[21] | A. Kabaci, M. Basaran, H.A. Cirpan, "The effect of channel estimation error on the performance of spatial media-based modulation systems [Kanal kestirim hatasinin uzaysal ortam tabanli modülasyon sistem performansina etkisi]", In SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings, 2021.
[20] | B. Kaplan, I. Kahraman, A.R. Ekti, S. Yarkan, H.A. Cirpan, "Measurement Based Direction of Arrival Estimation for Frequency Hopping Signals [Frekans Atlamali Sinyaller icin Olcum Tabanli Gelis Acisi Kestirimi]", In 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings, 2020.
[19] | Fatih Kara, Ömer Faruk Gemici, İbrahim Hökelek, Hakan Ali Çırpan, "Aşağı Yönlü Noma Sisteminde Eniyi Güç Paylaşımı", In 25. IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Antalya, Türkiye, pp. , 2017.
[18] | Hasan Anıl Akyıldız, İbrahim Hökelek, Ece Saygun, Hakan Ali Çırpan, "SDN Ağlar için Akış Yeniden Yönlendirme Tabanlı Trafik Mühendisliği", In 25. IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Antalya, Türkiye, pp. , 2017.
[17] | S. Çelik, M. Başaran, S. Erküçük, H. A. Çırpan, "Comparison of compressed sensing based algorithms for sparse signal reconstruction", In 2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference (SIU), pp. 1441-1444, 2016.
[16] | M. Turan, M. Oner, H. A. Çırpan, "Space-time block code classification for MIMO signals [MIMO sinyalleri i̧in uzay-zaman blok kodu klasifikasyonu]", In 2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2014 - Proceedings, pp. 2039-2042, 2014.
[15] | G. Coşkun, I. Hökelek, H. A. Çırpan, "Energy efficient handover between heterogeneous networks using IEEE 802.21 [IEEE 802.21 kullanarak heterojen aglar arasinda enerji verimli el degiştirme]", In 2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2014 - Proceedings, pp. 674-677, 2014.
[14] | H. A. Akyildiz, B. Akkuzu, I. Hokelek, H.A. Çırpan, "A QoS-aware reconfigurable LTE MAC scheduler [Servis kalitesine duyarli yeniden yapilandirilabilir lte mac çizelgeleyici]", In 2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2014 - Proceedings, pp. 1467-1470, 2014.
[13] | M. Başaran, S. Erküçük, H. A. Çırpan, "The effect of channel resolution on compressed sensing based Ultra-Wideband channel estimation [Kanal çözünürlüg ünün sikiştirilmiş algilama tabanli ultra geni̇ş bantli kanal kesti̇ri̇mi̇ne etki̇si̇]", In 2011 IEEE 19th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2011, pp. 367-370, 2011.
[12] | S. O. Ata, H. A. Çırpan, "Signal detection based on linear trend in the noise-originated eigenvalues of the correlation matrix for Cognitive Radio [Bilişsel Radyo için özilişki matrisinin gürültü-kaynakli özdegerlerinin dogrusal degişimine dayah i̇şaret sezimi]", In 2011 IEEE 19th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2011, pp. 494-497, 2011.
[11] | Ö. Çetin, B. Karakaya, H.A. Çırpan, "Channel estimation for 3GPP LTE MIMO-OFDMA systems [3GPP LTE MIMO-OFDMA sistemlerde kanal kestirimi]", In SIU 2010 - IEEE 18th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, pp. 129-132, 2010.
[10] | B. Karakaya, H. A. Çırpan, H Arslan, "Leakage reduction in DFT-based channel estimation for LTE Uplink [LTE Uplink için DFT-tabanli kanal kestirimcide sizma azaltimi]", In SIU 2010 - IEEE 18th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, pp. 137-140, 2010.
[9] | S. Çekli, H. A. Çırpan, "Near field broadband acoustic source localization with observation delay compensated MUSIC algorithm [Genişbantli temel bant akustik kaynagin gözlem gecikme telafili MUSIC algoritmasi ile yakin alan konumlandirmasi]", In 2009 IEEE 17th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2009, pp. 5-8, 2009.
[8] | S. Çekli, H.A. Çırpan, "Wideband source localization and tracking with observation shifted maximum likelihood estimation method [Gözlem kaymali en büyük olabilirlik kestirim yöntemi i̇le hareketli genişbant kaynagin konum kestirimi ve takibi]", In 2008 IEEE 16th Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, SIU, 2008.
[7] | S. Çekli, E. Çekli, H.A. Çırpan, "Location estimation of wideband sources with expectation maximization algorithm [Beklenti/en büyükleme algoritmasi ile genişbant kaynagin konumunun kestirimi]", In 2007 IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU, 2007.
[6] | H. Dogar, H.A. Çırpan, E. Panayırcı, "EM-MAP based initialization of PIC receiver for downlink MC-CDMA systems [Aşagi link MC-CDMA sistemlerinde kullanilan PIC ahcinin EM-MAP tabanli olarak i̇lklendirilmesi]", In 2007 IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU, 2007.
[5] | H. Dogan, E. Panayırcı, H.A. Çırpan, B.H. Fleury, "EM-based joint data detection and channel estimation for uplink MC-CDMA systems over frequency selective channels [Frekans seçici kanallarda çalişan yukari link MC-CDMA sistemleri için em tabanh birleşik bilgi sezim ve kanal kestirim yöntemi]", In 2007 IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU, 2007.
[4] | S. Özer, H.A. Çırpan, N. Kabaoglu, "Support vector machines based target tracking techniques [Destek vektör makineleri tabanli hedef takip yöntemleri]", In 2006 IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, vol. 2006, 2006.
[3] | S. Çekli, Çekli E. , N. Kabaoglu, H.A. Çırpan, "Near field parameter estimation of moving sources with recursive expectation maximization algorithm [Yinelemeli beklenti/en büyükleme algoritmasi ile hareketli kaynaklarin yakin-alan parametrelerinin kestirimi]", In 2006 IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, vol. 2006, 2006.
[2] | B. Karakaya, H.A. Çırpan, E. Panayırcı, "Channel estimation for MIMO-OFDM in fixed broadband wireless applications [Sabit genişbanth telsiz uygulamalarinda çgçç- dfbç için kanal kestirimi]", In 2006 IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, vol. 2006, 2006.
[1] | H. Dogan, H.A. Çırpan, E. Panayırcı, "EM based MAP channel estimation for turbo/convolutional coded SFBC/STBC-OFDM systems [Turbo/katlamali kodlanmiş SFBC/STBC-OFDM sistemlerinde yinelemeli kanal kestirimi]", In 2006 IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, vol. 2006, 2006.