PROF. DR. AySe Sema Kubat
Date : April, 2007
Name, Surname : Ayse Sema KUBAT
Institution : Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture,
Department of City & Regional Planning
High School : TED Ankara Maarif College, (English Curriculum)
Undergraduate : ITU, Faculty of Architecture, BSc 1977, Turkey
Graduate : ITU, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City & Regional
Planning, MSc 1979, Istanbul, Turkey
ITU, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City & Regional
Planning, Ph.d. 1985, Istanbul, Turkey
ITU, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City & Regional
Planning, Assoc. Prof. 1990, Istanbul, Turkey
ITU, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City & Regional
Planning, Prof., 1996, Istanbul, Turkey
ProFessional & Academic Experience:
Ayse Sema Kubat graduated as an Architect from Istanbul Technical University from received her masters degree and PhD from the same university. She received the degree of Doctor of Urban Planning from Istanbul Technical University of Turkey in 1985.
Prepared Urban Development Plans for Adana and Antakya cities in association with one of the largest companies in Urban Planning in 1977 - 1985.
Worked as a research assistant at the City & Regional Planning Department of the Architectural Faculty of ITU from 1980 to 1986. During this period worked also as assistant editor of the Journal of Institute of Town Planning between the years 1981 - 1983.
Became an Assistant Professor in 1986, Associate Professor in 1990 and Professor in 1996 in the field of City & Regional Planning at the Faculty of Architecture of ITU.
Worked as deputy of chairman in the city & regional Planning department during the years 1990 - 1995.
Participated in conferences and research projects on Urban Design, Urban Planning and Urban modelling in Europe and in the USA. The British Council supported studies at the University of Liverpool and at Hertford College of Oxford in 1990.
Participating in a research project titled “Islamic area Studies-Geographic Information Systems for Islamic Area Studies“. This research project ends in 2003, was commissioned by Japanese Government and held by the Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo.
Joint research studies in the University College London, the Bartlett School of Architecture, the Space Syntax Laboratory, U.K. in June 1999 and Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, U.S.A. on September 1999.
Appointed as a co-ordinator on a joint project proposal titled “An Approach to Increase Disaster Resistance of Istanbul through Urban Planning and Design Guidelines for New Settlements and Urban Redevelopment”. This project has been considered as an urgent and primarily supported proposal by the municipality and waiting for an economic support from JIKA and the vice Ministry of Public Works and Settlements of Turkey.
Her research interests include urban design, urban planning, urban morphology, urban preservation and renovation, geographical information systems, spatial analysis. She published many papers in journals, books and conference proceedings on these topics.
Appointed as a member of International Refereeing and Steering Committee of Space Syntax, University College London, The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, on June 2003.
She is currently professor of the Department of City & Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture of Istanbul Technical University and deputy of chairman on the Department of Landscape Architecture of the same university.
Msc Thesis
“Sinirli bir Toprak Parcasinda Yerlesme ve Gelisme Ilkelerinin Saptanmasi: Ornek Kinaliada” (Determination of Development strategies within a Delimited Area surrounded by Natural Thresholds: Kinaliada Island as a case study), Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Ph.D. Thesis
“Türkiye’de Sehirlesme sürecinde Sehir merkezi ve Merkezi Is Alanlarinin Gelismesine Yonelik bir Arastirma. Bir Plan Bolge icinde Ornekleme”, (A Study on the development of City Centers and Central Business Districts of Turkey during Urbanisation Process: the case of Southern Anatolia), Istanbul Technical University press, ITU, Istanbul, Turkey.
Section in a Book
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ERTEKIN Ozhan, EYUBOGLU Engin, SARI Firat (March 2008) “Earthquake as a fact of Istanbul : an Action Plan for Vulnerable Zeytinburnu Area”, Improving Vulnerable Urban Space, Center of Sustainable Urban Regeneration (cSUR), Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. (forthcoming)
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ASAMI Yasushi, ISTEK Cihangir (2004) “Application of GIS to network analysis: characterization of traditional Turkish urban street networks”, Islamic Area Studies with Geographical Information Systems - New Horizons in Islamic Studies: edited by Okabe Atsuyuki, 187-207, printed by Routledge Curzon, NY & London
(“Islamic Area Studies with GIS”, is awarded by “World Prize for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran” in 2006).
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ASAMI Yasushi, KITAGAWA Kensuke, IIDA Shinichi, (2004) “A three dimensional analysis of the street network in Istanbul: an extension of Space Syntax using GIS”, Islamic Area Studies with Geographical Information Systems - New Horizons in Islamic Studies: edited by Okabe Atsuyuki, 207 - 221, printed by RoutledgeCurzon, NY & London
(“Islamic Area Studies with GIS”, is awarded by “World Prize for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran” in 2006).
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ERTEKIN Ozhan, INCE GUNEY Yasemin (July, 2007) 6th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings Book TUBITAK & Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, TURKEY (forthcoming)
KUBAT Ayse Sema, YASUSHI Asami, ERTEKIN Ozhan (editors) GULSEN Güler (secretary) (2007) “Ordinary and Emergency Measures for Sustainable Urban Regeneration” a special issue of International ARI JOURNAL of ITU, publications of Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, YASUSHI Asami, OTA Hiroshi, GULER Gülsen (2007) Ordinary / Emergency – UTITU Workshop on Galata 2006 Proceedings Book, International workshop supported by Istanbul Technical University and Tokyo University, Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla Building, Istanbul., TURKEY
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ERTEKIN Ozhan, EYUBOGLU Engin, (2005) International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Regeneration – Proceedings and Presentations, TUBITAK & Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, TURKEY ISBN 975-561-363-7
KUBAT Ayse Sema, EYUBOGLU Engin, ERTEKIN Ozhan (2007 June), “A New Urban Planning Approach for the Regeneration of a Historical Area within Istanbul’s Central Business District”, Journal of Urban Design, Vol:12, No: 2, 321-339, Taylor & Francis, UK.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, OZER Ozlem (2007 July), “Future Ordinary Situation in Galata – The Foreseen Effects of the Golden Horn Cultural Valley Project”, ARI Journal, Istanbul Technical University Press, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat A., S., ASAMI Y., IIDA S. KITAGAWA K., (2002). “Adapting the third-dimention on Space Syntax” Environment and Planning B: Planning & Design, (accepted for publication) Pion Limited, England
Kubat A. S., YASUSHI A., ISTEK C., (2001), “Characterisation of the street networks in the traditional Turkish urban form”, Environment and Planning B: Planning & Design, vol: 28, issue: 5, s: 777-795, Pion Limited, England
Kubat A. S, YASUSHI A., ISTEK C., (1999), “Characterisation of the Street Networks in the Turkish–Islamic Urban Form”, “Beyond the Border. A new Framework for understanding the dynamism of Muslim Societies–Congress Proceedings Book, Kyoto, Japan.
