All students who take BIL102 / F Language course are strongly advised to attend the class.
Each group will do their homework assignments and other computer works in their own department. Instructors and graders will assist them during the office / lab hours.
This is an INTRANET assisted course. All required documents, announcements, assignments etc. will be found on the course web site.
Homework assignments will be taken out and returned back using the facility found in the Homeworks page before the appropriate deadlines.
BIL 101 course
A working knowledge of Windows,
Browsers, electronic mailing
Each student should find his/her grader from the grader list.
Then use his/her e-mail or phone to get contact for further assistance.
The required compiler to be used during the course is F_World and you may copy and install it into your computer.
Programming in F
Addison-Wesley,England, 1998
ISBN 0-201-17991-1
Copies can be found at the Copy Center at the entrance of the Science and Literature Faculty building.
Additional readings may be found in the Mustafa Inan Central library.
* Homework assignments
10 homeworks (8 best will be regarded) 8*2.5=20%
Every week (except the first one)
Pick it up and return back from the web page
Due the week after (up to 2 weeks to complete) before the deadline indicated
* Quizzes
5 quizzes (4 bests will be regarded)
Quizzes are surprises (randomly distributed on time)
On paper (for the moment)
* Final exam (on paper or on PC)
Total = 100%