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Dolgu Duvarli Betonarme Çerçevelerin Güçlendirilmesi
(Dr. Hasan OZKAYNAK)
Sinüs Gövdeli I Kesitlerin Moment Aktaran Baglantilari
(Dr. Recep AYDIN)
Yeni Bir Sismik Yalitim Sistemi
(Dr. Varol KARAYEL)
BA Öndöküm Çerçevelerde Mafsalli Dügüm Noktalarinin Güçlendirilmesi
(Dr. Cihan SOYDAN)
MISTI MIT-BÜ Collaborative Research: MIT-BÜ-ITÜ Workshop   July 10-14, 2017

This collaborative research workshop was held through the MIT-BÜ MISTI international program for research, education and outreach. The objective of the workshop was to further develop energy-based design (EBD) concepts through comprehensive experimental studies using novel data acquisition and data processing techniques, as a basis to provide design recommendations for new structures with better earthquake hazards resistance. Successful development and implementation of this approach will provide novel, non-invasive and cost effective solution for researchers and practicing engineers. This work is a result of long-term collaboration among MIT, BÜ and ITÜ in the general area of earthquake engineering, which has involved development of initial concepts and jointly supervised several Ph.D. theses from BÜ and ITÜ.