KUBAT, A. SEMA, (1999) “Morphological History of Istanbul”, Urban Morphology –Journal of the International Seminar on Urban Form, Vol. 4, Design and Print Unit, University of Central England, Birmingham.
KUBAT, A. SEMA, (1997) “The Effects of Natural Movement on the Spatial Configuration of Istanbul’s Historical Peninsula”, Habitat International”, Habitat International, A Journal for the Study of Human Settlements, USA. (Accepted for publication)
KUBAT, A. SEMA, (1997) ”Morphological Characteristics of Anatolian Fortified Towns”; Environment & Planning B: Planning & Design, vol. 24, pages 95 - 123, published by Pion Limited, UK.
KUBAT, A. SEMA, (1996) “Sustainability & Identity of Traditional Anatolian Citadels”, International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications , Florida International University, Florida, vol. 20, No 1, pages: 131-143, Miami, Florida, USA.
KUBAT, A.S.,CIRACI, H.,AYDINLI, S., (1990) “The Design Criteria of Public Spaces in Historical Environment : Beyazit Square as a Case Study”, International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications, Florida International University, Volume 14, Number 3, Pages 197-209, Miami, Florida, USA.
KUBAT, A. SEMA (1987) “The Effects of the Industrialisation Process on the City Centres in Turkey”, International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications, Florida International University, Florida, Vol. 11, No 2, Pages 123 -140, Miami, Florida.
KUBAT, A. SEMA (1983) “Users Input in City Planning”, International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications , Issue 3, Volume 7, pages 260 -269, Miami, Florida, USA.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, Ozer Ozlem (2007), Halic Kültür Vadisi Projesi Kapsaminda Getirilen Onerilerin Galata Bolgesi Uzerindeki Olasi Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi ve Degerlendirilmesi, ARI DERGISI-ITU Journal (a) – Architecture, Planning & Design, Istanbul Technical University Press, Istanbul, Turkey.
(Investigation and Evaluation of the Impacts of the Proposals Related With the Golden Horn Cultural Valley Project on Galata Area)
Kubat A. S., SUHER H., CETINER A., (2000) “Park Otel Bilirkisi Raporu”, Tarihi ve Dogal Cevrenin Korunmasinda Bilirkisi Raporlari: Gokkafes, Park Otel, Taskisla, TMMOB Mimarlar Odasi, Istanbul Büyükkent Subesi yayini / Arsiviniz icin Dizisi, 73-88, Istanbul.
(An experts survey report for Park Hotel”, Experts survey reports for Historical and Natural Environment, Turkish Architects Chamber, Greater Municipality of Istanbul Press,73-88)
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1996) “Disney Dünyasinda Postmodernizm” (Post-modernizm in Disney World), Selections from YAPI- A review published monthly by the Building & Industry Centre (9), Architectural Currents 2, pages 122-136, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat Ayse Sema, (1996), “Battery Park Sehri: Newyork’tan bir Sehir icinde Sehir Ornegi” (Battery Park City: A “City within the City” in Downtown New York), YAPI - A review published monthly by the Building & Industry Centre, No: 171, pages 78-85, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat Ayse Sema, (1996), “Tropical Deco: Miami Sahillerinden bir Sehirsel Koruma Ornegi” (Tropical Deco: Preserving the Architecture and Urban Heritage of Old Miami Beach), Selections from YAPI - A review published monthly by the Building & Industry Centre (8), Architectural Currents 1, pages 130-142, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat Ayse Sema, (1996), “Post-Urbanizmi yonlendiren Yeni Gorüsler : Geleneksel Kültürlerin ve Sembolik Ogelerin Vurgulandigi Post-Modern Tasarim Ornekleri” (Recent Trends in Post-urbanizm), Tasarim: A review published monthly by Tasarim publishing group, no: 58, pages: 206-212, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat Ayse Sema, (1995), “Tropical Deco: Miami Sahillerinden bir Sehirsel Koruma Ornegi” (Tropical Deco: Preserving the Architecture and Urban Heritage of Old Miami Beach), YAPI - A review published monthly by the Building & Industry Centre, No: 165, Pages: 67 - 76, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1994) “Disney Dünyasinda Postmodernizm” (Post-modernizm in Disney World), YAPI - A review published monthly by the Building & Industry Centre, No: 153, pages 58-71, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A., S., DOKMECI, V., (1993) “Liman Sehirlerinde Sahil Planlamasi” (Revitalization Projects for the Port Cities),YAPI - A review published monthly by the Building & Industry Centre, No: 141, pages 44-51, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A.,S., SUHER H., CIRACI H., YILMAZ U., TOMAK S., (1982) Istanbul MIA icinde Eminonü-Beyazit- Hanlar Yoresinden bazi Bulgular (Findings from Eminonü - Beyazit - Hanlar districts of Istanbul’s CBD). (unpublished)
KUBAT, A. SEMA (1981) “Maket Oyunu Yardimi ile bir Yerlesme Unitesi Tasarimina Kullanici Katilimi” (A model game to Design a Settlement through Users Participation), Sehircilik EnstITUsü Dergisi , ITU, Faculty of Architecture, Depart. of City & Regional Planning, No: 18, Pages 43 -54, Istanbul, Turkey.
