TUBITAK Project: The potential vulnerability of existing structures on liquefiable soils continues to be of major concern not only to individual owners but also to the public that faces destruction of their cities, towns, and neighborhoods. Liquefaction causes fully saturated loose sands to lose their shear strength mainly due to excess pressure build-up in incompressible water in the sand pores during a dynamic excitation. The excess pore water pressures... RESEARCH TEAM Seyed Mohsen Seyedi Viand Derya Burcu Gulen Ataollah Nateghi Navid Jadidoleslam Tuğba Bahşi |
Liquefaction Behavior of Sands with Fines In this study, stress-controlled cyclic simple shear tests were performed on sand specimens with up to 10% silt or clay contents, and coupled effects of plasticity, fines content (FC), relative density (DR) and CSR (cyclic stress ratio) were investigated. The results demonstrated that... RESEARCH TEAM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Monkul Özge Akın Şenay Yenigün |
A New Model for Lateral Pile Behavior in Sands under Earthquake Excitations
The aim of the thesis is to develop new non-linear relations for pile-soil interaction under seismic excitation. For this purpose, a finite element based soil structure interaction software will be used. The first step is to calibrate the numerical model with the results of a well-known centrifuge experiment study. After the validation of numerical model,...
Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential of Sands under Buildings
Research Project NO: ITU BAP Project NO. 40530 Liquefaction of foundation soils during earthquakes causes settlements and overturning of the buildings embedded in or resting on them. Performance-based liquefaction assessment of the foundation soils need to be investigated for the existing buildings on liquefiable soils. Furthermore, when a liquefiable soil is mitigated by any soil improvement technique,...
RESEARCH TEAM Murat Batuhan Koçak |
Evaluation of Jet Grout for Complete Seismic Design of Foundations
Normalized Response Spectrum Proposal for Structures Built on Different Soils In practice, response spectrum at the surface can be determined using the normalized response spectrum proposed in this study. The site’s average shear wave velocity likelihood equation, the thickness of the soil, PGA of the maximum are used to select the right normalized response spectrum. Then, using the seismic risk maps determined for Turkey, the rock spectrum for the specific site is selected. The site...
RESEARCH TEAM Fatih Saraçoğlu |
Estimation of Site Specific Nonlinear Dynamic Soil Behavior Using Vertical Downhole Arrays