Exadata Cell customizations Exadata Cells are not allowed for customizations, only Exadata Compute Nodes are allowed. (the reason as you all know is that; disk accesses with special CELL software has a major effect for performance mystery of exadata. ) But we made some small customizations on CELLs due to company policies and asked Oracle. Their answer is below. we made 3 config changes, 1 was rejected (so we rolled-back), but other 2 was OK. ---------------- - you did not make any package install/update/uninstall, it is OK. - You must again note that, all permitted customizations are your responsibilities as they will be lost after each image upgrade. - Answers for each config is written below - This config causes no support issue because it creates neither dependency nor side-effect for cell software. # cat /etc/logrotate.d/rootmail /var/spool/mail/root { missingok notifempty compress size 1G daily start 0 rotate 1 create 0600 root root } # - This config is unsupported because it creates additional communication dependency to another server. - CELL servers must totally be independent. # grep 1.2.3 /etc/rsyslog.conf *.info;auth.*;mail.*;cron.*;local7.none @ # - This config causes no support issue because it creates neither dependency nor side-effect for cell software. - This config removes 10 minutes password lock-time, this is a security caution against dictionary attacks but you may prefer disabling, risk is yours. # grep lock_time /etc/pam.d/* /etc/pam.d/login:#auth required pam_tally2.so deny=5 onerr=fail lock_time=600 serialize /etc/pam.d/sshd:#auth required pam_tally2.so deny=5 onerr=fail lock_time=600 serialize #