Course name

Particle Physics


FIZ 446E









Assoc. Prof. Kerem Cankoçak

Course Description

This course is aimed to give an introduction to the particle physics. After a review of particle physics history, the particle dynamics using relativistic kinematics, symmetries in particle physics, calculation of life times, cross sections and the Feynman diagrams, Dirac Equation, Quantum Electrodynamics(QED), Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD), Weak Interactions and Standard Model will be examined.

Course Objectives

1-) To search the fundamental constituents of matter and the interactions between them

2-) Understanding of Elementary Particle Dynamics and Relativistic kinematics

3-) Learning of the concenpt of Symmetry and the relation between the symmetries and the physics laws

4-) Calculations of Life times and cross sections of the elementary particles

5-) Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics(QED), Weak Interactions and Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD) (Introduction to Standard Model)

Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions

  2. The principles of the relativistic kinematics,

  3. The principles of the symmetry and the applications to elementary particles

  4. The meaning and measurement of life time and cross section in particle physics,

  5. Dirac equation and spin dynamics

  6. The fundamental aspects of Quantum Electrodynamics(QED) in the elementary particles

  7. Electrodynamics of quarks and hadrons

  8. The basics of Standart Model

Course Prerequisites

Quantum Mechanics II

Weekly schedule

  1. Historical introduction to elementary particles

  2. Fundemental particles and their interactions

  3. Elementary Particle Dynamics

  4. Relativistic kinematics

  5. Symmetries and the use of symmetries in particle physics

  6. Life-times, cross sections and Feynman rules

  7. Dirac equation and spin

  8. Particle dynamics for particles with spin

  9. Quantum Electrodynamics(QED)

  10. Feynman Diagrams

  11. Electrodynamics of quarks and hadrons

  12. Weak interactions

  13. Introduction to Standard Model

  14. Beyond Standard Model

Course literature

Introduction to Elementary Particles, D. Griffiths, Wiley, N.Y.,1987.

Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics, A. Bettini, Cambridge Un. (2008)
Introduction to High energy Physics,4.ed.,D.H. Perkins, Addison Wesley,2000.



