Turkey.
Kapdaşlı,S.;Maktav,D., Assessment of the Coastline Development and Coastal Morphological Change with the Help of Remote Sensing
Technology, ICCE'94,
24. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 23-28 October 1994,
Kobe, Japan.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., An Investigation on the Capability of Remote Sensing Technique for Coastal Morphodynamic,
Workshop on Remote Sensing and GIS for Coastal Zone Management, 24-26 October 1994,
Delft, Holland.
Yüksel,Y.;Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Application of Remote Sensing Technology to the Relation of Submarine Pipelines and Coastal Morphology,
International Specialized Conference on Marine Disposal Systems,
pp.113-119, 9-11 November 1994 (selected
for publication in the Water Science and
Technology Journal), Istanbul, Turkey.
(invited)Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Monitoring of Colour Pollution at the Turkish Coasts of the Mediterranean Sea by Remote Sensing,
Colloque Scientifique International, 6 Rencontres De L'agence Regionale Pour L'environnement Provence-Alpes-Cote D'azur. Appel a Communications, 14-15 November 1994,
Marseille, France.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S.;Akyarlı,A., The Monitoring of Polluted Bays with the Help of Remote Sensing Technology: A Case Study, '95 American
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)/American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Annual Convention and Exposition, 27 February-2 March 1995,
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
Maktav,D.;Deniz,O.;Zafer,A., Sea and Land Surface Temperature Analysis with the Help of Remote Sensing: A Case Study,
'95 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)/American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Annual Convention and Exposition, February 27- March 2, 1995,
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., The Use of Remote Sensing Technology for Monitoring of Lakes and Lagoons in Turkey,
Second International Conference on Hydro Science and Engineering, 22-26 March 1995,
Beijing, China.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Use of the Remote Sensing Technology for the Evaluation of Water Quality,
Black Sea Regional Conference on Environment Protection Technologies for Coastal Areas, IAWQ, pp.65-70, 13-15 June 1995,
Varna, Bulgaria.
Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., The Salinity Problems of Groundwaters in the River Delta,
Second International IAWQ Specialized Conference and Symposia on Diffuse Pollution, 14-18 August 1995,
Brno & Prag, Czech Republic.
Çoban,F.;Maktav,D.; Kapdaşlı,S., Recent Hydromagnesite Occurrences, the Salda Lake, Southern Turkey, 3.Biennial SGA Meeting, pp.561-564, 28-31 August 1995,
Prague, Czech Republic.
Kapdaşlı,S.;Maktav,D., The Effects of Connection Channel Hydrodynamics on the Lagoon Environment, First Workshop of the NATO-CCMS Pilot Study Ecosystem Modelling of Coastal Lagoons for Sustainable Management, 21-23 November 1995,
Istanbul, Turkey (not published).
Maktav,D., Monitoring of Coastal Zones by Satellite Imagery,
Türkisch-Österreichische Geodätische Tage, Neue Technologien in der Geodäsie, pp.107-117, 26-27 November 1995,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Maktav,D.;Sunar,F.;Kapdaşlı,S.;Musaoğlu,N., Use of Remote Sensing and Monitoring the Lake Köyceğiz and Its Environment in Turkey,
NATO/AGARD Meeting, pp.46.1-46.6, 22-25 April 1996,
Toulouse, France.
Maktav,D.;Sunar,F.;Kapdaşlı,S.;Musaoğlu,N., Remote Sensing Application in a Specially Protected Area (Small Paradise) in Turkey,
XVIII. ISPRS Congress, 9-19 July 1996,
Vienna, Austria.
(invited)Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S.;Sunar,F., The Need of Satellite Data for Coastal Zone Management of Mediterranean Sea Coasts
in Turkey, EURISY Colloquium- Satellite Observation for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area, pp.199-205, 2-3 October 1996,
Rome, Italy.
(invited)Sunar,F.;Maktav,D., Use of Optical Data for Crop Estimation of the Turkish Mediterranean Coasts,
EURISY Colloquium- Satellite Observation for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area, pp.276-281, 2-3 October 1996,
Rome, Italy.
(invited)Samsunlu,A.;Maktav,D.;Kapdaşlı,S., Transboundary Water Issues between Greece-Bulgaria and Turkey: The Case of the Meriç/Evros River,
Transboundary Water Resources Management: Institutional and Engineering Approaches, NATO-ASI Series, 2.Environment-Vol.7, Springer Verlag, pp.439-449, (Proceedings of the NATO-Advanced Study Institute “Transboundary Water Resources Management: Technical and Institutional Issues” held on Scopelos Island, Greece, 15-25 May 1994), 1996.
Okçu,D.;Aslan,Z.;Maktav,D.; Seasonal Variation of Vegetation Cover in Turkey,
XXII General Assembly, European Geophysical Society, 21-25 April 1997,
Vienna, Austria.