GULER Gülsen., KUBAT Ayse Sema. (October 10-14, 2007) “Measuring The Effects Of The Bridges On Istanbul Open Space System”, 18th International Annual ECLAS Conference Title: “Landscape Assessment - from Theory to Practice: Applications in Planning and Design, Belgrade, SERBIA (accepted as a long paper, forthcoming).
Kubat Ayse Sema, Kaya H. Serdar, Sari Firat, Güler Gülsen, Ozer Ozlem, (2007) “The Effects of Proposed Bridges on Urban Macroform of Istanbul: A Syntactic Evaluation”, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings book, Istanbul. (accepted as a long paper, forthcoming)
Ozer Ozlem, Kubat Ayse Sema (2007), “Walking Initiatives: A Quantitative Movement Analysis”, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings Book, Istanbul, 2007. (accepted as a long paper,
Topcu Mehmet, Kubat Ayse Sema (2007), “Morphological Comparison of Two Historical Anatolian Towns”, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings book, Istanbul. (accepted as a long paper, forthcoming)
Topcu Mehmet, Topcu Kadriye Deniz, Kubat Ayse Sema (2007), “Movement Economy Dependent on Urban Design”, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings book, Istanbul, (accepted as a short paper & for poster presentation, forthcoming)
Kaya Burcu, Kubat Ayse Sema (2007), “Space and Crime Relation in Urban Green Areas - Case Study: Macka Demokrasi Park”, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings Book, Istanbul. (accepted as a short paper & for poster presentation, forthcoming)
Baser Bahar, Kubat Ayse Sema (2007), “A New Landscape Design Strategy for Creating Continuous, Perceptible and Productive Urban Green: A Case Study of Kadikoy- Istanbul”, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings book, Istanbul. (accepted as a short paper & for poster presentation, forthcoming)
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ERTEKIN Ozhan, EYUBOGLU Engin, SARI Firat (March 2007) “Earthquake as a fact of Istanbul : an Action Plan for Vulnerable Zeytinburnu Area”, presented in the International Symposium on Vulnerable Urban Space: Making Communities Work, Center of Sustainable Urban Regeneration (cSUR), Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ERTEKIN Ozhan, EYUBOGLU Engin, OZER Ozlem, KAYA H.Serdar, (September 11-17, 2006), “The Role of Galata in the Transformation Process of Sustainable Istanbul”, UTITU – Ordinary/Emergency International Workshop on Galata Proceedings book, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
OZER Ozlem, KUBAT Ayse Sema, (September 11-17, 2006), “Pedestrian Movement and Space - Istanbul Galata Region”, UTITU – Ordinary/Emergency International Workshop on Galata proceedings book, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ERTEKIN Ozhan, EYUBOGLU Engin, OZER Ozlem, (4-7 July 2005) “A redesign Strategy for Transformation of Istanbul’s Historical Galata”, XXIInd Congress of Architecture, Third International Symposium of IAPS-CSBE ‘Culture and Space in the Built Environment Network’UIA 2005 proceedings book, 80-89, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ERTEKIN Ozhan, EYUBOGLU Engin, OZER Ozlem, (13-17 July 2005) “Movement Activity and Strategic Design Study for Istanbul’s Historical Galata District”, 5th International Space Syntax Symposium, Proceedings book., Vol I, 565-581, Delft, Holland.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ERTEKIN Ozhan, EYUBOGLU Engin, OZER Ozlem, (8 – 10 June 2004) “A new urban planning approach for the regeneration of a historical area from Istanbul’s Central Business District”, CITY FUTURES – An International Conference on Globalism and Urban Change, Chicago, USA.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, EYUBOGLU Engin, ERTEKIN Ozhan, OZER Ozlem (4-7 September 2004) “A Cultural heritage from Golden Horn & Galata to eternity: Urban sustainability for the continuity of history”, cSUR ws - International Workshop on Asian Approach toward Sustainable Urban Regeneration, Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
KUBAT Ayse Sema, KAYA Serdar, BASER Bahar, EYUBOGLU Engin, ERTEKIN Ozhan, OZER Ozlem, (4-7 September 2004) “Istanbul: the urban constraints and the advantages of planning the city” cSUR ws - International Workshop on Asian Approach toward Sustainable Urban Regeneration, Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
KUBAT Ayse Sema, SARI Firat (2003) “Analysing the relations of urban form and land use: the case of Izmir’s water front area” 14th International Symosium on Urban Design - Proceedings Book, University of Mimar Sinan, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ALTINOZ Gülfem (2003) The Spatial Analyses in Historical Turkish city Amasya., 14th International Symosium on Urban Design - Proceedings Book, University of Mimar Sinan, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat A., S., ASAMI Y., IIDA S. KITAGAWA K., (2003). Introducing the third-dimention on Space Syntax: Application on Historical Istanbul, 4th International Space Syntax Symposium, Proceedings book.,University College London, England
Kubat A., S., E. EYUBOGLU, O. ERTEKIN., (2003). “An Urban Redevolopment Proposal for Istanbul’s Galata District”, 4th International Space Syntax Symposium, Proceedings book.,University College London, London, England
Kubat A., S., ASAMI Y., IIDA S. KITAGAWA K., (2003) “Introducing the third dimension on Space Syntax: Application on the historical Istanbul”, accepted as a full paper for the Fourth International Symposium on Space Syntax (SSS4), 15-19 June, 2003, University College London, UK
KUBAT, STONOR, KARIMI, EYUPOGLU, (2003), “An urban redevelopment proposal for Istanbul’s Galata District” accepted as a short paper for the Fourth International Symposium on Space Syntax, 15-19 June, 2003, University College London, UK
Kubat A., S., ASAMI Y., IIDA S. KITAGAWA K., (2001). “Extension of Space Syntactic idea to the three-dimensional space: Application on Istanbul’s historical core”, International Symposium of the Islamic Area Studies Project. Proceedings book, 190-195, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Kubat AySe Sema, (2001), “The Effects of Natural Movement on the Spatial Configuration of Istanbul’s Historical Peninsula”, Accepted for presentation and publication in the 32nd annual meeting of Environmental Design Research Association Conference (edra), Proceedings book, 27-32, 3-6 July, 2001, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Kubat AySe Sema, (2001) “Istanbul: A Configurational Model for a Metropolis”, The Third International Symposium on Space Syntax, 7-11 May, 2001, Proceedings book section 62, p: 1-7, Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech., Georgia, Atlanta, U.S.A.
