aix rsyslogd aix has syslogd by default like many OS do. But rsyslogd has more features than syslogd. Eg: you may be required to send your logs to a central authority and authority may have different default port ( not 514) for security reasons. you can also install rsyslogd on aix. Then you have a command to convert syslog config to rsyslog config syslog_ssw -c syslog.conf rsyslog.conf but when you do this, you will notice that rotation configs (rotate keywords) are not converted to rsyslogd. this means log rotation becomes disabled with rsyslogd, but it is something so basic and vital. (can't rotating logs cause disk problems) We asked this to IBM with a PMR, they told there is opensource logrotate utility for AIX but it is non-IBM and not supported,so we did not use it. Then IBM tells us writing our own log rotation scripts and activating from crontab. for example we install centrify to our AIX servers, and centrify installation puts its own logrotation scripts to cron It is not such a pretty solution but it is the only thing you have on AIX with rsyslog now. Feel free to communicate by