Sunar,F.;Taberner,M.;Maktav,D.;Kaya,Ş.;Musaoğlu,N., The Use of Multitemporal Radar Data in Agricultural Monitoring: A Case study in Köyceğiz-Dalamam Ecosystem, Turkey, International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring, Local, Regional, Global, ISPRS Commission VII Symposium, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, pp.559-565, 1-4 September 1998,
Budapest, Hungary.
Taberner,M.;Sunar,F.;Maktav,D., Monitoring Vegetation Biomass of a Coastal Ecosystem Using Multidate Optical Satellite Data,.,
EUROPTO Series Proceedings, Remote Sensing for Earth Science, Ocean, and Sea, Vol. 3868, pp.68-79. 20-24 September 1999,
Florence, Italy.
(invited)Samsunlu,A.;Tanık,A.;Maktav,D.;Akça,L.;Uslu,O., Coastal Zone Applications in Turkey,
Transboundary Water Resources in the Balkans, Initiating a Sustainable Co-operative Network, NATO Science Series, 2.Environmental Security-Vol.74, pp.67-80 (Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Transboundary Water Resources in the Balkans: Initiating Regional Monitoring Networks,
11-15 October 1999), 2000, Thessaloniki,
Sunar,F;Maktav,D.;Taberner,M.;Kapdaşlı,S., Monitoring the Changes at the Büyükçekmece Lake,
Istanbul Using Multitemporal Satellite Data,
2nd ICGESA International Conference on GIS for Earth Science Applications, 11-14 September 2000 (Proceedings on CD),
Menemen-İzmir, Turkey.
Maktav,D.;Sunar,F.;Taberner,M.;Akgün,H., Monitoring Urban Expansion in the Büyükçekmece District of
Istanbul Using Satellite Data, ISPRS, 16-23 July 2000,
Amsterdam, Holland.
(invited)Maktav,D.;Sunar,F., Precision Farming,
AGROENVIRON-2000, 2nd International Symposium on New Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Agro-Applications, Workshop: Precision Farming and GIS and Remote Sensing, pp.12-15, 18-20 October 2000,
Tekirdağ, Turkey.
(invited)Sunar,F.;Maktav,D., Precision Farming in Turkey,
AGROENVIRON-2000, 2nd International Symposium on New Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Agro-Applications, Workshop: Precision Farming and GIS and Remote Sensing, pp.16-18, 18-20 October 2000,
Tekirdağ, Turkey.
(invited)Sunar,F.;Maktav,D.;Taberner,M., Crop Monitoring Using Multitemporal ERS Data: A Case Study in Dalaman Turkey, AGROENVIRON-2000,
2nd International Symposium on New Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Agro-Applications, pp.57-63, 18-20 October 2000,
Tekirdağ, Turkey.
(invited)Maktav,D.;Sunar,F., Monitoring Coastal Erosion at the Black Sea Coasts in Turkey Using Satellite Data: Terkos Lake Case Study,
International Workshop on Land Cover/Land Use Change and Water Management in Arid Regions: Remote Sensing Applications in the Middle East, Ben Gurion University, Sede Boker Campus,(submitted to the Int. Journal of Remote Sensing), 23-27 October 2000 (abstract published),
(invited)Maktav,D.;Sunar,F., The Development of a Computer-based Coastal Information System for the Mediterranean Coasts: Integration of Satellite Data and Ground Truth.
International Workshop on Land Cover/Land Use Change and Water Management in Arid Regions: Remote Sensing Applications in the Middle East, Ben Gurion University, Sede Boker Campus,23-27 October 2000 (abstract published),
(invited)Erdoğan,C.;Maktav,D., Orthophotoplans or Merged High Resolution Satellite Imageries Draped Over DTM’s for Urban Development Monitoring,
International Workshop on Land Cover/Land Use Change and Water Management in Arid Regions: Remote Sensing Applications in the Middle East, Ben Gurion University, Sede Boker Campus, 23-27 October 2000 (abstract published),
(invited)Maktav,D.;Sunar,F.;Kapdaşlı,S., Use of Space-borne Sensor Data and Ground Truth for a Mediterranean GIS, 2nd International Conference on Earth Observation and Environmental Information, 11-14 November 2000,
Cairo, Egypt.
(invited)Maktav,D., Sunar,F.,
Analyse of Urban Growth Using Multitemporal Satellite Data in
Istanbul, Turkey, 2nd Symp. Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, 22-23 June 2001, Regensburg, Germany.
(invited)Erbek,F.S.; Ulubay, A.;
Maktav,D.; Yağız, E., The Use of Satellite Image Maps for Urban Planning in Turkey,
3rd Symp. Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, 11-13 June 2002,
Istanbul, Turkey.