Kubat A. S., YASUSHI A., (2001) “Characterisation of the street networks in the Turkish Islamic urban form: comparative analyses for Eyup, Fener, Balat, Zeyrek, Ayvansaray and Galata districts”, The Third International Symposium on Space Syntax, 7-11 May, 2001, Proceedings book, 36, 1-15, Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech., Georgia, Atlanta, ABD.
Kubat AySe Sema, YASUSHI ASAMI, ISTEK CIHANGIR, (1999), “Characterisation of the Street Networks in the Turkish–Islamic Urban Form, ”Beyond the Border. A new Framework for understanding the dynamism of Muslim Societies–Congress Proceedings Book, Kyoto, Japan
Kubat AySe Sema, (1999), “An Urban History: Istanbul”, AIA (American Institude of Architects) Spring’99 Meeting, conference Abstracts, Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat AySe Sema, (1997), ‘The Morphological History of Istanbul’, ISUF’97 Fourth International Seminar on Urban Form, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England.
KUBAT, A., S., KOLAY, I., Beygo, C., AgIr, A., (1996), ‘Istanbul Throughout History’ HABITAT II - Istanbul Workshops, conference Abstracts, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat AySe Sema, (1996) “History, Culture & Space in Urban Design: The Morphogenetic Structure of Istanbul’s Historical Peninsula”, IAPS 14 Conference on Evolving Environmental Ideals : Changing Ways of Life, Values & Design, conference Abstracts, Stockholm, Sweden.
Kubat Ayse Sema, (1996) “The Architecture of a Human Settlement: The Case of Istanbul’s Historical Peninsula”, 24th IAHS World Housing Congress, Proceedings Book, vol. 2, pages 698-711, Middle East Technical University in assoc. with University of Florida, Ankara, Turkey
Kubat AySe Sema, (1995) “The Morphological Characteristics of Anatolian Citadels”, 4th International Conference - Value in Tradition, Traditional Dwellings & Settlements Review, Working Paper Series, vol. 76, pages 1-26, University of Berkeley, USA
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1994) “The Morphological Characteristics of Anatolian Citadels”, 4th International Conference - Value in Tradition, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review - conference abstracts, Tunisia.
KUBAT, A., S., DOKMECI V., (1994) “Distribution of Service and Industrial Sectors in Istanbul”, 34 th RSA European Congress- conference abstracts, Groningen, Holland.
KUBAT, A.SEMA (1990) “Locational Patterns and Dynamics of Istanbuls Large Garment Complex”, British Section of RSA Congress, - conference abstracts, Liverpool, UK.
KUBAT, A.SEMA (1990) “The Projection of Land - Use Pattern in CBD of Istanbul : A Case Study of Beyoglu”, 30 th RSA European Congress- Conference abstracts , Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A.SEMA (1988) “Impact of Industrialization Process on the Development City Centers and CBD in Turkey (with samples in a pilot region)”, RSA -28 th European Congress-Conference Abstracts, Stockholm, Sweden.
KUBAT, A.,SEMA (1986), The Growth of City Centers during Industrialization Process in Southern Turkey, I.A.H.S World Congress on New Trends in Housing Projects - Conference Abstracts, Miami, Florida, USA.
KUBAT, A.,SEMA (1982) “Users Input in City Planning”, I.A.H.S World Congress on Housing, Conference Abstracts, Vienna, Austria.
