Gunes, Y., Balci, N., The Catalytic Effect of the Heterotrophic Bacterium Virgibacillus marismortui on Basaltic Rock Dissolution Under Excess Nutrient Conditions, Geomicrobiology Journal, 2021, 38(4), pp. 315–328
Erarslan, C., Örgün, Y., Balcı, N., Source and distribution of pyrite and inorganic sulfur isotopes in the Saray and Pınarhisar Coalfields, North Thrace Basin, Turkey, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2020, 227, 103533
Balci, N., Gunes, Y., Kaiser, J., ...Garczynski, B., Horgan, B.H.N., Biotic and Abiotic Imprints on Mg-Rich Stromatolites: Lessons from Lake Salda, SW Turkey, Geomicrobiology Journal, 2020, 37(5), pp. 401–425
Tutuncu, H.E., Balci, N., Tuter, M., Karaguler, N.G., Recombinant production and characterization of a novel esterase from a hypersaline lake, Acıgöl, by metagenomic approach, Extremophiles, 2019, 23(5), pp. 507–520
Karami, F., Balci, N., Guven, B., A modeling approach for calcium carbonate precipitation in a hypersaline environment: A case study from a shallow, alkaline lake, Ecological Complexity, 2019, 39, 100774
Balci, N., Demirel, C., Akcer Ön, S., Gültekin, A.H., Kurt, M.A., Evaluating abiotic and microbial factors on carbonate precipitation in Lake Acigöl, a hypersaline lake in Southwestern Turkey, Quaternary International, 2018, 486, pp. 116–128
Balci, N., Demirel, C., Prediction of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and Metal Release Sources at the Küre Copper Mine Site, Kastamonu, NW Turkey | Vorhersagen zu säurehaltigen Bergbau-Abwässern (AMD) und Quellen für gelöste Metalle im Küre Kupfer Bergbau, Provinz Kastamonu, Nord-West Türkei, Mine Water and the Environment, 2018, 37(1), pp. 56–74
Balci, N., Demirel, C., Kurt, M.A., Geomicrobiology of lake salda and microbial influences on present-day stromatolite formation | Salda gölünün jeomikrobiyolojisi ve güncel stromatolit oluşumunda mikrobiyal etkiler, Yerbilimleri/ Earth Sciences, 2018, 39(1), pp. 19–40
Balci, N., Brunner, B., Turchyn, A.V., Tetrathionate and elemental sulfur shape the isotope composition of sulfate in acid mine drainage, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8(AUG), 1564
Gultekin, A.H., Balci, N., Mineralogy, geochemistry and fluid inclusion data from the Tumanpınarı volcanic rock-hosted Fe-Mn-Ba deposit, Balıkesir-Dursunbey, Turkey, Minerals, 2016, 6(4), 120
Balci, N., Demirel, C., Formation of carbonate nanoglobules by a mixed natural culture under hypersaline conditions, Minerals, 2016, 6(4), 122
Balci, N., Menekşe, M., Karagüler, N.G., Şeref Sönmez, M., Meister, P., Reproducing Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation in the Hypersaline Lake Acıgöl (Turkey) with Microbial Cultures, Geomicrobiology Journal, 2016, 33(9), pp. 758–773
Sanliyuksel Yucel, D., Balci, N., Baba, A., Generation of Acid Mine Lakes Associated with Abandoned Coal Mines in Northwest Turkey, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2016, 70(4), pp. 757–782
Sari, E., Ünlü, S., Balci, N., ...Kurt, M.A., Koldemir, B. Evaluation of contamination by selected elements in a Turkish port, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2013, 22(3), pp. 841–847
Sari, E., Ünlü, S., Apak, R., Balci, N., Koldemir, B. Mercury distribution in the sediments of Ambarlı Port Area, Sea of Marmara (Turkey), Chemistry and Ecology, 2013, 29(1), pp. 28–43
Balci, N., Mayer, B., Shanks, W.C., Mandernack, K.W., Oxygen and sulfur isotope systematics of sulfate produced during abiotic and bacterial oxidation of sphalerite and elemental sulfur Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2012, 77, pp. 335–351
Balcı, N., Vardar, N., Yelboga, E., Karaguler, N.G., Bacterial community composition of sediments from Artificial Lake Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184(9), pp. 5641–5650
Balci, N.C., Effect of bacterial activity on trace metals release from oxidation of sphalerite at low pH (<3) and implications for AMD environment, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2010, 60(3), pp. 485–493
Turchyn, A.V., Brüchert, V., Lyons, T.W., ...Schrag, D.P., Brunner, B., Kinetic oxygen isotope effects during dissimilatory sulfate reduction: A combined theoretical and experimental approach, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2010, 74(7), pp. 2011–2024
Balci, N., Shanks III, W.C., Mayer, B., Mandernack, K.W., Oxygen and sulfur isotope systematics of sulfate produced by bacterial and abiotic oxidation of pyrite, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007, 71(15), pp. 3796–3811
Balci, N., Bullen, T.D., Witte-Lien, K., ...Motelica, M., Mandernack, K.W., Iron isotope fractionation during microbially stimulated Fe(II) oxidation and Fe(III) precipitation, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006, 70(3), pp. 622–639
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