# scan for new disks vxdisk scandisks # list all disks in all diskgroups vxdisk -e -o alldgs list # initialize new disk vxdisksetup -i tagmastore-usp0_1689 (or vxdisk -f init tagmastore-usp0_1689) # add new disk to necessary (which mirroring will be done) disk group vxdg -g alddg01 adddisk disk02=tagmastore-usp0_1689 # display all disk config vxprint -hvtA # create subdisk with exact sector size of the source mirroring disk(disk01) in disk config vxmake -g alddg01 sd disk02-01 disk02,0,251576320 # create plex associated with the subdisk vxmake -g alddg01 plex aldvol01-02 sd=disk02-01 # attach the plex to the volume, mirroring will occur at plex level. time vxplex -g alddg01 att aldvol01 aldvol01-02 # you can watch mirroring state with "vxtask -l list" command # detach old plex from volume vxplex -g alddg01 det aldvol01-01 # disable plex and remove plex with its related objects ( subdisk and subvolume) vxplex -g alddg01 -o rm dis aldvol01-01 ---------OR YOU CAN USE BELOW 2 COMMANDS INSTEAD OF ABOVE 1 COMMAND ---------- # disable plex vxplex -g alddg01 dis aldvol01-01 # JUST ADDITIONAL INFO => we can create separate volume from old plex and mount as below if we want. vxmake -g alddg01 -U gen vol aldvol02 plex=aldvol01-01 vxvol -g alddg01 start aldvol02 mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/alddg01/aldvol02 /aldt1_old_disk # remove plex, recursive "-r" option also removes related objects (subdisk and subvolume) vxedit -g alddg01 -r rm aldvol01-01 ----------------------------------------------- # remove disk from diskgroup vxedit -g alddg01 rm disk01 # We could also use EVACUATE with vxevac ( EVACUATE= SYNC NEW + REMOVE OLD ) vxevac -g alddg01 disk01 disk02 # Exclude disk temporarily from DMP Multipath management so that you can be able to remove it at next step vxdmpadm exclude dmpnodename=emc-vplex0_9ee7 # remove disk vxdisk rm emc-vplex0_9ee7 ------------------------------- # now we can remove disk from OVM-Sparc Hypervisor ldm remove-vdisk mp-server1-test-zfs-swap server1 ldm remove-vdsdev server1-test-zfs-swap@pri-test-zfs-vds0 ldm remove-vdsdev server1-test-zfs-swap@sec-test-zfs-vds0 ------------------------------- # now run below command at guest LDOM to clear old device devfsadm -Cv # run below command at guest LDOM to remove all DMP Multipath temporary exclusions vxdmpadm include all