Kubat AySe Sema, (1996) “Tarihi Yarimada’da Zaman ve Kültür’ün Mekansal Bicim üzerine Etkileri” (The Effects of History & Culture on Spatial Form of Historical Peninsula), 7th Symposium on Urban Design - Proceedings Book, University of Mimar Sinan, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat AySe Sema, (1996) “Sehirsel Mekan Bicimlenmesinin Sosyal Mantigi: Istanbul Tarihi Yarimadasi Ornegi” (The Social logic in the Configuration of Urban Space: Istanbul’s Historical Peninsula as a Case Study), symposium on Istanbul 2020 - Proceedings book:, pages: 329-346, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat AySe Sema, (1995) “Tarihi Mirasin Sürdürülmesi ve Sehir Kimligi: Anadolu Kale Yerlesmeleri Sokaklarindan Ornekler” (Sustainability of Historical Inheritance and Urban Identity: The Streets of Anatolian Citadels), Symposium on quality Surveys on Architectural and Urban Environment - Proceedings Book, ITU, UYG-AR Center, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat AySe Sema, (1995) “Sehirsel Tasarimda Zaman, Kültür ve Mekan Iliskileri: Anadolu Kale Sehirleri Ornegi” (History, Culture and Space in Urban Design), 6th Symosium on Urban Design - Proceedings Book, University of Mimar Sinan, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat AySe Sema, (1995), “‘Halkin Katilimi ile Sehirsel koruma: Miami Art-Deco Bolgesi Ornegi’ (Public Participation in Urban Conservation: The case of Miami Art-Deco Beach), 6th Symposium in Urban Conservation and Applications - Congress Proceedings Book, University of Mimar Sinan, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat AySe Sema, (1994) “Sehircilikte Yeniden Yapilanmanin Mekansal Boyutu”, (Spatial Concepts in the Reconstruction of the City) 4th National Congress in Regional Science - Congress Proceedings Book, pages 411-419, KTU, Trabzon, Turkey.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1994) “Sehircilikte Postmodern Yaklasimlar” (Post-modern Trends in Urban Planning), Seminar organised by City & Reg. Planning Dept of Faculty of Architecture, Proceedings Book, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A. SEMA (1993) “Istanbul Metropoliten Alaninda MIA Ozellikleri ve Sinirlandirma Kriterleri” (CBD Characteristics and Delimitation Criterias in the Metropolitan Area of Istanbul) 3rd National Congress in Regional Science - Congress Proceedings Book, pages 271 -291, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A. SEMA , CIRACI ,H., AYDINLI ,S. (1989) “Tarihsel Cevrede Kamu Mekanlari Tasarim Olcütleri” (Contexual Compatibility in a Historical Urban Space: Beyazit Square as a case study), Symposium on Public space Design & Urban Furniture - Congress proceedings Book, University of Mimar Sinan, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A.SEMA (1986) “Imar Planlarinda Veri Toplamanin Onemi” (The Importance of Data Collection in Development Plans), Symposium on Planning and Application of new Legislation on Turkish Cities - Congress Proceedings Book, ITU - UYGAR centre, pages 33-46, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat A., S., yASUSHI A., (project coordinators), MINO T., MEGURO K, OTA H., ITO T., ORHON D., BATUR A., URAL D., (2004 - 2007 ) “Asian Approach toward Sustainable Urban Regeneration”, An International Joint Research Project with nine Asian countries, commissioned by Japanese Government and held by the Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo. (project in progress)
KUBAT Ayse Sema, Ozlem Ozer (2005-2007 ) “The effects and asessments of Golden Horn’s Cultural Valley projects on the Galata District of Istanbul”, A research study supported by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
(Halic Kültür Vadisi Projesi kapsaminda getirilen onerilerin Galata Bolgesi üzerindeki olasi etkilerinin belirlenmesi ve degerlendirilmesi)
KUBAT Ayse Sema (2005) “A new Planning Approach for the Regeneration of a Historical Area from Istanbul’s CBD” A research study supported by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, EYUPOGLU, ERTEKIN, (2003-2004) Urban Transformation and revitalisation Galata district and a proposal for Hendek street A joint research project between the Greater Municipality of Istanbul- Department of Urban Transformation, Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Space Syntax Laboratory of University College London, Space Syntax Ltd as an consultant.
SATO, OKABE, ASAMI, KUBAT, EGAWA, OIKAWA, MAGARIBUCHI, TERASAKA,, ARAI, IWASAKI, TOYOSHIMA, (1997 – 2002) (Currently in progress), Islamic Area Studies- Geoghraphic Information Systems for Islamic Area Studies (Research Unit 4) An International Research Project commissioned by Japanese Government and held by the Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo.
KUBAT, A., SEMA, YASUSHI ASAMI, (1999-2001), “Islam Yerlesmelerinin Morfolojik Analizleri” – “Morphological Analyses of Islamic Settlements” A research study supported by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1995) Sehirsel Tasarimda Zaman, Kültür ve Mekan Arayislari : Istanbul Tarihi Yarimadasinin Morfogenetik Yapisi üzerine bir Arastirma, (History, Culture and Space in Urban Design: the Morphogenetic structure of Istanbul’s Historical Peninsula), A research study supported and published by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (coordinator), DOKMECI, VEDIA, (1994) Anadolu Kale Sehirlerinin Morfolojik Analizleri : Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Diyarbakir, Erzurum, Iznik, Nigde, Trabzon, Urfa Kale Sehirlerinden Ornekleme, (Morphological Analyses of Anatolian Fortified Towns : the case of Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Diyarbakir, Erzurum, Iznik, Nigde, Trabzon, Urfa towns), A research study supported and published by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT , A. SEMA (1990) Istanbul Sehir Yapisinin Makro Olcekte Incelenmesine Yarayan bir Model Calismasi (Investigation of the urban Structure of Istanbul in Macro-scale). A research study supported and published by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A. SEMA (1990) Istanbul Merkezi Is Alani Sinirlarinin Saptanmasi : Beyoglu Bolgesinden Ornekleme, (The Delimitation of Istanbul CBD : The case of Beyoglu), A research study supported and published by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, Cetiner (coordinator), Unal, Atalik, KESKIN, SUHER, GIRITLIOGLU, BOLEN,DOKMECI, YILDIZCI, CIRACI, AYSAN, BERKOZ, DULGER, OCAKCI, ERGUN (1989), ITU, Yangin Güvenligi ve Yangindan Korunma Arastirma Projesi Raporu, (Protection of the Municipal Districts of Istanbul from Fire Disaster and Investigation of the Fire Security), A Research Study supported and published by the municipality of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT ,A. S., SUHER , H., (coordinator) DOKMECI , V., CIRACI , H., YILMAZ , U., (1983) Izmit Korfezinde Kirlenmenin Onlenmesi amacina yonelik olmak üzere Mevcut Cevresel Arazi Kullaniminin Tespiti ve Gelecek Arazi Kullanimi Ilkelerinin Saptanmasi, Asama 2 : Mevcut Cevresel Arazi Kullaniminin Siniflamasi - Belge A, (Determination of the Principles of present and future environmental land-uses to prevent contamination at izmit bay. Phase A: Determination of the existing land-uses), A Research Study supported and published by the Turkish Government, ITU, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A. S., SUHER, H., (coordinator) DOKMECI, V., CIRACI , H., YILMAZ , U., (1983) Izmit Korfezinde Kirlenmenin Onlenmesi amacina yonelik olmak üzere Mevcut Cevresel Arazi Kullaniminin Tespiti ve Gelecek Arazi Kullanimi Ilkelerinin Saptanmasi, Asama 1 : Mevcut Cevresel Arazi Kullanimlarinin Tespiti, (Determination of the Principles of present and future environmental land-uses to prevent contamination at Izmit bay. Phase B: Classification of the existing Land-uses), A Research Study supported and published by The Turkish Government, ITU, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, SUHER, CIRACI, YILMAZ, (1982), Karadeniz Ereglisi, Sahil Kasabasindan Orgütlenmis Yeni Kente Dogru, (Karadeniz Ereglisi; from a Small Town to the Organized New City), a report prepared by the students from the City and Regional Planning Department of the Architectural Faculty of ITU, Istanbul, Turkey.
