Bibliography on the Geology of Turkey


Bibliography of the Geology of Turkey contains a list of references dealing with the various aspects of the geology of Turkey.  It is more complete in the Pontides, where I have been most active.  The papers are classified according to the tectonic zones.  For their location, see the diagram at the end of the list.


I have been compiling this list for my own research.  Therefore, the format of referencing, including the abbreviation for journals, are not always consistent.  There might also be typographical mistakes.  See below for some journal abbreviations.


I have updated the list in February 2018.





Istanbul Zone          

Sakarya Zone           west – Biga to Bursa

west – Bursa to Ankara

Central Pontides

Eastern Pontides

Strandja Massif



Bornova Flysch Zone

Menderes Massif

Afyon Zone

Tavsanli Zone

Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (Kirsehir Massif)



        Taurides – general

        Western Taurides

        Central Taurides

        Eastern Taurides


Southeast Anatolia

Arabian platform


Sedimentary basins

        Thrace Basin

        Central Anatolian basins


Neogene deposits

        West Anatolian grabens

Surrounding Seas

Black Sea

Marmara Sea

Aegean Sea

Eastern Mediterranean Sea



        GPS studies

        North Anatolian Fault








Mineral deposits


tecmapturkey and surroundings


Journal abbreviations


MTAD or MTA Der.                  Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi

TJKB                                        Turkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bulteni

IUFF                                        İstanbul Universitesi Fen Fakultesi