ELE512, İleri Analog Tümdevre Tasarımı

2009-2010Eğitim-Öğretim Yılı / Bahar Yarıyılı, Seminer Programı

14 Nisan 2010, Çarşamba, Mustafa Santur Seminer Odası, 9:30 -12.30


Berk Omuz

F. Kaçar, B. Metin, H. Kuntman, O. Çiçekoğlu, " Current-Mode Multifunction Filters Using a Single FDCCII", Proc. of ELECO’2009: The 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol.2, pp. 54-57, 5-8 November 2009, Bursa, Turkey.


Yunus Akbey

S. Keleş, H. Kuntman, "Four Quadrant FGMOS Multiplier", Proc. of ELECO’2009: The 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol.2, pp.45-48, 5-8 November 2009, Bursa, Turkey.


Abdullah Usta

F. Kaçar, H. Kuntman, " On the Realization of the FDNR Simulators Using Only a Single Current Feedback Operational Amplifier", Proc. of ELECO’2009: The 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol.2, pp.223-226, 5-8 November 2009, Bursa, Turkey.

21 Nisan 2010, Çarşamba, Mustafa Santur Seminer Odası, 9:30 -12.30


Melek Kurnaz

M. Altun and H. Kuntman, ‘Design of a Fully Differential Current Mode Operational Amplifier with Improved Input-Output Impedances and Its Filter Applications’, AEU: International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.62, N0. 3, 239-244, 2008.


Savaş Tokmak

S. Eser, S. Özcan, S. Yamaçlı, H. Kuntman and O. Çiçekoğlu, “Current-mode active-only universal filter employing CCIIs and OTAs”, Proceedings of Applied Electronics 2009, pp.107-110, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 9-10 September 2009.


Cankurt Kul

F. Kaçar, H. Kuntman, "Novel Electronically Tunable FDNR Simulator Employing Single FDCCII", Proceedings of ECCTD’09:  the 19th European Conference on Circuit Theory & Design (CD-ROM), pp.21-24, Antalya, Turkey, August 23-27, 2009.


Cem Tunç

F. Kaçar, H. Kuntman,  “A new CMOS current differencing transconductance amplifier (CDTA) and its biquad filter application”, Proceedings of EUROCON’2009 (CD-ROM), pp.208-215, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA, May 18-23, 2009.

28 Nisan 2010, Çarşamba, Mustafa Santur Seminer Odası, 9:30 -12.30


Elif Kaya

S. Yamaçlı, S. Özcan and H. Kuntman,  "Resistorless Tuneable KHN-Filter in Current Mode with CCCIIs and Grounded Capacitors", Proceedings of ICECS 2008: The 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, pp. 324-327,  31 Aug. -3 Sept. 2008, Malta.


Emrah Armağan

F. Kaçar and H. Kuntman, "A New Dual-X CMOS Second Generation Current Conveyor (DXCCII)", Proceedings of ICECS 2008: The 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, pp. 1-4,  31 Aug. -3 Sept. 2008, Malta.


Fatih Sadıç

F. Kaçar and H. Kuntman, “A New Fully Differential Second Generation Current Conveyor and Its Application” , Proceedings of OPTIM’2008: 11th International Conference on OPTIMIZATION OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, CD-ROM, May 22-24, 2008, Brasov, Romania.


İmer Serbest

F. Kacar, B. Metin, H. Kuntman, “A New Dual-X CMOS Second Generation Current Conveyor (DXCCII) with a FDNR Circuit Application”, accepted for publication in AEU: International Journal of Electronics and Communications (A08-326).

5 Mayıs 2010, Çarşamba, Mustafa Santur Seminer Odası, 9:30 -12.30


Mehmet Batı

M. Saygıner, M. Altun and H Kuntman, “A New CMOS FTFN Realization and Grounded Inductance Simulation”,  (t4-sd0023), Proceedings of MELECON'08: The 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, pp. 421-424, 5-7 May 2008, Ajaccio, Corsica, France.


Selçuk İlke

E. S. Erdogan, R. O. Topaloglu, O. Cicekoglu, H. Kuntman and A. Morgül, Novel multiple function analog filter structures and a dual-mode multifunction filter, International Journal of Electronics, Volume 93, No.9, 637 - 650, 2006.  


Sunay Güler

M. Altun, H. Kuntman, S. Minaei and O. K. Sayın, “Realization of nth-order current transfer function employing ECCIIs and application examples”, IJE: International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 96, No.11, 1115 – 1126, 2009.


Umut Yılmazer

A. Duruk, E. O. Güneş, H. Kuntman, ‘A new low voltage CMOS differential OTRA for sub-micron technologies’, AEU: International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.61, 291-299, 2007.

12 Mayıs 2010, Çarşamba, Mustafa Santur Seminer Odası, 9:30 -12.30


Duygu Kutluoğlu

S. Menekay, R.C. Tarcan, H. Kuntman, ‘Novel high-precision current-mode multiplier/divider, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol.60, No.3, 237-248, 2009.


Burak Gövem

S. Çiftçioğlu, H. Kuntman, A. Zeki, Tunable MOSFET-C filter biquads using new CMOS realization of high performance differential current conveyor, Proceedings of  Applied Electronics 2005,  pp. 53-56,  Pilsen, Czech Republic, 7-8 September 2005.  


Berat Doğan

Y. Lakys, B. Godara, A Fabre, “Cognitive and Encrypted Communications, Part 2 : A New Approach to ActiveFrequency-Agile Filters and Validation Results for an Agile Bandpass Topology in SiGe-BiCMOS”, Proc. of ELECO’2009: The 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol.2, pp.16-29, 5-8 November, Bursa, Turkey.