3.1. GRADUATE PROGRAMME (in Urban Design and Landscape Architecture)
URBAN DESIGN PROJECT (2003- ), 3 hours a week.
LANDSCAPE DESIGN PROJECT (2003- ), 3 hours a week.
3.1.2. COURSES
URBAN MORPHOLOGY (2003- ), 3 hours a week.
URBAN DESIGN (2005- ), 3 hours a week
SOCIAL LOGIC OF SPACE (2003- ), 3 hours a week.
3.2. GRADUATE PROGRAMME (in City and Regional Planning Department)
URBAN DESIGN PROJECT (1992-1999), 3 hours a week.
URBAN PLANNING PROJECT (1992-1999), 3 hours a week.
3.2.2. COURSES (selective)
DESIGNINg CITY CENTERs (1991-1996), 2 hours a week
CHARACTERISTICS OF CBD IN ISTANBUL (1991-1996), 2 hours a week
POST-MODERNIZM IN URBAN DESIGN (1993-1999), 2 hours a week
3.3.1. department of cIty & regIonal plannIng
CITY IN HISTORY (1990-2007), 3 hours a week, Turkish&English
URBAN MORPHOLOGY (1999-2004), 3 hours a week, English, selective
PLANNING & DESIGN IN CBD (1988-1996), 2 hours a week, Turkish, selective
SPATIAL ORGANIZATION OF URBAN SOCIETY (1990-97), 2 hours a week (Eng)
StudIo 1 (1987-1989), 4 hours a week, a group of 12 students
Equipment and materials used in design drafting. Elements of design: Dot, line and plane. Lettering design. Communication of design ideas: plan, section, elevation and scale. Communication of urban planning idea. Types of development plans and maps used in urban planning: master plan, local plan, site information map, preliminary design map, final site development plan. Presentation techniques used in urban design: presentation of buildings, trees, shrubs, ground cover, junctions and roads.
StudIo 2 (1985-1994), 4 hours a week, a group of 20 students
The aim of the studio is to get environmental information about an urban area. Surveys and local observations are made in the sample area. The phases of the study are analysing, evaluating, making synthesis.
StudIo 3 (1985-1998), 4 hours a week, a group of 20 students
The aim of Studio 3 is to teach students to see their environment with it’s elements. To serve this aim, detailed survey analyses are made in order to design a public space in the selected case area.
STUDIO 6 (1990-2003), 6 hours a week, a group of 15 students
Studio work on urban conservation and renewal of decayed urban areas, descriptive analysis on existing structure, past and present policies and decisions, aims, alternative strategy, proposals.
The urban planning project aims to determine the capacity of each student for thir duties and responsibilities.
URBAN PLANNING (1990- ), 4 hours a week, in Turkish
DESIGN OF URBAN SPACE (1990-1999), 2 hours a week, in English
URBAN PLANNING STUDIO 1 (1985-1999), 4 hours a week, 10-15 students
Public Housing studio study of a residential development for 5000-7000 inhabitants. Fundamental concepts for settlements and site planning process, goals, spatial analysis, location of activities, decisions about pedestrian and traffic transportation systems, topographic and climatic problems related to the site.
URBAN PLANNING STUDIO 2 (1985-1997), 2 hours a week, 10-15 students
It is required to make observations and investigations in a selected area according to phases of method of surveying: analysis, evolution, synthesis and design of the existing situation.
URBAN PLANNING & DESIGN (STUDIO 4) (2005- ), 8 hour/week, 25 students
DIPLOMA PROJECT (2005- ), 8 hour/week, 25 students
KUBAT , A.SEMA. (1989) Improvement and development plans for the city of Kayseri & conservation plans for the historical district of Kayseri, worked as a consultant in the preparation of 1/1000 scaled plans. The project was tendered by the municipality of Kayseri. (Kayseri Sehir Merkezi Sit Alani Koruma Projesi)
KUBAT , A., SEMA. (1988) Development Plans for Beykoz, Obscurred and Interrupted Views Area for Beykoz which is a district in the northern region of Bosphorus, worked as a consultant in the preperation of 1/1000 scaled development plans. The project was tendered by the municipality of Istanbul. (Beykoz geri gorünüm bolgesi imar planlari)
KUBAT, A., SEMA., TOPALOGLU, M., BERKSAN, B., (1985) 1/5000 scaled Development Plans for Afyon. The project was tendered by the municipality of Afyon.
(Afyon, 1/5000 Imar Planlari)
KUBAT, A., SEMA., TOPALOGLU, M., BERKSAN, B., (1977-79) 1/1000 - 1/5000 scaled development plans for the town Antakya of Hatay. The project was tendered by the municipality of Hatay. (Antakya - Hatay Imar Plani)
“Islamic Area Studies with GIS-New Horizons in Islamic Studies: edited by Okabe Atsuyuki”, is awarded by “World Prize for the Book of the Year” of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2006.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ASAMI Yasushi, ISTEK Cihangir (2004) “Application of GIS to network analysis: characterization of traditional Turkish urban street networks”, Islamic Area Studies with Geographical Information Systems - New Horizons in Islamic Studies: edited by Okabe Atsuyuki, 187-207, printed by Routledge Curzon, NY & London. (“Islamic Area Studies with GIS”, is awarded by “World Prize for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran” in 2006).
