# examine fencing disks status and confirm there exists no error before beginning vxfenadm -d # import fencing disks to proceed vxdg -tfC import vxfencoorddg # disable fencing disks by setting "Coordinator=off" vxdg -g vxfencoorddg set coordinator=off # add new fencing disks to disk group vxdg -g vxfencoorddg adddisk disk_2 vxdg -g vxfencoorddg adddisk disk_3 vxdg -g vxfencoorddg adddisk disk_4 # remove old fencing disks vxdg -g vxfencoorddg rmdisk hitachi_usp-v0_52cc vxdg -g vxfencoorddg rmdisk hitachi_usp-v0_52cd vxdg -g vxfencoorddg rmdisk hitachi_usp-v0_52ce # enable new fencing disks by setting "Coordinator=on" vxdg -g vxfencoorddg set coordinator=on # deport fencing disks vxdg deport vxfencoorddg # Make HW test at new fencing disks but root user keyless ssh must be enabled at all cluster nodes. vxfentsthdw -c vxfencoorddg # If test says OK, replace fencing disks /opt/VRTSvcs/vxfen/bin/vxfenswap -g vxfencoorddg # remove old fencing disks from the system vxdisk rm hitachi_usp-v0_5294 vxdisk rm hitachi_usp-v0_5199 vxdisk rm hitachi_usp-v0_5199