Research Projects and Subjects

Offýcial Projects


  1. Project manager of the project "Mine Detection using Remote Sensing". Supported by DPT and Istanbul Technical University Research Council (2000-2002)
  2. Project consultant for the project "War Simulation in Flight". TUBITAK Marmara Research Centre (1996-1997). It has finished and was considered to be a successful project in international NATO journal and TUBITAK Bulletin.
  3. Researcher in the project titled "Visual Inspection of Textile Fabrics", ESRI Project (EC Project in UK-1992-1995). It has finished successfully and the system is being used in a velvet company in Germany.
  4. UBS Transportation Information System. (2001-2002). Worked as project manager. This a complete software development project for integrating enterprise wide activities in Transportation Sector.
  5. BBS Local Government Information System (2000-2001). Worked as project manager for building an enterprise wide software for automating many activities in Local Government Offices.

Research Titles

  1. Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  2. Artificial Neural Networks
  3. Developing Large Scale Database Management Systems and Integrating them with Artificial Intelligence Techniques
  4. Data Warehouses, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) and Data Mining
  5. Computer Vision, Image Processing
  6. Texture Analysis and Recognition
  7. Software Engineering
  8. CASE based system development
  9. GPS (Global Positioning Systems) Technologies
  10. GIS (Geographical Information Systems) Technologies

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