Can Örs


:.Ana Sayfa»


1st Homework
1) Write a program that calculates Fibonacci number, (Fn) using the input "n", according to Binet's Formula given below.
Binet's Formula
Note: The program must contain a function either in a module or in the main program.
n and Fn must be both integer and greater than zero.
For more information: a) Binet's Formula b) Fibonacci Number

2) Using "case" or "if" write a program that asks for nth month which is between 1 and 12, then prints the name of the month in characters.

3) Write a currency converter program, either converts dollar to euro ,euro to dollar or both. (1Dollar=0.807Euro, 1Euro=1.239Dollar)

The Answers should be similar to the compiled versions below:
Compiled version of the first problem(fibonacci_number.exe)
Compiled version of the second problem (month_numbers.exe)
Compiled version of the third problem(dollar_euro.exe)
Hint: You may check whether your program results correct or false by the help of the compiled versions.

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