I am a mechanical engineer working at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Istanbul Technical University as a Lecturer. I conducted my post-doctoral research at the University of Strathclyde PeriDynamics Research Centre in the UK. My interests lie in all aspects of numerical modeling, specifically in the investigation of crack propagation and dynamic fracture mechanisms in brittle materials using Peridynamics, as well as their application in functionally graded materials. In addition to this, I am working on glacier mechanics to reconstruct paleoglaciers and investigate the relationship between paleoclimate and recent climate changes. I am also investigating glacier fracture and calving mechanisms to improve my understanding of glacier dynamics. |
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2022 | Post-Doctoral Researcher, 1 year, University of Strathclyde PeriDynamics Research Centre, UK |
2021 | Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey |
2017 | Visiting Researcher, 3 months, University of Strathclyde PeriDynamics Research Centre, UK |
2017 | M.Sc. Geodynamics, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Turkey |
2013 | M.Sc. Mechanical Design, Istanbul Technical Universtity, Turkey |
2013 | B.Sc. Public Administration, Open University Anadolu University, Turkey |
2010 | B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey |
2024 Oct. We presented three papers titled 'Experimental Setup for Determining the Fatigue Life of Elevator Steel Wire Ropes', 'Structural Analysis and Design of Elevator Consoles Under Seismic Loads', and 'Damage Occurring in Hospital Elevators in Earthquake Zones' at the XI. İzmir Elevator Symposium, 17-19 October 2024, İzmir, Türkiye. link
2023 Sept. I presented the paper titled 'Ordinary State-based Peridynamic Modelling of Crack Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials with Micro Cracks under Impact Loading' at the International Conference on Modeling Complexity in Mechanics held in Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, on September 25-29, 2023.
2023 Sept. As a Post-Doctoral Researcher, I conducted a one-year academic visit at the University of Strathclyde, PeriDynamics Research Centre, UK, with the support of the TÜBİTAK 2219 project titled "Modelling and Analysis of Fracture Behaviours of Functionally Graded Materials Under Impact Load using Peridynamics."
2023 June I presented two papers titled 'Glacier Reconstruction on Anatolian Mountains Inferred from Ice Flow Modeling' and 'Modeling of Dynamic Crack Propagation in Ice Subjected to Impact Load using Peridynamics' at the 27th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, POAC 2023, held in Glasgow, UK, from June 12 to 16, 2023.
Çiner, A., Oliva, M., Ventura, J., Sarıkaya, M.A., Candaş, A., Palacios, D., Altınay, O., Binnie, S.A., Castaneda, N., 2024. Late Pleistocene glacial chronology and paleoclimate of the Cadí Massif, SE Pyrenees, Spain: Insights from 36Cl cosmogenic surface exposure dating and glacier modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 345:109020, 1-20. doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.109020
Sarıkaya M.A., Candaş, A., Ege İ., Wilcken K.M., 2024. Geochronology and ice-flow modelling of the Late Quaternary glaciers on Mt. Soğanlı, Türkiye. Journal of Quaternary Science, (in publ.). doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3660
Candaş, A., Oterkus, E., İmrak, C.E., 2024. Ordinary State-based Peridynamic Modelling of Crack Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials with Micro Cracks Under Impact Loading. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 31(30), 13502–13517. doi.org/10.1080/15376494.2023.2287180
Candaş, A., Oterkus, E., İmrak, C.E., 2024. Modelling and Analysis of Wire Ropes Subjected to Transverse Impact Load using Peridynamic Theory. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 39(2), 847-858. doi.org/10.17341/gazimmfd.1225810
Hacıoğlu, A., Candaş, A., Baykara, C., 2023. Large Deflections of Functionally Graded Non-linearly Elastic Cantilever Beams. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of ASME, 145(2), 1-7. doi.org/10.1115/1.4056034
Candaş, A., Oterkus, E., İmrak, C.E., 2023. Peridynamic simulation of dynamic fracture in functionally graded materials subjected to impact load. Engineering with Computers, 39(1), 253-267. doi.org/10.1007/s00366-021-01540-2
