Solaris 11 NETCFG resolv.conf problem

In Linux, there is a service called NetworkManager. Similar service in Solaris 11 is NETCFG.

If DHCP config is enabled, it can cause problems like removing your resolv.conf file.

You must make manual IP config on your servers and it is already required to disable DHCP.

If by mistake it can be enabled, you can live problems, below tells how to disable DHCP.


Is service running?

root@server1:~# svcs netcfg

STATE          STIME    FMRI

online          9:41:13 svc:/network/netcfg:default


If service running, is dhcp enabled? ( below output says OFFLINE so there is no problem.)

root@server1:~# netadm list | grep -i auto

ncp         Automatic      disabled

loc         Automatic      offline


Below output is problematic because DHCP is enabled, it says ONLINE for NCP.

root@server1:~# netadm list | grep -i auto

ncp         Automatic      online

loc         Automatic      online


Below command disables DHCP. It makes this by enabling manual config. Manual config is called DefaultFixed.

root@server1:~# netadm enable -p ncp DefaultFixed

Enabling ncp 'DefaultFixed'



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