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Erdinç Altuğ



İTÜ Makina Fakültesi, Office 443, İnönü Caddesi, No:65, Beyoğlu Istanbul 34437 TURKEY

Tel.:     +90 (212) 293-1300 / 2469

Fax:     +90 (212) 245 0795



I am Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University. I am the founder and director of the Autonomous Systems Research Laboratory, which focuses on civilian applications of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles

My current research interests are in design and control of novel unmanned aerial vehicles, advanced control of robotic and mechatronic systems.

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ITU Autonomous Systems Research Lab.







My research focuses on three main topics.

·       Design and Control of Novel Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

·       Control of Robotics / Mechatronic Systems

·       Autonomous Ground Vehicles.


I’m currently working on these projects

·       Autonomous Delivery System with a Hybrid Unmanned Aerial Vehicle  (we designed and manufactured three prototype UAV systems for delivery applications, that involved system analysis, system design, controller design, test planning, testing, and validation.)

·       Design and Control of a Jet-propulsion autonomous heavy-lift Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (we designed a novel heavy lift UAV system that has thrust vectoring jet actuators that involved CFD modelling, simulations, material selection, component selection, system design, controller design and manufacturing.)

·       Vision-based control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and use of Vision for guidance (Developed algorithms for vision-based navigation of UAV systems)

·       Development of an Intelligent Human Transporter (we developed an indoor autonomous transporter prototype for crowded environments)





Book Chapters


1.     Alnıpak, S., Konyalıoğlu, T., Ibrahim, H. S¸., and Altuğ, E. (2023). Manufacturing of a Hybrid VTOL UAV Using Rapid Prototyping Techniques, at the book New Technologies and Developments in Unmanned Systems – Proceedings of the International Symposium on Unmanned Systems and The Defense Industry 2022, published by Springer-Nature, ISSN 2730-7778. https://link.springer.com/ book/10.1007/978-3-031-37160-8

2.     Altuğ, E. (2017). Makine Mühendisliğine Giriş (in Turkish), Editör: Prof. Dr. Necdet GEREN, Chapter 16, “Hareket ve Güç Kaynakları”, ISBN: 978-605-9594-27-1. http://www.papatyabilim.com.tr/makina_Muhendisligine_Giris.htm

3.     Yiğit, B. C., and Altuğ, E. (2015). Visual attitude estimation and stabilization of flying robots. Mobile Robots for Dynamics Environments, Edited by: Emin Faruk Kececi and Marco Ceccarelli, ASME Press Robotics Engineering Book Series. https://www.asme.org/publications-submissions/books/find-book/mobile-robots-dynamic-environments/print-on-demand-books

4.     Ceren, Z., Altuğ, E. (2012). Image Based and Hybrid Visual Servo Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, at the book “Recent Developments in Unmanned Aircraft Systems”, Kimon P. Valavanis (Editor), Springer; ISBN-13: 978-9400730328. https://link.springer.com/book/9789400730328

5.     Tarhan, M., Altuğ, E. (2011). A Catadioptric and Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Pair Object Tracking System for UAVs, at the book Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Kimon P. Valavanis (Editor), Springer; 1st Edition, pp. 119-134, ISBN: 978-94-007-1109-9. https://link.springer.com/book/9789400711099

6.     Altuğ, E., Ostrowski J. P., and Taylor, C. J. (2006). Vision Based Control of Model Helicopters”, Mobile Robots, Moving Intelligence, Advanced Robotic Systems International and pro literature Verlag, ISBN 3-86611-284-X. https://www.intechopen.com/books/6105



Journal Papers


1.     Moral, K., Ayran, B. & Altug, E. Design and control of a modular multi-drone system with vertical assemble capability. Int. J. Dynam. Control (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40435-024-01404-9

2.     Altuğ, E., & Türkmen, A. (2022). A Novel Mini Jet Engine Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Modeling and Control. Unmanned Systems, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1142/S2301385022500017

3.     Acar, O. U., Güvenç, L., & Altuğ, E. (2020). Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Automatic Lift Dropping System for Heavy Trucks. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 98(3–4). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-019-01092-0

4.     E. Altuğ, M. E. Mumucuoğlu, I. Yüksel, “Design of an Automatic Item Pick-up System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, Celal Bayar University Journal of Science Volume 16, Issue 1, 2020, p 25-33 Doi: 10.18466/cbayarfbe.529996, 2020,

5.     A. Kağızman, E. Altug, “Development of A Low-Cost, Portable and 𝟑𝟔𝟎𝟎 Field of View New 3D LIDAR System for The Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles”, has been accepted for publication in Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, August 2019.

