Design of Site Level Integrated Plannning Sub-system for Construction Companies


Alaattin Kanoglu, Ph.D.

I.T.U. Faculty of Architecture

Division of Construction Management


An information system developed for the construction companies in building sector includes several subsystems. Integrated Planning Sub-system is one of the components of the computer-based information system which fulfills project planning & pro-gramming function by handling time, resources and money together. Although it has an important place within the system it is possible to observe that especially the contractor companies in Turkey has some obstacles in utilizing this subsystem. 

As a consequence of the surveys it is undersood that a remarkable number of these companies have been using the software packages produced for integrated planning function in their computerized information systems. However, these companies have a systematical approach neither for gathering the data needed in planning process nor for producing the reports which are requested by different departments of company nor for the planning process in integrated planning function. 

This research project aims to analyse and synthesis a model for inte-grated planning sub-system of the computer-based information system for contractor companies in site level in both practical and conceptual dimensions. For reaching the tar-gets of project it is necessary to develop required data, report and process systematics, structures of databases and codes. 

Chapter One handles the background and definition of the problem, the scope and boundaries of the research. 

In Chapter Two Information Systems and Information Technology concepts in general and in construction management area take pleace. 

In Chapter Three Integrated Planning Subsystem in a site level information system for a construction (contracting) company is analysed in detail. 
And finally in Cahapter Four, The Model developed within this research project for the solution of problem takes pleace. The chapter includes the conceptual and practical dimensions of the model developed. 

Within the conceptual dimension, input (data), process (process) and output (reports) sistematics of Integrated Planning Subsystem is developed. In practical dimension, the method of integrating the planning software with the whole information system is put forward and then the components of an information system developed in Access for Windows ’95 is integrated with Microsoft Project for Windows 4.0, one of the integrated planning software.