(invited)Maktav,D.; Erbek,F.S.; Akgün,H., Use of HR Satellite Data for Monitoring Urban Growth,
3rd Symp. Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, 11-13 June 2002,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Maktav,D.; Susam,T., Comparison of DTMs obtained from IRS-1C Pan and LISS III Imageries,
3rd Symp. Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, 11-13 June 2002,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Maktav,D.; Tok,H.H.; Aslan,Z.; Saylan, L.; Taberner, M.; Albut,S.; Özkan,C.; Caldag,B.; The Use of JERS Radar Data for Crop Type and Soil Moisture Analysis,
3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Agro-Environmental Systems, New Technologies and Applications, 26-29 October 2002,
Cairo, Egypt.
(invited)Aslan,Z.; Skidmore,E.; Feoli, E.;
Maktav,D.; Erol, H.; Erbek.F.S.; Okçu, D.; Söğüt,A.S.; Giacomich, P.; Mauro,S.; Mighozzi, K., The Use of Conventioanal Data and Remote Sensing for Classification of Erosion and Land Degradation,
3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Agro-Environmental Systems, New Technologies and Applications, 26-29 October 2002,
Cairo, Egypt.
Maktav,D.;Erbek,S.F., Remote Sensing Applications in Turkey,
SPACEAN, International Space Technologies Exhibition and Conference, 6-8 May 2003,
Ankara, Turkey.
Maktav,D.;Erdoğan,C., Use of Hand-held Computers in GIS Bsed Urban Information System Including Satellite Data,
4th Symp. Remote Sensing of Urban Areas,27-29 June 2003,
Regensburg, Germany.
Alkan,R.; Maktav,D.; Kalkan, Y.; Erdoğan,C., A Mobile GIS Application at the Estuary Haliç (The Golden Horn) in Istanbul, Turkey,
The International Colloquium Series on Land Use/Cover Change Science and Applications: Studying Land Use Effects in Coastal Zones with Remote Sensing and GIS, 13-16 August 2003,
Antalya, Turkey.
Aydöner,C.; Maktav,D.; Alpaslan,E., Detection of Damaged Coastal Areas after the İzmit Earthquake Using Satellite Data,
The International Colloquium Series on Land Use/Cover Change Science and Applications: Studying Land Use Effects in Coastal Zones with Remote Sensing and GIS, 13-16 August 2003,
Antalya, Turkey.
Söğüt,S.; Okçu,D.; Erbek, S.F.;
Maktav,D.; Aslan,Z., Remote Sensing Analysis of Climatalogical Changing Effects on Coastal Vegetation,
The International Colloquium Series on Land Use/Cover Change Science and Applications: Studying Land Use Effects in Coastal Zones with Remote Sensing and GIS, 13-16 August 2003,
Antalya, Turkey.
Aydöner,C.;Maktav,D.,Alparslan,E.: Ground Deformation Mapping Using INSAR,
ISPRS, XX th Congress, 12-23 July 2004,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Aslan,Z.; Maktav,D.;Sunar Erbek,F.;Okçu,D.; Söğüt,A.S.; Feoli,E.; Skidmore,E.; Berberoğlu,S.; Erol,H., Analysis of Environmental and Climatic Data, Remote Sensing of Erosion and Aridity,
Agroenviron 2004 Role of Multi-purpose Agriculture in Sustaining Global Environment, 20-24 October 2004,
Udine, Italy.
Sunar Erbek,F.; Taberner,M.; Özkan,C.; Albut,S.; Beşdok,E.;
Maktav,D., Crop Type Mapping with Multitemporal JERS Radar Data: A Case Study in the Türkgeldi Agricultural Administration Area, Thrace Region, Turkey,
Agroenviron 2004 Role of Multi-purpose Agriculture in Sustaining Global Environment,
20-24 October 2004,
Udine, Italy.
Sunar Erbek,F.; Taberner,M.; Şaylan,L.; Aslan,Z.;
Maktav,D., Soil Moisture Evaluation with Multitemporal JERS Radar Data: A Case Study in the Türkgeldi Agricultural Administration Area, Thrace Region, Turkey,
Agroenviron 2004 Role of Multi-purpose Agriculture in Sustaining Global Environment,
20-24 October 2004,
Udine, Italy.
Akar, İ.,
Uysal, C., Determination of Flood Risks
in The Yeniçiftlik Stream Basin by Using
Remote Sensing And GIS Techniques, 28.EARSeL Symposium and Workshops, 40-45 (CD), 2-5 June, 2008,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Crow,J.; Kolay,C.; Yeğen,B.; Önöz,B.;
Sunar,F.; Coşkun,G.; Karadoğan,H.;
Çakan,M.; Akar,İ.; Uysal,C.; Güçlüer,D.;
Geze,B.; İnce,G., A Study in the
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS
for the Archaeology of the Hinterland of
Medieval Constantinople/Istanbul, 29.
EARSeL Symposium and Workshops, 15-18 June 2009,
Crete, Greece.