6.     T. Keleş, L. Güvenç and E.Altuğ, “ECU controlled intelligent lift axle dropping and lifting system for heavy trucks”, at the Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, available online 6 February 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jestch.2019.01.010.

7.  Abdurrahman İşbitirici and Erdinç Altuğ, “Design and Control of a Mini Aerial Vehicle that has Four Flapping-Wings”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, March 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-017-0530-9.

8.     Abdulkerim Fatih Şenkul, Erdinç Altuğ, “System Design of a Novel Tilt-Roll Rotor Quadrotor UAV”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-015-0301-4, Volume 84, Issue 1, pp 575–599, December 2016.

9.     Onurcan Şahin, Erdinç Altuğ, Design and control of a visual servomechanism for automating corneal cross linking treatment on keratoconus patients, Turkish Journal of Electricl Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2014.

10.  Ahmet   rükoğlu, Erdinç   Altuğ, Estimation   of  Unbalanced   Loads   in  Washing Machines using Fuzzy Neural Networks,IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume: 18,  Issue:  3,  pp.  1182  1190,   DOI:  10.1109/TMECH.2012.2199510,   June 2013.

11.  L. venç, İ. M. C. Uygan, K. Kahraman, R. Karaahmetoğlu, İ. Altay, M. Şentürk, M. T. Emirler, A. E. H. Karcı, B. A. Güvenç, E. Altuğ, M. C. Turan, Ö. Ş. T, E. Bozkurt, Ü. Özgüner, K.  Redmill, A.  Kurt, B. Efendioğlu, Cooperative Adaptive  Cruise  Control Implementation  of Team  Mekar  at the  Grand  Cooperative  Driving  Challenge”, IEEE Transactions   on  Intelligent   Transportation   Systems,   Vol.  13,  No.  3,  pp.  1062 -1074, September 2012.

12.  Bora Erginer, Erdinç Altuğ,  Design  and  Implementation  of  a  Hybrid  Fuzzy  Logic Controller   for   a   Quadrotor   VTOL   Vehicle,   International   Journal   of   Control, Automation, and Systems, Vol 10, No 1, pp. 1-10, 2012.

13.  Zehra Ceren, Erdinç Altuğ,  Image  Based  and  Hybrid  Visual  Servo  Control  of  an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Journal of Intelligent &  Robotic Systems, Volume 65, Issue 1, Page 325-344, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-011-9582-4,  2012.

14.  Metin   Tarhan, Erdinç   Altuğ,   “EKF Based Attitude Estimation and Stabilization of   a Quadrotor UAV Using Vanishing Points in Catadioptric Images, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume 62, Numbers 3-4, 587-607, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-010-9459-y, 2011.

15.  Metin Tarhan, Erdinç  Altuğ,  A Catadioptric  and Pan-Tilt-Zoom  Camera  Pair Object Tracking  System  for  UAVs,  Journal  of Intelligent & Robotic Systems,  Volume  61, Numbers 1-4, 119-134, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-010-9504-x,  January 2011.

16.  Burcu     Aytekin, Erkin     Dincmen, Bilin     Aksun     Guvenc, Erdinc     Altug, Levent Guvenc, Serhan   Danis, Tankut   Acarman, Volkan   Sezer, Oncu   Ararat, Sinan   Oncu, Framework for Development of Driver Adaptive Warning and Assistance Systems that will  be  Triggered  by  a  Driver  Inattention  Monitor International  Journal  of  Vehicle Design 2010, Vol 52, No:1/2/3/4, pp. 20-37.

17.  Erdinç Alt, James Ostrowski ve Camillo J. Taylor, Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter Using Dual Camera Visual Feedback, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 24, No. 5, 329-341, 2005.


Conference Papers:

1.      Koken, M., and Altug, E. (2024). Experimental Test of Fault Tolerant Real Time Operational Modal Analysis Method by Voting Algorithm for Aircrafts. Accepted for publication and oral presentation by 2024 International Conference of Mechanical Engineering on Aerospace (CoMEA 2024) conference.