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ASAMI Yasushi, KITAGAWA Kensuke, IIDA Shinichi, (2004) “A three dimensional analysis of the street network in Istanbul: an extension of Space Syntax using GIS”, Islamic Area Studies with Geographical Information Systems - New Horizons in Islamic Studies: edited by Okabe Atsuyuki, 207 - 221, printed by RoutledgeCurzon, NY & London
(“Islamic Area Studies with GIS”, is awarded by “World Prize for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran” in 2006).
KUBAT, A.SEMA.,(coordinator), CIRIKCI, O., BEYGO, C., (assistance) (1996), HABITAT II International Competition “Convival Spaces - an improvement in Existing Spaces” awarded by a Mention on Professional Category, organized by the International Union of Architects (UIA), Paris, France.
KUBAT, A .SEMA., CIRACI, HALE., AYDINLI, SEMRA, (1988) National Urban Design Competition for Istanbul’s Beyazit Public Square, 2nd award among 55 contenders, a competition which was organized by the Municipality of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
6.1 Conferences (in English)
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1999), “Morphological Analyses of Anatolian Fortified Towns”,
and “The Morphological History of Istanbul: Adapting Space Syntax on the Old Core of Istanbul” Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Architecture, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (A lecture and a conference for PhD students and academic personnel).
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1998), “Morphological Analyses of Anatolian Fortified Towns”, University of Tokyo, Department of Urban Engineering, Tokyo, Japan.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1998) “The Morphological History of Istanbul” & “Planning the Macro-Form of Istanbul”, University of Kyoto, Kyodai-Kaikan Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1998) “Urban Landscape of Istanbul” & “Morphological History of Istanbul : Adapting Space Syntax on the Old Core of Istanbul”, “Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Culturelles”, Tokyo, Japan.
6.2 Conferences in cultural activity programmes (in Turkish)
KUBAT, A. S., GULER G., (2006) “The changing Image of Bahrain: The Latest Examples from Urban Transformation & Development Projects” (Bahreyn’in Degisen Imaji: Son donemlerde yapilan Kentsel Donüsüm Projelerinden Ornekler), Department of Landscape Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY
KUBAT, A. S., BASER Bahar (2004) “The effects of culture and history on the cityscape” (Kültür ve tarihin günümüz kent peysajina yansimalari), The Seminar Programme of the Landscape Architecture Department, Taskisla, Taksim, Istanbul.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (2003) “Current Studies on Urban Development”, TV programme on Cine 5, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A., SEMA, SUHER H., KARABAY, H., (1995) TV programme on “Public Spaces of Istanbul”, Stüdyo Istanbul Programme, TRT 2, Istanbul.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1994) “Post-Modern Trends in Urban Planning”, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Department of City & Regional Planning, Taskisla, ITU, Istanbul.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1992) “The Effects of the Industrialization & Urbanization process on the development of CBD and Delimiting the CBD”, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla, ITU, Istanbul.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1988) “The Effects of the Industrialization & Urbanization process on the development of CBD in Turkey: The case of Southern Anatolia”, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Department of City & Regional Planning, Taskisla, ITU, Istanbul
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1988) “Impressions from the Far-East: Hong & Bangkok”, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla, ITU, Istanbul.
6.3 Workshops
KUBAT Ayse Sema, EYUBOGLU Engin, ERTEKIN Ozhan, ENGINDENIZ Emrah, KAYA Serdar, OZER Ozlem, (2005) International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Regeneration, (take also part in the organization of the workshop) Istanbul Technical University & University of Tokyo supported by TUBITAK, 1 – 7 March 2005, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla Building, Istanbul, Turkey
KUBAT, A., SEMA (2001), “Edinburgh Urban Design Charrette”, Redevelopment Plans for Edinburgh’s waterfront at Granton forge ahead, Workshop organized under the 32nd annual meeting of Environmental Design Research Association Conference (edra), 2 July, 2001, Edinburgh, Scotland.
KUBAT, A., SEMA (1999) “Space Syntax Workshop” Bartlett College of Graduate Studies, University College London, London, UK
KUBAT Ayse Sema (chair), BASER Bahar ve OZER Ozlem (secretaries), EYUBOGLU Engin, ERTEKIN Ozhan, INCE GUNEY Yasemin, GULER Gülsen, ERDEM Meltem, KAYA Serdar, (June 11-16, 2007), 6th International Space Syntax Symposium – SSS6, Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla Building, Istanbul (fortcoming)
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ASAMI Yasushi (Chairs), GULER Gulsen and OTA Hiroshi (secretaries), BATUR Afife, ORHON Derin, URAL Derin, ERTEKIN Ozhan, EYUBOGLU Engin, (11-17 Eylul 2006) Ordinary / Emergency – UTITU Workshop on Galata 2006, International workshop supported by Istanbul Technical University and Tokyo University, Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla Building, Istanbul., TURKEY
KUBAT Ayse Sema (Chair), EYUBOGLU Engin, ERTEKIN Ozhan, ENGINDENIZ Emrah, KAYA Serdar, OZER Ozlem, (1 – 7 March 2005) International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Regeneration, Istanbul Technical University & University of Tokyo supported by TUBITAK, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla Building, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kubat, a., s., Gezici f., karabay h., beygo c., (1998) The Celebration of 225TH year of Istanbul Technical University, ITU, Taskisla Building, istanbul, Turkey
Kubat, A.,S., Unügür, AydInlI, Erkut, Gülersoy, HacIhasanoglu, Inceoglu, Ozsoy, Tezer, Turgut, Tütkoglu, Uraz, Unlü, YIrmIbesoglu, (1997) an International symposium in CULTURE & SPACE in the Home Environment, critical evaluations and new paradigms, Istanbul Technical University in collabration with IAPS., Taskisla, Istanbul, Türkiye.