Şahin, T., İmrak, C.E., Çakır, A., Candaş, A., 2022. Evolved model for early fault detection and health tracking in marine diesel engine by means of machine learning techniques. Pomorstvo, 36(1), 95-104. doi.org/10.31217/p.36.1.11
Köse O., Sarıkaya, M.A., Çiner, A., Candaş, A., Yıldırım, C., Wilcken, K.M., 2022. Reconstruction of Last Glacial Maximum glaciers and palaeoclimate in the Central Taurus Range, Mt. Karanfil, of the Eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 291:107656, 1-18. doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107656
❯ Complete List of Publications
İTÜ BAP Project – Researcher, Optimization of Load Hook Design with Productive Design (En), Üretken Tasarım ile Yük Kancası Tasarımının Optimizasyonu (Tr) (MGA-2023-44600) 2023-…
İTÜ BAP Project – Principal investigator, Modeling and Analysis of Fracture Behavior of Functionally Graded Materials using State-Based Peridynamic Method (En), Durum Bazlı Peridinamik Yöntemi ile Fonksiyonel Derecelendirilmiş Malzemelerin Kırılma Davranışlarının Modellenmesi ve Analizi (Tr) (FHD-2023-44536) 2023-…
İTÜ BAP Project – Researcher, Determination of Seismic Performance of Hospital Elevators in Earthquake-prone Regions and Design of Earthquake-resistant Elevators (En), Deprem Bölgelerindeki Hastane Asansörlerinin Sismik Performansının Belirlenmesi ve Depremden Etkilenmeyen Asansör Tasarımı (Tr) (MÇAP-2023-44464)2023-…
TÜBİTAK 1001 – Principal investigator, Determination of the Last Glacial Period Paleoclimate in the Eastern Black Sea Mountains using Glacier Flow Modeling (En), Doğu Karadeniz Dağları'nda Son Buzul Dönemi Paleoikliminin Buzul Akış Modeli ile Belirlenmesi (Tr) (121Y507) 2022-…
İTÜ BAP Project – Researcher, Application of the SHED Method to Quaternary Glacial Sediments in the Western Taurus Mountains (En), SHED Yönteminin Batı Toroslar Kuvaterner Buzul Çökellerine Uygulanması (Tr) (MDK-2022-43674) 2022-…
İTÜ BAP Project – Researcher, Glacial Evolution and Paleoclimate of Cadi Mountain (Central Southern Pyrenees, Spain): Implications from 36Cl Cosmogenic Dating and Glacial Modeling (En), Cadi Dağı (Orta Güney Pireneler, İspanya) buzul evrimi ve paleoiklimi; 36Cl kozmojenik tarihlendirme ve buzul modellemesinden çıkarımlar (Tr) (TGA-2022-43527) 2022-…
TÜBİTAK 2219 – Principal investigator, Modelling and Analysis of Fracture Behaviours of Functionally Graded Materials Under Impact Load using Peridynamics (1059B192100891) 2022-2023
UIBD 2508 – Researcher, Cosmogenic Isotope Dating and Paleo-climatic Assessments of Glacial Landforms from Slovenia to Turkey (En), Slovenya'dan Türkiye'ye Buzul Yerşekillerinin Kozmojenik İzotoplarla Tarihlendirilmesi Ve Paleoiklimsel Değerlendirmeler (Tr) (118Y052) 2018-2021
TÜBİTAK 1001 – Researcher, Quaternary Glaciation and Paleoclimate of Aladağlar and Karanfil Mountains using Cosmogenic Dating and Glacial Models (En), Kozmojenik Tarihlendirme ve Buzul Modelleri ile Aladağlar ve Karanfil Dağları’nın Kuvaterner Buzullaşması ve Eski İklimi (Tr) (116Y155) 2017-2019
TÜBİTAK 1001 – Researcher, Quaternary Glaciation and Paleoclimate Modeling of Dedegöl Mountains (En), Dedegöl Dağları'nın Kuvaterner Buzullaşması ve Paleoiklim Modellemesi (Tr) (114Y548) 2015-2018
İTÜ BAP Project – Researcher, Experimental Analysis and Comparison of Commissioning Tests with Finite Element Analysis of a Tower Crane (En), Bir JİB Krenin Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi ile Devreye Alma Testlerindeki Deneysel Analizi ve Karşılaştırılması (Tr) (35041) 2010-2011
Give anonymous feedback: veti.itu.edu.tr/form/candas/feedback
MAK198 Atölye: İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Makina Elemanları (Tr)
ITU e-learning System: ninova.itu.edu.tr
MAK105/107 Introduction to Machine Desing, Makina Tasarımına Giriş (Tr)
Course Page: transport.itu.edu.tr/dersler/lisansdersleri/mak105
MAK110E Computer Aided Technical Drawing
Course Page: transport.itu.edu.tr/dersler/lisansdersleri/mak110e
MAK114 Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Lineer Cebir ve Uygulamaları (Tr)
ITU e-learning System: ninova.itu.edu.tr
MAK210E Engineering Mathematics
ITU e-learning System: ninova.itu.edu.tr
MKS533 Advanced topics in Material Handling, Transport Tekniğinde İleri Konular (Tr)
Course Page: transport.itu.edu.tr/dersler/lisansustudersleri/mks533
Address: İTÜ Makina Fakültesi
İnönü Caddesi 65 Beyoğlu
34437 İstanbul / Turkey
Tel: +902122931300
Jan. 2024