2.      Onat Erdoğmuş, Erdinç Altuğ (2024). “Integrating Path Planning and Image Processing with UAVs for Disease Detection and Yield Estimation in Indoor Agriculture”, 3rd International Graduate Research Symposium (IGRS’24), May 8-10, 2024 İstanbul – TÜRKİYE.

3.      Sinan Alnıpak, Erdinç Altuğ (2024). “Modeling and Control of a Parachute-Payload UAV”, 3rd International Graduate Research Symposium (IGRS’24), May 8-10, 2024 İstanbul – TÜRKİYE.

4.      Mustafa Enes Kırmacı, Hülya Yalçın, Erdinç Altug, "Design, Modelling and Attitude Control of a Nano-Quadrotor with Dual Microcontroller", 2023 Automatic Control National Meeting (TOK 2023), Istanbul.

5.      Becer, E., Ulusoy, O., Turan, K., & Altug, E. (2023). Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Cleaning Robot to Work Indoors. 2023 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference, ASYU 2023. https://doi.org/10.1109/ASYU58738.2023.10296785

6.      Kerim Moral, Erdinç Altuğ, Bader Ayran, “Çok Dronlu Modüler Bir  ̇IHA Yapısının Tasarımı ve Kontrolü”,  Elektrik, Elektronik ve Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Konferansı, ELECO 2022, 24-26 Kasım 2022.

7.      Sinan Alnıpak, Turan Konyalıoğlu, İbrahim Halil Şahin, and Erdinç Altuğ, “Manufacturing of a Hybrid VTOL UAV Using Rapid Prototyping Techniques”, the International Symposium on Unmanned Systems and the Defense Industry 2022 (ISUDEF’22) Symposium.

8.      Turan Konyalıoğlu, Sinan Alnıpak, Erdinç Altuğ, “Model Predictive Control of a Hybrid UAV for Parcel Delivery Applications”, 2021 Aerial Robotic Systems Physically Interacting with the Environment (AIRPHARO), DOI: 10.1109/AIRPHARO52252.2021.9571035

9.      Abdullah Türkmen, Erdinç Altuğ, “Design of a Quad-Jet VTOL UAS for Heavy-lift Applications”, 2020 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'20), Athens, Greece, September1-3, 2020.

10.   Hüseyin Burak Kurt ve Erdinç Altuğ, “ORB-SLAM and Inertial Sensor Fussion for GPS Denied Environments for Autonomous Car Localization”, 2018 International Automotive Technologies Conference (OTEKON), pp. 981-990, 7-8 May 2018, Bursa, Turkey.

11.   Ahmet Kağızman ve Erdinç Altug, "Acquiring 3D Point Cloud Data and Object Detection using 2D Laser Scanner (LIDAR) for Autonomous Vehicles”, 2018 International Automotive Technologies Conference (OTEKON), pp. 933-942, 7-8 May 2018, Bursa, Turkey.

12.   Hüseyin Burak Kurt and Erdinç Altug, "Development of an Autonomous UAV Platform for Advanced Research Applications”, presented at the 2017 International Conference on Mechatronics Systems and Control Engineering (ICMSCE 2017), Abdullah Gül University, Kayseri, Turkey, February 2-4, 2017.

13.   Erdinç Altuğ, Sükrü Yaren Gelbal, Mehmet Kabil Gültekin, and Emin Faruk Keçeci, “Localization of an Autonomous Personnel Carrying Vehicle in Indoor Environments”, 2017 International Conference on Mechatronics Systems and Control Engineering (ICMSCE 2017), pp 38-41, Abdullah Gül University, Kayseri, Turkey, February 2-4, 2017.

14.   Sukru Yaren Gelbal, Erdinc Altug, Faruk Kececi, "Design and HIL Setup of an Autonomous Vehicle for Crowded Environments", 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, in Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 12–15, 2016.

15.   Abdurrahman İşbitirici, Erdinc Altug, “Design of a Flapping-wing Aerial Vehicle based on four-bar mechanism”, presented at the 2016 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'16), in Arlington, VA, USA on June 7-10, 2016.