KUBAT, A., S., Saglamer, G. (chair), Bolen, F., KOLAY, I., Ozsoy A., Turgut, H., Dülgeroglu, Y., (1996), HABITAT II - Istanbul Workshops, Taskisla, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A. SEMA, (coord. of social committee) ATALIK, G., (chair), BOLEN F., GIRITLIOGLU C., ZEREN, N., CIRACI H., ERKUT, G., BERKOZ, L., YIRMIBESOGLU, F., GENLI, R., GEZICI, F., (1990), 30th RSA (Regional Science Assoc.) European Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT, A. SEMA, ATALIK, G., (chair), BOLEN F., GIRITLIOGLU C., ZEREN, N., CIRACI H., ERKUT, G., BERKOZ, L.,(1989) 2nd National Congress on Regional Planning, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla, Istanbul, Turkey.
8. Appointments abroad
September 1999, Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Architecture, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Appointed by Istanbul Technical University.
September 1997, Appointed by ITU in Italy, to analyse urban conservation studies in the historical regions of Bologna and Verona.
July 1997, University of Birmingham/University College London, supported by British Council.
August - September 1994, University of California - Berkeley and University of San Luis Obispo, USA. Appointed by Istanbul Technical University.
August - September 1992, Univ. of Miami, USA. Appointed by Istanbul Technical University
August - September 1991, Appointed by ITU in Europe to prepare documents for the course “Evolution of Cities” which was given in Department of City & Regional Planning.
September - October 1990, University of Liverpool and in Herthford College of Oxford in 1990, supported by British Council.
BURCU KAYA (2007) “Analysing the Crime & Space Patternin Urban Landscape: Macka Park fromIistanbul’s CBD as a sample” (Kentsel Peyzaj Alanlarinda Mekan-suc Iliskisinin Irdelenmesi: Macka Parki Ornegi) Department of Landscape Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY
GULSEN GULER (2006) (January, 2007) “Measuring The Effects Of The The Third Bridge to Istanbul Open Space System by Using GIS and Space Syntax Methods (Bogaz Koprülerinin Istanbul Acik Alan Sistemi Uzerine Yaptigi Etkilerin Space Syntax Yontemi ile Irdelenmesi)” Department of Landscape Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY
OZLEM OZER (2006), Relation between Pedestrian Movement and Space: Istanbul Galata Region (Yaya Hareketleri ve Mekan Iliskisi: Istanbul Galata Bolgesi Ornegi), Masters Thesis, Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey.
MELIKE ONEN (2006) Examination of river recreational potancial as an urban coastal space: the case of Istanbul Kurbagalidere & Eskisehir Porsuk creek (Kentsel Kiyi Mekani olarak akarsularin rekreasyonel kullanim potensiyellerinin irdelenmesi: Istanbul Kurbagalidere & Eskisehir Porsuk cayi ornegi) Landscape Architecture Programme, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey.
HAZEL ALKIM, (2006) “Urban Morphologic Analyses of Süleymaniye through Space Syntax”, Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey.
MUSTAFA DEMIRALP, (2006) “Cultural Context of Physical Environments : Comparison of the 19th century Turkish & European Quarters of Izmir”, Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey.
SEZEN CIN (2005) Urban morphology and Culture : Analysing comperatively the relations of urban pattern and local music of Urfa ve Trabzon, Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
SARI (2003) Form and Function Relations in an Urban space: Space Syntax Analyses in the waterfront of Izmir (Sehirsel mekanda bicim ve islev iliskileri: Izmir liman bolgesi kentsel tasarim yarismasi onerilerinin mekan sentaksi yontemi ile irdelenmesi)., Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
GULFEM ALTINOZ (2003) Analysing Spatially the Historical Pattern of Amasya (Amasya tarihi dokusunda mekansal analizler). Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
SEBNEM ONAL (2003) Sinematic Cities: Kapadokya as a case (Sinematik Sehirler: Kapadokya Ornegi)., Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
MEHMET TOPCU (2003) A study on Urban Morphology: Comparatively analysing : Konya and Antakya cities from Anatolia (Sehir morfolojisi üzerinde bir yontem denemesi: Konya – Antakya ornegi) Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
SULEYMAN KARALI (2001) Landscape design in urban space: the case of Istanbul’s Umraniye district, Urban Landscape programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
OKSUZ KEVSER (2000) Landscape design in the coastal lines: the case of Samatya & Bostanci districs of Istanbul, Urban Landscape programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
CIRIKCI OZLEM (1997) The role of Technoparks in the Development of Environmental Standarts in Urban Design: The Case of Izmir - Alacati, Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
ERTON MURAT (1995) Urban Identity: The Case of Iznik & Mudurnu, Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
YALKUT NESLI (1995) A Research in Urban Form: Syntactic Analyses for Galata & Arnavutkoy, Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
PELIN PINAR OZDEN (2002) Legal and Administrative Aspects of Urban Renewal and its Applications : Turkey as a case, (PHd thesis) Urban Design Programme, Department of City & Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
KUBAT Ayse Sema, ASAMI Yasushi “Islamic Area Studies with GIS-New Horizons in Islamic Studies: edited by Okabe Atsuyuki”, is awarded by “World Prize for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2006.
KUBAT, Ayse Sema, (1997) ”Morphological Characteristics of Anatolian Fortified Towns”; Environment & Planning B: Planning & Design, vol. 24, pages 95 - 123, published by Pion Limited, UK. Awarded by ITU
KUBAT, Ayse Sema, (1996) “Sustainability & Identity of Traditional Anatolian Citadels”, International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications, Florida International University, Florida, Vol 20, No 1, pages: 131-143, Miami, Florida, USA. Awarded by TUBITAK
July 1997, University of Birmingham and University College London,
supported by British Council.
September-October 1990, University of Liverpool and in Herthford College of Oxford,
supported by British Council.