16.   Fatih Senkul, Sukru Yaren Gelbal, Erdinc Altug, “Manufacturing and Flight Tests of a Quadrotor UAS with Tiltable Rotors”, presented at the 2016 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'16), in Arlington, VA, USA on June 7-10, 2016.

17.   Taylan Keleş, Ahmet Aray, Ufuk Özdemir, Levent Güvenç, Erdinç Altuğ, “Implementation of Automatic Lift Axle System for Trucks with Mechanical Suspension”, the third International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science (ISITES), 2015, pp 804- 813.

18.   Abdurrahman İşbitirici ve Erdinç Altuğ, “Dört Çubuk Mekanizması Kullanarak Mikro Hava Aracı İçin Kanat Mekanizması Tasarımı”, Uluslararası katılımlı 17. Makina Teorisi Sempozyumu, İzmir 2015.

19.   Fatih Şenkul, Yaren Gelbal and Erdinç Altuğ, “Uçan Robotlar için Yönlendirilebilir Rotor Sistemi Tasarımı ve Kontrolü”, Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı’nın (ToRK), İstanbul, 26-27 Ekim 2015.


20.   Fatih Şenkul, Erdinç Altuğ, “Adaptive Control of a Tilt – Roll Rotor Quadrotor UAV ”, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'14), Florida USA, 27-30 May 2014.

21.   O. U. Acar, T. Keleş, Z. Koç, Ş. Güner, M. Duruş, E. Altuğ, L. Güvenç, “Development of Automatic Lift Axle System for Trucks with Mechanical Suspensions”, IFAC Workshop on Advances in Control and Automation Theory for Transportation Applications (ACATTA 2013).

22.   Fatih Şenkul, Erdinç Altuğ, “Modeling and Control of a Novel Tilt – Roll Rotor Quadrotor UAV”, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'13), Atlanta USA, 28-31 May 2013.

23.   Bora Yiğit, Erdinç Altuğ, “Visual attitude stabilization of a unmanned helicopter in unknown environments with an embedded single-board computer”, IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), pp. 49 – 54, 16-18 Nov. 2012.

24.   Taylan  Keleş,  O.  U.  Acar,  A.  O.  Öztürk,  Z.  Koç,  M.  Duruş,   E.  Altuğ, L.  Güvenç, “Kamyonlarda  Otomatik  Dingil  Đndirme  Sistemi  Algoritması  ve  Simülatö Geliştirilmesi, 6. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (OTEKON), 4-5 June 2012.

25.   Ahu Ece Hartavi Kar, Đ. M. C. Uygan, M. C. Turan, R. Karaahmetoğlu, M. Şentürk, Ö.Ş. Taş, K. Kahraman, L. Güvenç, B. A. ve, Ü. Özgüner, E. Altuğ, B. Efendioğlu, Kooperatif Araç Tasarım ve Kontrol Esasları, 6. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (OTEKON), 4-5 June 2012.

26.   Murat C. Turan, Ahu E. Hartavi, and Erdinç Altuğ, “Development of a Rule Based Upper Level Control Algorithm for a Co-operative Vehicle in Automated Highway System”, IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES’12), pp. 454-459, İstanbul, Turkey, July 24-27, 2012.

27.   Burcu Aytekin, Erdinç Altuğ, “Increasing Driving Safety with a Multiple Vehicle Detection and Tracking System using Ongoing Vehicle Shadow Information”, IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics (SMC’10), (1062-922X) (978-1-4244-6586-6), 2010, pp. 3650-3656, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.

28.   Zehra Ceren, Erdinç Altuğ, “Vision-based Servo Control of a Quadrotor Air Vehicle”, IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA2009), DCC, Daejeon, Korea, December 15 - 18, 2009.

29.   Başar Denizer, Erdinç Altuğ, “Design of a Cheap Tracked Mobile Robot for Map Building Tasks”, IEEE IECON 2009 the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Porto, Portugal, pp. 2219-2224, 3-5 November 2009.

30.   Metin Tarhan, Erdinç Altuğ, “Control of a Quadrotor Air Vehicle by Vanishing Points in Catadioptric Images”, IEEE ISOT 2009 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies  Istanbul, Turkey, 21-23 September 2009.

31.   Ahmet Yörükoğlu, Erdinç Altuğ, “Determining the Mass and Angular Position of the Unbalanced Load in Horizontal Washing Machines”, 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Suntec Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore, pp. 118-123, July 14-17, 2009.

32.   Burcu Aytekin, Erdinç Altuğ, Bilgisayarlı Görü ntemi ile Araç Belirleme ve Takibi, TOK'09 Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi Toplantı, Yıldız Technical University, Đstanbul, Ekim 2009.

33.   Zehra  Ceren,  Erdinç  Alt,  Bilgisayarlı  Quadrotor  Hava  Aracının  Görün  Taban Servo Kontrolü, TOK'09 Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi Toplantısı, Yıldız Technical University, Đstanbul, Ekim 2009.

34.   Başar Denizer,  Erdinç  Altuğ,  Harita  Çıkarma  Uygulamaları  için  Paletli  bir  Robot Tasarımı, TOK'08   Otomatik   Kontrol   Türk   Milli   Komitesi   Toplan,   Đstanbul, November 2008.

35.   Zehra    Ceren,    Erdinç    Altuğ,    Uçan    robotlarda    Kamera    ile    Poz    Tahmin Edilmesi, TOK'08   Otomatik   Kontrol   Türk   Milli   Komitesi   Toplan,   Đstanbul, November 2008.

36.   Serhan Daniş, Burcu Aytekin, Erkin Dinçmen, Volkan Sezer, Öncü Ararat, Sinan Öncü, Bilin Aksun ve, Tankut Acarman, Erdinç Altuğ and Levent venç, Framework For Development Of Driver Adaptive Warning and Assistance Systems That will be Triggered by a Driver Inattention Monitor, OTEKON08, 4th Automotive Technologies Congress, June 01-04, 2008, Bursa.

37.   Bora Erginer, Erdinc Altug, “Modeling and PD Control of a Quadrotor VTOL Vehicle”, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, İstanbul, June 2007.

38.   S. Karaman, M. Aksugur, T. Baltaci, M. Bronz, C. Kurtulus, E. Altug, G. Inalhan, L. Guvenc, “Aricopter : Aerobotic Platform for Advances in Flight, Vision Controls and Distributed Autonomy”, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, İstanbul, June 2007.

39.   Bora Erginer, Erdinç Altuğ, Dört Rotorlu Bir Helikopterin Bulanık Kontrolü, TOK'07, Otomatik Kontrol rk Milli Komitesi Toplantı, September 2007, Istanbul.

40.   Erdinç Altuğ, “Control of a Tethered Aerial Platform for Acquiring Aerial Images”, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Aachen- Germany, September 2004.

41.   Erdinç Altuğ and Camillo J. Taylor, “Vision-based Pose Estimation and Control of a Model Helicopter”, International Conference on Mechatronics, İstanbul, June 2004.

42.   Erdinç Altuğ, James P. Ostrowski and Camillo Taylor, “Quadrotor Control using Dual Visual Feedback”, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 4294-4299, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2003.

43.   Erdinç Altuğ, James Ostrowski and Vijay Kumar, Design and Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter, University of Pennsylvania PENN Graduate Research Symposium, 2002.

44.   Erdinç Altuğ, James P. Ostrowski and Robert Mahony “Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter using Visual Feedback”, Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 72-77, Washington, D.C., May 2002.





Doctoral Level Courses

·       MAK-662E, Advanced System Dynamics and Control


Masters Level Courses

·       MTA-551E, Data Acquisition and Signal Processing (2022, 2023)

·       MKM-512, Mechatronic System Design (2006, 2010, 2011)

·       MKM-503E, Mechatronic System Components (2006 - 2010)

·       MKM-596, Mechatronic Seminar (2006- 2009)

·       MAK-501E, Engineering Mathematics (2007, 2008,2009)


Bachelors in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

·       MAK-331E / MAK-333E, System Dynamics and Control (2008 - Present)

·       MKN-401, Foundations of Mechatronics (2011, 2012, 2013, 2015)

·       MAK-324E / MAK-324 / MAK-322E, Theory of Machines (2011 - Present)

·       MAK-315, Mechanical Vibrations (2017 - Present)

·       IML-322E / IML-322, Industrial Automation (2005 - 2023)


Bachelors in Industrial Design

·       EE130, Mechatronics in Industrial Design, at the Medipol University (2020, 2021)






[Updated on May 15, 2024]

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